Online Books by
King of Prussia Frederick II
(Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786)
Online books about this author are available, as is a Wikipedia article.
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786, contrib.: Man a Machine (with Frederick the Great's eulogy of the author; Chicago: Open Court Pub. Co., 1912), by Julien Offray de La Mettrie, trans. by Gertrude Carman Bussey and Mary Whiton Calkins
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786, contrib.: The Works of Nicholas Machiavel (2 volumes; London: Printed for T. Davies et al., 1762), by Niccolò Machiavelli, trans. by Ellis Farneworth
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786, contrib.: The Works of Nicholas Machiavel, Secretary of State to the Republic of Florence: Translated From the Originals, Illustrated with Notes, Annotations, Dissertations, and Several New Plans on the Art of War (second edition, corrected, in 4 volumes; London: Printed by T. Davies et al., 1775), by Niccolò Machiavelli, trans. by Ellis Farneworth
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: [European memoirs]. (?), also by Edward Dowden, Charles Nisbet, Robert Arnot, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Clemens Wenzel Lothar Metternich, Honoré-Gabriel de Riquetti Mirabeau, Empress of Russia Catherine II, and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Anna Amalia, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, die Begründerin der klassischen Zeit Weimars. Nebst anhang: Briefwechsel Anna Amalia mit Frierich dem Grossen. (F. Fontaine & Co., 1892), also by Friederike Bornhak and Duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach Anna Amalia (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Anti-Machiavel (Aux Dépens de la Compagnie, 1743), also by Niccolò Machiavelli and F. Testard (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Antimachiavel, nebst zwei kleineren politischen Aufst̃zen. (Verlag von L. Heimann, 1870) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Art de régner. (L. Vincent, 1870), also by Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Arte da guerra poema do Grande Federico, rei de Prussia (Typ. Rollandiana, 1814), also by Miguel Tiberio Pedegache (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Ausgewählte Werke (Askanischer Verlag, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Ausgewählte Werke (A. Stuber, 1873) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Ausgewählte Werke Friedrichs des Grossen (Komitee der Hindenburg-Gabe, 1918) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Ausgewählte Werke Friedrichs des Grossen (R. Hobbing, 1924), also by Adolph Menzel and Gustav Berthold Volz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Ausgewählte werke Friedrichs des Grossen : in deutscher übersetzung (R. Hobbing, 1918), also by Gustav Berthold Volz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Ausgewählte Werke Friedrichs des Grossen, in deutscher Übersetzung. (R. Hobbing, 1916), also by Adolph Menzel and Gustav Berthod Volz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Ausgewählte werke Friedrichs des Grossen : in deutscher übersetzung (R. Hobbing, 1918), also by Gustav Berthold Volz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Ausgewählte werke Friedrichs des Grossen : in's Deutsche übertragen (A. Stuber, 1873), also by Franz X. von Wegele (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefe (R. Hobbing, 1914), also by Max Hein (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefe Friedrichs des Grossen an Theiriot (Weidmann, 1912), also by Emil Jacobs (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefe Friedrichs des Grossen in deutscher Übersetzung (R. Hobbing, 1914), also by Max Hein (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefe Friedrichs des Grossen in deutscher Übersetzung. (Reimar Hobbing, 1914), also by Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski, Adolph Menzel, and Max Hein (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefe, politische Dispositionen und Erlasse (R. Hobbing, 1879) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefe und Schriften, ausgewählt (Bibliographisches Institut, 1927), also by Richard Fester (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefwechsel Friedrich des Grossen mit dem Prinzen Wilhelm IV. (Buchdruckerei der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften (G. Vogt), 1869), also by Leopold von Ranke, Consort of William IV Anne, Prince of Orange William IV, and Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefwechsel Friedrichs des Grossen mit Grumbkow und Maupertuis (1731-1759) (S. Hirzel, 1898), also by Reinhold Koser, Maupertuis, and Friedrich Wilhelm von Grumbkow (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefwechsel Friedrichs des Grossen mit seinem Bruder Prinz August Wilhelm [von Preussen] (K. F. Koehler, 1927), also by Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski, Gustav Berthold Volz, and Prince of Prussia August Wilhelm (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefwechsel Friedrichs des Grossen mit Voltaire. (Zeller, 1965), also by Reinhold Koser and Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Briefwechsel Friedrichs des Grossen mit Voltaire (S. Hirzel, 1908), also by Hans Droysen, Reinhold Koser, and Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The Confessions of Frederick the Great, and the Life of Frederick the Great (Putnam, 1915), also by Voltaire, Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen, and Heinrich von Treitschke (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The Confessions of Frederick the Great, king of Prussia, and the Life of Frederick the Great (Hutchinson & co., 1914), also by Voltaire, Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen, and Heinrich von Treitschke (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Correspondance. ([n.p.], 1792) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Correspondance de Voltaire avec le roi de Prusse (in French), also by Voltaire, contrib. by