Online Books by
American School of Correspondence (Chicago)
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American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Administrative and industrial organization (Chicago, 1909), also by James Bray Griffith (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Building code; a compilation of building regulations covering every phase of municipal building activity with special emphasis on fire preventive features (American school of correspondence, 1913), also by F. W. 1883- Fitzpatrick (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Commercial arithmetic, instruction paper (American school of correspondence, 1909), also by Darwin S. Hatch and Charles Wilbur Leigh (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Cotton spinning; a complete working guide to modern practice in the manufacture of cotton yarn, including the natural characteristics of the different varieties of cotton, grading and mechanical treatment of fiber, and construction, operation, and care of spinning machinery (American School of Correspondence, 1909), also by Charles C. Hedrick (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Cyclopedia of practical accounting : a general reference work on accounting, bookkeeping, banking, office records, cost keeping, systematizing, etc., prepared by accountants and specialists in business methods and management ... (American Technical Society, 1917) (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Descriptive astronomy; an elementary exposition of the facts, principles, and theories of astronomical science (American school of correspondence, 1912), also by Forest Ray Moulton (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Electric wiring and lighting ... Part I--Electric wiring (American School of Correspondence, 1913), also by George Carl Shaad and Charles Edwin Knox (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Gas-producers : instruction paper (Chicago, 1916), also by H. S. McDewell and Lionel S. Marks (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): The gasoline automobile, a practical discussion of the development and present status of the automobile (American school of correspondence, 1912), also by Victor Lougheed and Morris Albert Hall (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Heating and ventilation; a working manual of approved practice in the heating and ventilation of dwellinghouses and other buildings, with complete practical instruction in the mechanical details, operation, and care of modern heating and ventilating plants (American School of Correspondence, 1909), also by Charles L. Hubbard (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Masonry construction; a guide to approved American practice in the selection of building stone, brick, cement, and other masonry materials, and in all branches of the art of masonry construction. (American school of correspondence, 1908), also by Austin T. Byrne and Alfred Edward Phillipps (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Plane surveying. Part I (American School of Correspondence at Armour Institute of Technology, 1905), also by Alfred Edward Phillips (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Power stations and power transmission; a manual of approved American practice in the construction, equipment, and management of electrical generating stations, substations, and transmission lines, for power, lighting, traction, electro-chemical, and domestic uses; part I.--Power stations, part II.--Power transmission. (American School of Correspondence, 1908), also by George Carl Shaad (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Reinforced concrete; a treatise on cement, concrete, and concrete steel, and their applications to modern structural work (American school of correspondence, 1908), also by Walter Loring Webb and W. Herbert Gibson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Stair-building and the steel square : a manual of practical instruction in the art of stair-building and hand-railing and the manifold uses of the steel square. Part I., Stair-building (Chicago, 1917), also by Morris William and Fred. T. Hodgson (page images at HathiTrust)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Steam boilers ... (The School, 1909), also by Carl S. Dow and William S. Newell (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
American School of Correspondence (Chicago): Tool making ; a manual of practical instruction in the art of making tools, with many hints on the solution of problems calling for ingenuity and mechanical skill in the devising of special means to special ends. (American school of correspondence, 1908) (page images at HathiTrust)
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