Online Books by
John Eliot
(Eliot, John, 1604-1690)
A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The Christian Commonwealth: or, The Civil Policy of the Rising Kingdom of Jesus Christ (PDF with commentary at
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690, trans.: The First Book of Moses Called Genesis (in English and Massachuset; originally published 1655; reprinted in photostat 1936) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690, trans.: Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah Wonk Wusku Testament (Old Testament in Massachuset (John Carter Brown Library copy lacking New Testament); published 1663) (multiple formats at
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690, trans.: Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah Wonk Wusku Testament (Bible in Massachuset (John Carter Brown Library copy); Cambridge: S. Green, 1685), contrib. by John Cotton (multiple formats at
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690, trans.: The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated into the Indian Langage, and Ordered to be Printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New-England (in Massachuset; Cambridge: S. Green and M. Johnson, 1661) (multiple formats at
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Bible. N.T. Gospels. English. Eliot. 1678. (Boston; : Printed by John Foster,, in the year 1678), also by Thomas Thacher, James Allen, Urian Oakes, and Increase Mather (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: A brief ansvver to a small book written by John Norcot against infant-baptisme. This answer is written by John Eliot for the sake of some of the flock of Jesus Christ who are ready to be staggered in point of infant-baptisme by reading his book. (Boston : Printed by John Foster., 1679) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: A brief narrative of the progress of the gospel among the Indians of New England. 1670. (J. K. Wiggin & W. P. Lunt., 1868), also by William Theophilus Roger Marvin (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: A brief narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, in the year 1670 given in by the Reverend Mr. John Elliot, minister of the gospel there, in a letter by him directed to the right worshipfull the commissioners under His Majesties Great-Seal for propagation of the gospel amongst the poor blind natives in those United Colonies. (London : Printed for John Allen ..., 1671), also by Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Parts Adjacent in America (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The Christian Commonvvealth: or, The civil policy of the rising kingdom of Jesus Christ.: Written before the interruption of the government, by Mr. John Eliot, teacher of the Church of Christ at Roxbury in New-England. And now published (after his consent given) by a server of the season. (London : printed for Livewell Chapman, at the Crown in Popes-Head-Alley, [1659]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The Christian commonwealth: or, The civil policy of the rising kingdom of Jesus Christ. Written before the interruption of the government ([Boston, 1659) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The clear sunshine of the gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New-England. (Reprinted for J. Sabin, 1865), also by Thomas Shepard (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Communion of churches: or, The divine management of gospel-churches by the ordinance of councils, constituted in order according to the Scriptures. As also, the way of bringing all Christian parishes to be particular Reforming Congregationall churches: humbly proposed, as a way which hath so much light from the Scriptures of truth, as that it may lawfully be submitted unto by all; and may, by the blessing of the Lord, be a means of uniting those two holy and eminent parties, the Presbyterians and the Congregationals. As also to prepare for the hoped-for resurrection of the churches; and to propose a way to bring all Christian nations unto an unity of the faith and order of the gospel. (Printed by Marmaduke Johnson, 1665) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Communion of churches, or, The divine management of gospel-churches by the ordinance of councils constituted in order according to the Scriptures as also the way of bringing all Christian parishes to be particular Reforming Congregationall Churches, humbly proposed as ... a means of uniting those two holy and eminent parties the Presbyterians and the Congregationals ... / written by John Eliot. (Cambridge [Mass.] : Printed by Marmaduke Johnson, 1665) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Communion of churches: or, The divine management of Gospel-churches by the ordinance of councils, constituted in order according to the Scriptures. : As also, the way of bringing all Christian parishes to be particular reforming congregationall churches: humbly proposed, as a way which hath so much light from the Scriptures of truth, as that it may lawfully be submitted unto by all; and may, by the blessing of the Lord, be a means of uniting those two holy and eminent parties, the Presbyterians and the Congregationals. : As also to prepare for the hoped for resurrection of the churches; and to propose a way to bring all Christian nations unto an unity of the faith and order of the Gospel. / Written by John Eliot, teacher of Roxbury in N.E. ; [Two lines of Scripture texts] (Cambridge [Mass.]: : Printed by Marmaduke Johnson., 1665) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The Day-breaking, if not the sun rising of the Gospel with the Indians in New England. (Reprinted for J. Sabin, 1865), also by John Wilson and Thomas Shepard (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The day breaking if not the sun rising of the gospel with the Indians in New England. (Reprinted for J. Sabin, 1865), also by John Wilson and Thomas Shepard (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The Day-breaking, if not the sun-rising of the Gospell with the Indians in New-England (London : Printed by Rich. Cotes for Fulk Clifton ..., 1647), also by John Wilson and Thomas Shepard (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690, trans.: The Dying speeches of several Indians. ([Cambridge, Mass. : Printed by Samuel Green?, ca. 1685]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: A farther discovery of the present state of the Indians in New England, concerning the progress of the gospel among them, manifested by letters from such as preached to them then. (Printed for J. Sabin, 1865), also by Henry Whitfield, Andrew Dickson White, Thomas Mayhew, and London Corporation for the Promoting and Propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in New England (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: A further accompt of the progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, and of the means used effectually to advance the same set forth in certaine letters sent from thence declaring a purpose of printing the Scriptures in the Indian tongue into which they are already translated : with which letters are likewise sent an epitome of some exhortations delivered by the Indians at a fast, as testimonies of their obedience tot he