Online Books by
Elias Ashmole
(Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The antiquities of Berkshire. (Printed for W. Mears [etc.], 1723) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Black book of the Garter (Printed by J. Barber, 1724), also by Order of the Garter, John Anstis, and Robert Aldrich (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Brief narrative of His Majestie's solemn coronation (Printed by Tho: Roycroft, and are to be had at the authors house in Kings-Head Court within Shoe-Lane, 1662), also by John Ogilby, Thomas Roycroft, and Edward Walker (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum bibliothecae Bodleianae... (e Typographeo academico, 1845), also by Bodleian Library, Willard Fiske, A. F. L. Beeston, Edward Ullendorff, Alessandro De Mortara, William Henry Black, Kenelm Digby, Theodor Aufrecht, Richard Rawlinson, William Dunn Macray, Thomas Tanner, Alfred Hackman, Matteo Luigi Canonici, Falconer Madan, William Laud, and H. O. Coxe (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Chymical collections (Printed by J. Flesher for Richard Mynne ..., 1650), also by Arthur Dee, Jean d' Espagnet, and Thomas Cross (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The diary and will of Elias Ashmole (Oxford, 1927), also by R. T. Gunther (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The entire ceremonies of the coronations of His Majesty King Charles II. and of her Majesty Queen Mary, Consort to James II: As published by those learned heralds Ashmole and Sandford. With the prayers at full length. To which is prefix'd, an introduction historical and critical; likewise an appendix, containing many curious particulars. (London : printed for W. Owen; L. Davis and C. Reymers; H. Chapelle; R. Davis; A. Chapelle; J. Walter; and C. Henderson, 1761), also by Francis Sandford (HTML at ECCO TCP)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Fasciculus chemicus or Chymical collections. Expressing the ingress, progress, and egress, of the secret hermetick science, out of the choisest and most famous authors. Collected and digested in such an order, that it may prove to the advantage, not onely of beginners, but proficients of this high art, by none hitherto disposed in this method. Whereunto is added, the Arcanum or grand secret of hermetick philosophy. Both made English by James Hasolle, Esquire, qui est Mercuriophilus Anglicus. (London : Printed by J. Flesher for Richard Mynne, at the sign of St. Paul in Little Britain, 1650), also by Arthur Dee (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The four visitations of Berkshire made and taken by Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux, anno 1532; by William Harvey, Clarenceux, anno 1566; by Henry Chitting, Chester herald, and John Philipott, Rouge dragon, for William Camden, Clarenceux, anno 1623; and by Elias Ashmole, Windsor herald, for Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux, anno 1665-66. ([Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke], 1907), also by W. Harry Rylands, Sir Edward Bysshe, William Camden, John Philipot, Henry Chitting, William Harvey, Thomas Benolt, and College of Arms (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The four visitations of Berkshire made and taken by Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux, anno 1532; by William Harvey, Clarenceux, anno 1566; by Henry Chitting, Chester herald, and John Philipott, Rouge dragon, for William Camden, Clarenceux, anno 1623; and by Elias Ashmole, Windsor herald, for Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux, anno 1665-66. ([Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, printers], 1907), also by W. Harry Rylands, Edward Bysshe, William Camden, John Philipot, Henry Chitting, William Harvey, Thomas Benolt, and College of Arms (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The History of the Most Noble Order of the Garter (Gutenberg ebook)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The history of the most noble Order of the Garter: Wherein is set forth an account of the town, castle, chappel, and college of Windsor; ... To which is prefix'd, a discourse of knighthood in general, ... Collected by Elias Ashmole, ... The whole illustrated with proper sculptures. (London : printed for A. Bell, W. Taylor, and J. Baker, and A. Collins, 1715) (HTML at ECCO TCP)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The institution, laws & ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter collected and digested into one body by Elias Ashmole ... (London : Printed by J. Macock, for Nathanael Brooke ..., 1672), also by Wenceslaus Hollar and William Sherwin (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The institution, laws & ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter : work furnished with variety of matter, relating to honor and noblesse (Printed by J. Macock, for Nathanael Brooke ..., 1672), also by Wenceslaus Hollar (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The lives of those eminent antiquaries Elias Ashmole, esquire, and Mr. William Lilly (Printed for T. Davies, 1774), also by Charles Burman, Thomas Davies, William Lilly, and Holland House (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The lives of those eminent antiquaries Elias Ashmole, esquire, and Mr. William Lilly, written by themselves; containing, first, William Lilly's history of his life and times, with notes, by Mr. Ashmole: Secondly, Lilly's life and death of Charles the First: and lastly, the life of Elias Ashmole, esquire, by way of diary. With several occasional letters, by Charles Burman, esquire. (T. Davies, 1774), also by Thomas Davies, Charles Burman, and William Lilly (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Musæum Tradescantianum: or, A collection of rarities.: Preserved at South-Lambeth neer London by John Tradescant. (London : Printed by John Grismond, and are to be sold by Nathanael Brooke at the Angel in Cornhill, M.DC.LVI. [1656]), also by John Tradescant, Wenceslaus Hollar, and Thomas Wharton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Museum Tradescantianum (Printed by John Grismond, and are to be sold by Nathanael Brooke ..., 1656), also by John Tradescant, Wenceslaus Hollar, and Thomas Wharton (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The ordinall of alchimy (The Williams & Wilkins company, 1929), also by Thomas Norton and Eric John Holmyard (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The ordinall of alchimy (Edward Arnold & Co., 1928), also by Thomas Norton and Eric John Holmyard (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Sol in ascendente, or, The glorious appearance of Charles the Second, upon the horizon of London, in her horoscopicall sign, Gemini (London : Printed for N. Brook ..., 1660) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Theatrum chemicum Britannicum· Containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers, who have written the hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language. / Faithfully collected into one volume, with annotations thereon, by Elias Ashmole, Esq. Qui est Mercuriophilus Anglicus. The first part. (London : Printed by J. Grismond for Nath: Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, MDCLII. [1652]), also by Robert Vaughan and Thomas Cross (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: Theatrvm chemicvm britannicvm (Printed by J. Grismond for Nath. Brooke ..., 1652), also by John Goddard, Robert Vaughan, and Thomas Cross (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The visitation of Berkshire, 1664-6. (W. Pollard, printer, 1882), also by Walter C. Metcalfe, Edward Bysshe, British Library, and College of Arms (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The way to bliss : in three books (Printed by John Grismond for Nath. Brook ..., 1658), also by John Everard (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: The way to bliss. In three books. Made publick, by Elias Ashmole Esq. (London : printed by John Grismond for Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Corn-hill, 1658) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: William Lilly's history of his life and times from the year 1602 to 1681. (Re-printed for C. Baldwin, 1822), also by William Lilly and Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692: William Lilly's history of his life and times : from the year 1602 to 1681 (Re-printed for Charles Baldwin, 1822), also by William Lilly and Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692, ed.: William Lilly's History of His Life and Times, from the Year 1602 to 1681, by William Lilly (Gutenberg ebook)
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