Edouard de Pompery (Gutenberg ebook)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Correspondance inédite de Stanislas Leszczynski, duc de Lorraine et de Bar avec les rois de Prusse (Berger-Levrault, 1906), also by King of Poland Stanisław I Leszczyński and King of Prussia Frederick William I (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Das Testament des Königs (Volksverband der Bücherfreunde, Wegweiser-Verlag, 1924) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: De la litterature allemande (Gebr. Henninger, 1883), also by Ludwig Geiger (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: De la littérature allemande (1780) (B. Berh, 1902) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: De la litterature allemande (1780) (B. Behr, 1902), also by Ludwig Geiger (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Denkwürdigkeiten seines Lebens nach seinen Schriften (F.W. Grunow, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Denkwurdigkeiten seines Lebens nach seinen Schriften, seinem Briefwechsel und den Berichten seiner Zeitgenossen. (F.W. Grunow, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Der Fürstenspiegel (E. Diederich, 1922), also by Niccolò Machiavelli and Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Der geist Friedrichs II., königs von Preussen. Gezogen aus seinen hinterlassenen Werken. (S. Hartl, 1789) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Der grosse König (M. Oldenbourg, 1912), also by Josef Schlar, Joseph von Lauff, and Georg von Hülsen (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Der grosse König : Zur Feier des 200 jährigen Geburtstages Friedirches des Grossen, in Szene gesetzt und (M. Oldenbourg, 1912), also by Joseph von Lauff and Georg von Hülsen (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Der König : Fredrich der Grosse in seinen Briefen und Erlassen, sowie in zeitgenössischen Briefen, Berichten und Anekdoten : Mit biographischen Verbindungen (W. Langewiesche-Brandt, 1912), also by Gustav Mendelssohn Bartholdy (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Der König; Friedrich der Grosse in seinen Briefen und Erlassen, sowie in zeitgenössischen Briefen, Berichten und Anekdoten. (W. Langewiesche-Brandt, 1913), also by Gustav Mendelssohn Bartholdy (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Der König : Friedrich der Grosse in seinen Briefen und Erlassen, sowie in zeitgenössischen Briefen, Berichten und Anekdoten mit biographischen Verbindungen (Wilhelm Langewiesche, 1913), also by Gustav Mendelssohn Bartholdy (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Der Siebenjährige Krieg : unter allerhöchster königlicher Bewilligung nach der Original-Correspondenz Friedrich des Grossen mit dem Prinzen Heinrich und seinen Generalen aus den Staats-Archiven bearbeitet (F. Riegel, 1851), also by Kurd Wolfgang von Schöning and Prince of Prussia Heinrich (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Ausstellung von Kunstwerken aus dem Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen zu Berlin. (G. Grote, 1893), also by Kunstgeschichtliche Gesellschaft zu Berlin (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Briefe Friedrichs des Grossen an seinen vormaligen Kammerdiener Fredersdorf (H. Klemm a.-G., 1926), also by Johannes Richter and Michael Gabriel Fredersdorf (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Kriegsgeschichtliche überlieferung über Friedrich den Grossen, Kritisch geprüft an dem Beispiel der Kapitulation von Maxen (R. Gaertner, 1888), also by Georg Winter (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Kriegskunst der Preussen unter König Friedrich dem Grossen. (Verlag Heere der Vergangenheit J. Olmes, 1972), also by J. Heilmann (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Kunst des Krieges : ein Gedicht (Denicke, 1873), also by Emilie Schröder (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Kunstsammlung Friedrichs des Grossen auf der Pariser Weltausstellung 1900 (Giesecke & Devrient, 1900), also by Paul Seidel and France) Exposition universelle internationale de 1900 (Paris (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Morgen Stunden eines Königes an seinen Bruder Sohn, 1766. Glaubensbekänntniss Seiner Königlichen Majestät von Preussen. Unveröffentlichte Handschrift aus seinen Familienpapieren (Verlag für Kulturpolitik, 1924), also by H. Petermeyer, Eugen Massenbach, and Ewald Friedrich Hertzberg (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die politischen Testament (R. Hobbing, 1922), also by Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die politischen testamente Friedrich's des Grossen. (R. Hobbing, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Schule der Welt : eine Komödie in 3 Akten (H. Johnke, 1912) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Schule der Welt; Komödie in drei Akten. (Cotta, 1908) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die stimme Friedrich's des Grossen im neunzehnten jahrhundert; eine vollständige und systematisch geordnete zusammenstellung seiner ideen über politik, staats- und kriegskunst, religion, moral, geschichte, literatur, über sich selbst und seine zeit. Aus seinen sämmtlichen werken, wie sonstigen ... aeusserungen (F. Vieweg, 1828) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Vorreden Friedrichs des Grossen zur Histoire de mon temps (K.J. Trübner, 1874), also by Wilhelm Wiegand (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Werke Friedrichs des Grossen (R. Hobbing, 1913), also by Gustav Berthold Volz and Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Werke Friedrichs des Grossen (W. Borngräber, 1915), also by Albert Ritter (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Werke Friedrichs des Grossen in deutscher Übersetzung (R. Hobbing, 1913), also by Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski and Gustav Berthold Volz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Die Werke Friedrichs des Grossen in deutscher Überzetzung (R. Hobbing, 1912), also by Gustav Berthold Volz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Drei