Online Books by
William Crashaw
(Crashaw, William, 1572-1626)
Books from the extended shelves:
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Ad Severinum Binnium Lovaniensem theologum. (Londini : [G. Purslowe] Impensis [authoris], M D C XXIIII [1624]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Decimarum & oblationum tabula, a tything table, or, Table of tithes and oblations according to the ecclesiastical laws and ordinances established in the Church of England, now newly reduced into a book : containing as well the very letter of the law under which these rights be severally comprised ... : as also a brief and summarie declaration of composition, transaction, ... : annexed hereunto summarily, such statute lawes of the land concerning these rights, as have been herein authorised ... / compiled by W.C. ... (London : Printed by J.T. for Andrew Crook ..., 1658), also by William Clark (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Decimarum et oblationum tabula = A tithing table. Or Table of tithes and oblations, according to the Kings ecclesiasticall lawes and ordinances established in the Church of England. Contayning as well the very letter of the law under which these rights be severally comprised, together with such questions of tything, and their resolutions by the lawes canon, ciuill, and approued doctors opinions of the same, as be ordinarily moued, and which doe often proue to controuersies heerin: as also a briefe and summarie declaration of composition, transaction, custome, prescription, priuilege; and how they preuaile in tything (Printed by Thomas Purfoot, 1633), also by William Clark (page images at HathiTrust)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Dialogue concerning this question, VVhere was your church before Luther and Caluin. ([London?] : Printed, M.DC.XXIII. [1623]), also by Henry Rogers (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: The embassador between heauen and earth, betweene God and man. Or A booke of heauenly and healthy meditations and prayers for earthly and sickly soules and sinners Fit to be borne in the hand, and worne in the heart of euery good Christian. By W.C. preacher of the word. (London : Printed by N. O[kes] for Lenard Becket and are to be sold at his shop in the Inner Temple, 1613) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Fiscus papalis. Siue, Catalogus indulgentiarum & reliquiarum septem principalium ecclesiarum vrbis Romæ. Ex vetusto manuscripto codice vere & fideliter descriptus. = A part of the Popes exchequer, that is A catalogue of the indulgences and reliques belonging to the seauen principall churches in Rome. Laying downe the spirituall riches and infinite treasure which (as sure as the Pope is holy & true) are to be found in the Catholike Roman Church, whereof the poore heretikes in England haue not one mite. Taken out of an antient manuscript, and translated. Together with certaine notes and comments explaining the more difficult place, for the ease and helpe of good Catholikes, who had best goe to Rome, to trie the vertue of the glorious indulgences. By a Catholike diuine. (London : Printed by Nicholas Okes, for George Norton, and are to be sold at his shop neere Temple-barre Gate, 1617) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Good nevves from Virginia Sent to the Counsell and Company of Virginia, resident in England. From Alexander Whitaker, the minister of Henrico in Virginia. Wherein also is a narration of the present state of that countrey, and our colonies there. Perused and published by direction from that Counsell. And a preface prefixed of some matters touching that plantation, very requisite to be made knowne. (At London : Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Swanne, 1613), also by Alexander Whitaker, Virginia Company of London, and Counseil for Virginia (England and Wales) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Hepieíkeia: or, a treatise of Christian equitie and moderation. Deliuered publikely in lectures by M. W. Perkins, and now published by the consent of his assignes in Cambridge by a preacher of the word ([Cambridge] : Printed by Iohn Legat, printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. 1604. And are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, [1604]), also by William Perkins (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Historia della vita di Galeazzo Caracciolo. English ([London] : Printed by H[enry] B[allard] for Richard Moore, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetestreete, 1608), also by Niccolo Balbani (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: The Iesuites gospell: vvritten by themselues. Discouered and published by W. Crashaw, B. of Diuinity, and preacher at White-chappell (London : Printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house, being the next house to Saint Annes Church, 1621), also by Carolus Sribanius (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: The Italian convert : newes from Italy of a second Moses; or, The life of Galeacivs Caracciolvs, the noble Marquesse of Vico. Containing the story of his admirable conversion from popery ... (London : Printed by A. G. for M.S., 1635., 1635), also by Niccolo Balbani, Théodore de Bèze, and Puritan Collection of English and American Literature (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: The Italian convert : news from Italy of a second Moses; or, The life of Galeacius Caracciolus, the noble Marquess of Vico, containing the story of his admirable conversion from popery, and forsaking of a rich marquesdom for the Gospels sake. Illustrated with several figures. (London : Printed for Abel Roper, 1677., 1677), also by Niccolo Balbani, Théodore de Bèze, and Puritan Collection of English and American Literature (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Jesuits gospell. (London : Printed by E, [sic] A[llde] for Leonard Becket, and are to be solde at his shop in the Temple nere the church, 1610), also by Carolus Scribanius (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Londons lamentation for her sinnes and complaint to the Lord her God. Out of which may bee pickt a prayer for priuate families, for the time of this fearefull infection. And may serue for a helpe to holinesse and humiliation for such as keepe the fast in priuate: together with a souereigne receipt against the plague. By W.C. pastor at White chappell. (London : Printed [by William Stansby] for G. Fayerbeard at the north side of the Royall Exchange, 1625) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: M. Perkins, his Exhortation to repentance, out of Zephaniah preached in 2. sermons in Sturbridge Faire. Together with two treatises of the duties and dignitie of the ministrie: deliuered publiquely in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. With a preface præfixed touching the publishing of all such workes of his as are to be expected: with a catalogue of all the perticulers [sic] of them, diligently perused and published, by a preacher of the word. (London : imprinted by T. C[reede]. for William Welby, and are to bee sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Grey-hound, 1605), also by William Perkins (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Manuale catholicorum A manuall for true Catholickes. (London : Printed [by N. Okes] for Leonard Becket, and are to be sold at his shop in the Temple neere the Church, 1611) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Meate for men, or, a principall seruice of the sacraments. Wherein (amongst many) these two points are specifically handled [brace] 1. Of the baptizing of infants. 