Online Books by
William J. Bell
(Bell, William J. (William James), Sir, 1859-1913)
Books from the extended shelves:
Bell, William J. (William James), Sir, 1859-1913: The sale of food & drugs acts, 1875-1899, and forms and notices issued thereunder, with notes and cases; together with an appendix containing the other acts relating to adulteration, chemical notes, etc., etc. (Butterworth & Co. (etc.), 1903), also by C. F. Lloyd and H. S. Screvener (page images at HathiTrust)
Bell, William J. (William James), Sir, 1859-1913: The sale of food & drugs acts, 1875-1899, and forms and notices issued thereunder, with notes and cases : together with an appendix containing the other acts relating to adulteration, chemical notes, etc., etc. (Shaw, 1900), also by Great Britain and H. S. Scrivener (page images at HathiTrust)
Bell, William J. (William James), Sir, 1859-1913: The sale of food & drugs acts, 1875-1907 : and forms, regulations, orders and notices issued thereunder, with notes and cases together with an appendix containing the other acts relating to adulteration, chemical notes, etc., etc. (Butterworth, 1914), also by C. F. Lloyd (page images at HathiTrust)
Bell, William J. (William James), Sir, 1859-1913: The sale of food and drugs acts, 1875 and 1879 : with notes and cases, also practical observations bearing upon legal and chemical questions which have arisen in the working of the acts (Shaw & Sons, 1886), also by Great Britain (page images at HathiTrust)
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