Online Books by
R. Wade Allen
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Allen, R. Wade: Age effects on symbol sign recognition. Final report. (1980), also by Zareh Parseghian and P. G. Van Valkenburgh (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Alcohol impairment of performance on steering and discrete tasks in a driving simulator. Part I: effects of task loading. Part II: moderate vs. heavy drinkers. Final report. (1974), also by Henry R. Jex, Richard J. DiMarco, and Duane T. McRuer (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Analysis of man-in-the-loop performance measurement technology for crash avoidance research. Final report. (1984), also by David H. Weir (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Analytical modeling of driver response in crash avoidance maneuvering. Volume I: technical background. Final report. (1988), also by Theodore J. Rosenthal and H. T. Szostak (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Analytical modeling of driver response in crash avoidance maneuvering. Volume II: an interactive tire model for driver/vehicle simulation. Final report. (1988), also by H. T. Szostak and Theodore J. Rosenthal (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Analytical modeling of driver response in crash avoidance maneuvering. Volume III: a trim model and computer program for determining ground vehicle steady state operating conditions and quasilinear stability coefficients. Final report. (1988), also by Theodore J. Rosenthal and H. T. Szostak (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Analytical modeling of driver response in crash avoidance maneuvering. Volume IV: user's guide for linear analysis, nonlinear simulation, part task simulation. Final report. (1988), also by Theodore J. Rosenthal and H. T. Szostak (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Applying vehicle dynamics analysis and visualization to roadway and roadside studies. (Systems Technology, Inc. ;, 1998), also by Theodore J. Rosenthal and Jeffrey P. Chrstos (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: The development and evaluation of a prototype grade severity rating system. Final report. (1982), also by Walter A. Johnson and Richard J. DiMarco (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Development of a Driver Vehicle Module (DVM) for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) (Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Technology Services, 2007), also by Chris Schreiner, Tom Robbins, Barry H. Kantowitz, Jeffrey P. Chrstos, J. Gavin Howe, David Gilmore, Jessica M. Hutton, Douglas W. Harwood, Ingrid Potts, Alvah C. Bittner, Kelli Kludt, John L. Campbell, William H. Levison, Battelle Center for Human Performance and Safety, and United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research and Technology Services (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Development of performance specifications for collision avoidance systems for lane change, merging and backing. Task 1: crash problem analysis. Interim report. (1994), also by C. D. Eberhard, K. M. Luebkemann, P. J. Moffa, S. K. Young, H. J. Keating, and K. R. Mason (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Development of performance specifications for collision avoidance systems for lane change, merging and backing. Task 4: development of preliminary performance specifications. Interim report. (1995), also by C. D. Eberhard, P. J. Moffa, and S. K. Young (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Driver performance measurement and analysis system (DPMAS), task I: requirements and plans for prototype equipment. Final report. (1974), also by Duane T. McRuer, R. A. Peters, R. F. Ringland, A. A. Blauvelt, and David H. Weir (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Driver Performance Measurement and Analysis System (DPMAS). Volume I. Description and operations manual. Final report. (1976), also by Richard H. Klein and R. A. Peters (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Driver's visibility requirements for roadway delineation. (Federal Highway Administration, Offices of Research & Development, 1977), also by Salena K. Kerr, John O. Merritt, United States. Federal Highway Administration. Offices of Research and Development, Incorporated Human Factors Research, and inc Systems Technology (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Driver's visibility requirements for roadway delineation. Volume I: effects of contrast and configuration on driver performance and behavior. Final report. (1977), also by J. F. O'Hanlon and Duane T. McRuer (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Drunk Driving Warning System (DDWS). Volume I: system concept and description. Final report. (1983), also by A. C. Stein, Leland G. Summers, and M. L. Cook (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Drunk Driving Warning System (DDWS). Volume II: field test evaluation. Final report. (1983), also by A. C. Stein, M. L. Cook, and Leland G. Summers (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: The effects of alcohol on the driver's decision-making behavior. Volume I: executive summary and technical report. Final report. (1978), also by Shalom H. Schwartz, J. R. Hogge, and A. C. Stein (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: The effects of alcohol on the driver's decision-making behavior. Volume II: appendices. Final report. (1978), also by Shalom H. Schwartz, J. R. Hogge, and A. C. Stein (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS) requirement study. (1991), also by Jeffrey R. Hogue, K. J. Owens, A. C. Stein, and D. G. Mitchell (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Relationship between truck ride quality and safety of operations: methodology development. Final report. (1980), also by Richard H. Klein and J. C. Miller (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: A simulator study of the combined effects of alcohol and marihuana on driving behavior. Phase I. Final report. (1983), also by A. C. Stein, M. L. Cook, and R. L. Karl (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: A simulator study of the combined effects of alcohol and marihuana on driving behavior. Phase II. Final report. (1983), also by A. C. Stein, M. L. Cook, and R. L. Karl (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Speed control on high speed roads. Final report. (1981), also by R. B. Lee and N. Bellizzi (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Toxic gases in heavy duty diesel truck cabs. Final report. (1977), also by R. Ziskind, T. Carlin, M. Axelrod, and Shalom H. Schwartz (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: User's guide and program description for a tripped roll over vehicle simulation. Final report. (1987), also by Theodore J. Rosenthal and H. T. Szostak (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Vehicle dynamic stability and rollover (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ;, 1992), also by Inc Systems Technology and United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Vehicle dynamic stability and rollover. Final report. (1992), also by H. T. Szostak, David H. Klyde, Theodore J. Rosenthal, and K. J. Owens (page images at HathiTrust)
Allen, R. Wade: Visual-motor response of crewman during a simulated 90-day space mission as measured by the critical task battery (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1973), also by Henry R. Jex (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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