Online Books by
Henry Yule
(Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889)
Online books about this author are available, as is a Wikipedia article.
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889, ed.: The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East (second edition, 2 volumes; London: J. Murray, 1875), by Marco Polo (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889, ed.: Cathay and the Way Thither (page images at Toyo Bunko Archive)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Hobson-Jobson: The Anglo-Indian Dictionary, also by Arthur Coke Burnell (frame- and JavaScript-dependent HTML at Bibliomania)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: A Narrative of the Mission Sent by the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava in 1855, With Notices of the Country, Government, and People (London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1858) (page images with commentary at
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889, ed.: The Travels of Marco Polo: The Complete Yule-Cordier Edition (2 volumes), by Marco Polo, also ed. by Henri Cordier
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The book of Ser Marco Polo. (AMS Press, 1986), also by Marco Polo, Henri Cordier, and Amy Frances Yule (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East. (Scribner, 1929), also by Marco Polo, Amy Frances Yule, and Henri Cordier (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East. (J. Murray, 1871), also by Marco Polo (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian : concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East (Scribner, 1903), also by Marco Polo and Henri Cordier (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East (J. Murray, 1929), also by Marco Polo, Amy Frances Yule, and Henri Cordier (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian : concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the east (J. Murray, 1921), also by Marco Polo and Henri Cordier (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East. (John Murray, 1875), also by Marco Polo (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East (Scribners, 1926), also by Marco Polo, Amy Frances Yule, and Henri Cordier (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The book of Sir Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East. Newly tr. and ed., with notes, maps, and other illustrations. (J. Murray, 1875), also by Marco Polo (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Cathay and the way thither : being a collection of medieval notices of China (Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1866), also by Bernhard A. Uhlendorf, Bento de Góis, Ibn Batuta, Joannes de Marignolis, Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, 1247?-1318 Rashīd al-Dīn Ṭabīb, and da Pordenone Odorico (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Cathay and the way thither : being a collection of medieval notices of China, (Printed for the Hakluyt society, 1913), also by Bento de Góis, Ibn Batuta, Joannes de Marignolis, Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, 1247?-1318 Rashīd al-Dīn Ṭabīb, da Pordenone Odorico, and Henri Cordier (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Cathay and the way thither : being a collection of medieval notices of China (Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1866), also by Bento de Góis, Ibn Batuta, Joannes de Marignolis, Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, 1247?-1318 Rashīd al-Dīn Ṭabīb, and da Pordenone Odorico (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The diary of William Hedges, esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges), during his agency in Bengal : as well as on his voyage out and return overland (1681-1697) (Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1887), also by William Hedges and R. Barlow (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The diary of William Hedges, Esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges) during his agency in Bengal as well as on his voyage out and return overland (1681-1687). (B. Franklin, 1964), also by William Hedges and R. Barlow (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The diary of William Hedges, esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges), during his agency in Bengal : as well as on his voyage out and return overland (1681-1687) (Printed for the Hakluyt society, 1887), also by William Hedges and R. Barlow (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Glossary of Anglo-Indian colloquial words and phrases, and of kindred terms (J. Murray, 1886), also by A. C. Burnell (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The history of India as told by its own historians. The local Muhammadan dynasties. Gujarát. (W.H. Allen and Co., publishers to the India Office, 1886), also by called Manjhū Akbar Sikandar ibn Muḥammad, 1700?- ʻAlī Muḥammad Khān, Edward Clive Bayley, and John Dowson (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Hobson-Jobson; a glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive (J. Murray, 1903), also by William Crooke and A. C. Burnell (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Hobson-Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive, also by A. C. Burnell, ed. by William Crooke (Gutenberg ebook)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Hobson-Jobson; being a glossary of Anglo-Indian colloquial words and phrases, and of kindred terms; etymological, historical, geographical, and discursive. (J. Murray, 1886), also by A. C. Burnell (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Local Muhammadan dynasties. Gujarat. (W.H. Allen and co., publishers to the India office, 1886), also by called Manjhū Akbar Sikandar ibn Muḥammad, 1700?- ʻAlī Muḥammad Khān, Edward Clive Bayley, and John Dowson (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Memoir of Captain W. Gill, R.E. ; and, Introductory essay, as prefixed to the new edition of the 'River of golden sand' (J. Murray, 1884) (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Mirabilia descripta. The wonders of the East (Printed for the Hakluyt society, 1863), also by Catalini Jordanus (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889, contrib.: Mirabilia descripta: The wonders of the East, by Catalani Jordanus (Gutenberg ebook)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Mirabilia descripta : the wonders of the East (circa 1330). (B. Franklin,), also by Catalani Jordanus (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet, being a narrative of three years' travel in eastern high Asia. (S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1876), also by Nikolaĭ Mikhaĭlovich Przhevalʹskiĭ and E. Delmar Morgan (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet : being a narrative of three years' travel in eastern high Asia (S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1968), also by Nikolaĭ Mikhaĭlovich Przhevalʹskiĭ and E. Delmar Morgan (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: A narrative of the mission sent by the governor-general of India to the court of Ava in 1855, with notices of the country, government, and people. (Smith, Elder and co., 1858) (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The river of golden sand: being the narrative of a journey through China and eastern Tibet to Burmah (J. Murray, 1883), also by William John Gill and Edward Colborne Baber (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: The river of golden sand. The narrative of a journey through China and eastern Tibet to Burmah ... (J. Murray, 1880), also by William John Gill (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Ser Marco Polo; notes and addenda to Sir Henry Yule's edition (Murray, 1920), also by Henri Cordier and Marco Polo (page images at HathiTrust)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Ser Marco Polo; notes and addenda to Sir Henry Yule's edition, containing the results of recent research and discovery (John Murray, 1920), also by Henri Cordier and Marco Polo (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Yule, Henry, Sir, 1820-1889: Zhang yi Makeboluo you ji (Yanjing da xue tu shu guan, 1929), also by Marco Polo, Xinglang Zhang, Henri Cordier, and Amy Frances Yule (page images at HathiTrust)
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