Online Books by
Confederate States of America Bureau of Indian Affairs
(Confederate States of America. Bureau of Indian Affairs)
Confederate States of America. Bureau of Indian Affairs: Estimate of Appropriations Required to Comply With Treaty Stipulations Entered Into Between the Confederate States and Certain Indian Tribes (with prefatory messages by Davis and Seddon; 1864), contrib. by Jefferson Davis and James A. Seddon
Confederate States of America. Bureau of Indian Affairs: Report, Confederate States of America, War Department, Office of Indian Affairs. Richmond, March 8th, 1862 (page images at HathiTrust)
Confederate States of America. Bureau of Indian Affairs: Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1863)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Confederate States of America. Bureau of Indian Affairs: Report of the Secretary of War. ([Richmond, 1863), also by Confederate States of America. War Dept, Sutton S. Scott, Robert Ould, James A. Seddon, and Confederate States of America. Bureau of Exchange (page images at HathiTrust)
Confederate States of America. Bureau of Indian Affairs: Report of the Secretary of War, Confederate States of America, War Department, Richmond, January 3, 1863. (The Dept., 1863), also by Confederate States of America. War Dept and James A. Seddon (page images at HathiTrust)
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