Gospell : as also some helps directing the Indians how to improve naturall reason unto the knowledge of the true God. (London : Printed by M. Simmons for the Corporation of New England, 1659), also by Abraham Pierson and Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Parts Adjacent in America (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: A further account of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England: being a relation of the confessions made by several Indians (in the presence of the elders and members of several churches) in order to their admission into church-fellowship. Sent over to the corporation for propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ amongst the Indians in New England at London, by Mr John Elliot one of the laborers in the word amonsgt them. (London : printed by John Macock, 1660) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The Glorious progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England manifested by three letters under the hand of that famous instrument of the Lord, Mr. John Eliot, and another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew, Jun., both preachers of the word, as well to the English as Indians in New England ... : together with an appendix to the foregoing letters, holding forth conjectures, observations, and applications, by I.D. ... / published by Edward Winslow. (London : Printed for Hannah Allen ..., 1649), also by Edward Winslow, Minister of the Gospell I. D., and Thomas Mayhew (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The harmony of the Gospels in the holy history of the humiliation and sufferings of Jesus Christ from his incarnation to his death and burial published by John Eliot ... (Boston : Printed by John Foster ..., 1678) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Historicall narration of Gods wonderfull workings upon sundry of the Indians (Charles Folsom, 1834), also by Thomas Shepard (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Indian dialogues for their instruction in that great service of Christ, in calling home their country-men to the knowledge of God, and of themselves, and of Iesus Christ. (Printed at Cambridge : [s.n.], 1671) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Indian dialogues, for their instruction in that great sevice of Christ, in calling home their country-men to the knowledge of God, and of themselves, and of Iesus Christ. : [Seven lines from Malachi] (Printed at Cambridge [Mass.]. : [By Marmaduke Johnson], 1671) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The Indian primer; or, The way of training up of our Indian youth in the good knowledge of God. (A. Elliot, 1877) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The Indian primer, or, The way of training up of our Indian youth in the good knowledge of God : 1669 (Andrew Elliot, 1880), also by John Small (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: John Eliot and the Indians, 1652-1657 : being letters addressed to Rev. Jonathan Hanmer of Barnstaple, England, reproduced from the original manuscripts in the possession of Theodore N. Vail (The Adams & Grace Press, 1915), also by Theodore Newton Vail, Wilberforce Eames, Jonathan Hanmer, Huntington Free Library, and Heye Foundation Museum of the American Indian (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: A late and further manifestation of the progress of the gospel amongst the Indians in Nevv-England declaring their constant love and zeal to the truth : with a readiness to give accompt of their faith and hope, as of their desires in church communion to be partakers of the ordinances of Christ : being a narrative of the examinations of the Indians, about their knowledge in religion, by the elders of the churches / related by Mr. John Eliot. (London : Printed by M. S., 1655), also by William Walton and Society for Propagation of the Gospel in New England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The light appearing more and more towards the perfect day. Or, a farther discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the progresse of the Gospel amongst them. Manifested by letters from such as preacht to them there. / Published by Henry Whitfeld, late pastor to the Chuch [sic] of Christ at Gilford in New-England, who came late thence. (London : Printed by T.R. & E.M. for John Bartlet, and are to be sold at the Gilt Cup neer St. Austins gate in Pauls Church-yard, 1651), also by Henry Whitfield and Thomas Mayhew (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: The logic primer, reprinted from the unique original of 1672 (The Burrows brothers co., 1904), also by Wilberforce Eames (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Mamusse wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament (Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1663), also by John Lyon Gardiner, Marmaduke Johnson, Samuel Green, Society for Propagation of the Gospel in New England, and United Colonies of New England. Commissioners (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Strength out of weakness : or A glorious manifestation of the further progress of the gospel among the Indians in New England (Reprinted for Joseph Sabin, 1865), also by Andrew Dickson White, Henry Whitfield, Thomas Allen, William French, John Endecott, Thomas Mayhew, Anthony Bessey, William Leverich, John Wilson, and Society for Propagation of the Gospel in New England (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Strength out of weakness. Or A glorious manifestation of the further progresse of the gospel amongst the Indians in New-England. Held forth in sundry letters from divers ministers and others to the corporation established by Parliament for promoting the gospel among the heathen in New-England; and to particular members thereof since the last treatise to that effect, / formerly set forth by Mr Henry Whitfield late pastor of Gilford in New-England. ; Published by the aforesaid corporation. (London, : Printed by M. Simmons for John Blague and Samuel Howes, and are to be sold at their shop in Popes Head Alley., 1652), also by William Gouge, Henry Whitfield, John Wilson, William Leverich, Anthony Bessey, Thomas Mayhew, John Endecott, William French, Thomas Allen, and Society for Propagation of the Gospel in New England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eliot, John, 1604-1690: Tears of repentance: or, A further narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England: setting forth, not only their present state and condition, but sundry confessions of sin by diverse of the said Indians, wrought upon by the saving power of the Gospel; together with the manifestation of their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and the work of grace upon their hearts. Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two faithful laborers in that work of the Lord. Published by the corporation for propagating the Gospel there, for the satisfaction and comfort of such as wish well thereunto. (London : Printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to sold [sic] at his shop, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange., 1653), also by Thomas Mayhew and Richard Mather (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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