2. Of kneeling in the act of breaking and receiuing the Lords Supper. For the vse of all religious families and monethly communicants in the kingdome when they come to the Lords table. / Written by way of briefe questions and answers, for the ease and benefit of the simple. By W. Crashaw B. of Divinitie, and sometimes pastor at White-Chappell.. (London, : Printed for G. Fayer-beard at the North doore of the Royall Exchange,, 1629.) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Milke for babes. Or, a north-countrie catechisme. Made plaine and easy, to the capacitie of the countrie people. / By William Crashavv, Batchellor in Diuinity and preacher of the Word... (London, : Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Thomas Langley, at his shop ouer against the Sarazens head without Newgate., 1618.) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Noctis sub silentio tempore brumali. English and Latin. (London : Printed by G[eorge] E[ld] for Leonard Becket, and are to be sold at his shop in the Temple neere the Church, 1622), also by of Clairvaux Bernard and Saint Fulbert (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Of the calling of the ministerie two treatises, discribing the duties and dignities of that calling. Delivered publickly in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, by Maister Perkins. Taken then from his mouth, and now dilligently perused and published, by a preacher of the word with a preface prefixed touching the publishing of Maister Perkins his workes, & a catalogue of all such particulars thereof, as are to bee expected. (Imprinted at London : By I. R[oberts] for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules-Churchyard, at the signe of the Grayhound, 1605), also by William Perkins (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Parable of poyson : in five sermons of spirituall poyson (Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for Richard Moore, and are to be sould at his shop in St. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetestreete, 1618) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: A plaine description of the Barmvdas, now called Sommer Ilands. With the manner of their discouerie anno 1609 by the shipwrack and admirable deliuerance of Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir George Sommers, wherein are truly set forth the commodities and profits of that rich pleasant and healthfull covntrie. With an addition, or more ample relation of diuers other remarkable matters concerning those ilands since then experienced, lately sent from thence by one of the colonie now there resident ... (Printed by W. Stansby, for W. Welby, 1613), also by Silvester Jourdain, Richard Moore, and William Castell (page images at HathiTrust)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Remonstrance à messieurs de la Cour de Parlement sur le parricide commis en la personne du roy Henry le Grand. English (London : Printed by T[homas]: P[urfoot]: for Na: Butter, and are to be sold at his shop at S. Augustines Gate, in Paules Church yard, An. Dom. 1611), also by Philippe de Mornay (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: The sermon preached at the Crosse, Feb. xiiii. 1607. By W. Crashawe, Batchelour of Diuinitie, and preacher at the temple; iustified by the authour, both against Papist, and Brownist, to be the truth: wherein, this point is principally intended; that the religion of Rome, as now it stands established, is still as bad as euer it was (Imprinted at London : By H. L[ownes] for Mathew Lownes: and are to be solde at his shop in Paules Church yard, at the signe of the Bishops head, 1609) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: The sermon preached at the Crosse, Feb. xiiij. 1607. By W. Crashawe, Batchelour of Diuinitie, and preacher at the temple; iustified by the authour, both against papist, and Brownist, to be the truth: wherein, this point is principally followed; namely, that the religion of Rome, as now it stands established, is worse then euer it was. (Imprinted at London : By H. L[ownes] for Edmond Weauer: and are to be solde at the great North-gate of S. Paules Church, 1608) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: A sermon preached in London before the right honorable the Lord Lavvarre, Lord Gouernour and Captaine Generall of Virginea, and others of his Maiesties Counsell for that kingdome, and the rest of the aduenturers in that plantation At the said Lord Generall his leaue taking of England his natiue countrey, and departure for Virginea, Febr. 21. 1609. By W. Crashaw Bachelar of Diuinitie, and preacher at the Temple. Wherein both the lawfulnesse of that action is maintained, and the necessity thereof is also demonstrated, not so much out of the grounds of policie, as of humanity, equity, and Christianity. Taken from his mouth, and published by direction. (London : Printed [by W. Hall] for William Welby, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Swan, 1610), also by fl. 1610 L. D. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: Taxa cancellariae apostolicae. English (London : Printed by G[eorge] P[urslowe] for Iohn White, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Holy-Lambe, in Little-Brittaine, neere Aldersgate-Street, M.DC.XXV. [1625]), also by Catholic Church. Cancellaria Apostolica (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Crashaw, William, 1572-1626: A very soueraigne oyle to restore debtors; being rightly and seasonably vsed Extracted out of that most tried and quintessensed oyle, by the prophet Elisha. By vertue whereof the vviddovv indebted, (mentioned in the second booke of the Kings) was restored out of debt, and her children released of the bondage whereof they were in danger. Written by Samuel Cotesford, late minister at Stepney: and now newly published by W. Crashavve ... (London : Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for George Hodges, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Greyhound, in Pauls Church-yard, 1622), also by Samuel Cottesford (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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