Online Books by
Abraham Fraunce
(Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633)
Books from the extended shelves:
- Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633: Amyntas. English (London : Printed by Iohn Wolfe, for Thomas Newman, and Thomas Gubbin, Anno Dom. 1587), also by Thomas Watson and Torquato Tasso (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633: The Arcadian rhetorike: or The praecepts of rhetorike made plaine by examples, Greeke, Latin, English, Italian, French, Spanish (Printed by Thomas Orwin, 1588) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633: The Arcadian rhetorike: or The præcepts of rhetorike made plaine by examples Greeke, Latin, English, Italian, French, Spanish, out of Homers Ilias, and Odissea, Virgils Aeglogs, [...] and Aeneis, Sir Philip Sydnieis Arcadia, songs and sonets [...] By A. Fraunce. (At London : Printed by Thomas Orwin, [1588]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633: The Countesse of Pembrokes Emanuel Conteining the natiuity, passion, buriall, and resurrection of Christ: togeather with certaine Psalmes of Dauid. All in English hexameters. By Abraham Fraunce. (Printed at London : [By Thomas Orwyn] for William Ponsonby, dwelling in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Bishops head, 1591) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633: Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch. Part 1-2 (London : Printed by Thomas Orwyn for William Ponsonby, dwelling in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Bishops head, 1591), also by Thomas Watson, Torquato Tasso, Virgil. Bucolica. 2, and of Emesa. Aethiopica. English. Selections Heliodorus (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633: Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch. Part 3 (At Lundon : Printed [by Thomas Orwyn], for Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling in Paules Church-yeard, at the signe of the blacke Beare, 1592) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633: Insignium, armorum, emblematum, hieroglyphicorum, et symbolorum (Thomas Orwinus: Impensis Thomæ Gubbin, & Thomæ Newman, 1588) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633: The lavviers logike exemplifying the præcepts of logike by the practise of the common lawe, by Abraham Fraunce. (At London : Imprinted by William How, for Thomas Gubbin, and T. Newman, 1588), also by Petrus Ramus (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Fraunce, Abraham, fl. 1587-1633: Victoria : a Latin comedy (A. Uystpruyst, 1906), also by G. C. Moore Smith (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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