politische Schriften. (Insel-Verlag, 1912) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Dreihundert ausgewählte briefe Friedrichs des Grossen. (P. Reclam Jun., 1800), also by Adolf Kannengiesser (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Einige Gedichte Friedrichs des Grossen in ursprünglicher Fassung nach den Manuskripten der königlichen Archive in Berlin zum ersten Male (R. Gaertner, 1901), also by Wilhelm Mangold (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Eloge du sieur La Mettrie, médicin de la Faculté de Paris, et membre de l'Acade'mie Roïale des sciences de Berlin: avec la catalogue de ses ouvrages, & deux lettres qui le concernent. (Chez P. Gosse junior, 1752), also by Maupertuis and Albrecht von Haller (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Étude sur les oeuvres poétiques de Frédéric le Grand ... (Hayn, 1852), also by C. de La Harpe (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Examen de l'Essai sur les préjugés. (Chez Nourse, 1770) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Examen du Prince de Machiavel (J. van Duren, 1741), also by Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Examen du Prince de Machiavel, avec des notes historiques & politiques. (Chez Jean Van Duren, 1741), also by Abraham-Nicolas Amelot de La Houssaie, P. P. A. Bardet de Villeneuve, Bruzen de la Mariniere, and Niccolò Machiavelli (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Exposition of the motives, founded upon the universally received laws of nations, which have determined the King (of Prussia) upon the repeated instances of his subjects trading by sea, to lay an attachment upon the capital funds, which His Majesty had promised to reimburse to the subjects of Great Britain, in virtue of the peace-treaties of Breslau and Dresden; and to procure, out of the said capitals to his said subjects, an indemnity for the losses which they have sustained by the depredations and violences of the English privateers, exercised upon them on the high seas. (J. Raymond, 1752), also by Abraham Louis Michell and Thomas Pelham-Holles Newcastle (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The foundations of Germany (J. Murray, 1918), also by J. Ellis Barker (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The foundations of Germany; a documentary account revealing the causes of her strength, wealth, and efficiency (J. Murray, 1918), also by J. Ellis Barker (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The foundations of Germany; a documentary account revealing the causes of her strength, wealth and efficiency. (Dutton, 1916), also by J. Ellis Barker (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The foundations of Germany a documentary account revealing the causes of her strength, wealth and efficiency (Smith, Elder & Co., 1916), also by J. Ellis Barker (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The foundations of Germany : a documentary account revealing the causes of her strength, wealth, and efficiency (Dutton, 1918), also by J. Ellis Barker (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The foundations of Germany : a documentary account revealing the causes of her strength, wealth and efficiency (Smith, Elder & Co., 1916), also by J. Ellis Barker (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Frederick the Great, his court and times (H. Colburn, 1845), also by Thomas Campbell (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Frederick the Great on kingcraft (Longamans, Green, and Co., 1901), also by James William Whittall (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Fridericus redivivus : Oden und Episteln Friedrichs des Grossen (R. Eckstein Nachf., 1886), also by Theodor Renaud (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrich der Einzige; ein charakterbild des grossen königs in seinen worten (C.A. Koch, 1912), also by Adolf Kannengiesser (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrich der Gross : Lichtstrahlen und Gedanken aus seinen Briefen und Werken : nebst Schilderungen und Charakterzügen aus seinem Leben. ([s.n.], 1867) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrich der Grosse, 1785; zwanzig ungedruckte Briefe des Königs an Herzog Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Braunschweig. Zum 24. Januar 1912. (J.A., Stargardt, 1912), also by Hans Droysen, duke of Brunswick-Luneburg Karl Friedrich August Wilhelm, and Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrich der Grosse als Kronprinz : im Briefwechsel mit Voltaire (O. Hendel, 1902), also by Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrich der Grosse als Mensch im Spiegel seiner Briefe, seiner schriften, zeitgenössischer Berichte und Anekdoten (Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, G.m.b.H., 1926), also by Bruno Frank (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrich der Grosse; briefe und schriften (Bibliographisches Institut, 1927), also by Hermann Lohmeyer and Paul Kracht (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrich der Grosse in seinen schriften (Leipzig, 1875) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrich der Grosse und Wilhelmine von Baireuth... (K. F. Koehler, 1924), also by Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski, Gustav Berthold Volz, and Margravine Wilhelmine (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrichs des Grossen Ausgewählte Werke (Askanischer Verlag, 1921), also by Max von Boehn (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Friedrich's des Grossen pädogogische schriften und äusserungen (H. Beyer & söhne, 1885), also by Jürgen Bona Meyer (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Fürst Moritz von Anhalt-Dessau : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des siebenjährigen Krieges (Verlag von E.H. Schroeder, 1842), also by Leopold von Orlich (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: G. E. Lessing's Übersetzungen aus dem französischen Friedrichs des Grossen und Voltaires. Im auftrag der Gesellschaft für deutsche litteratur in Berlin (W. Hertz, 1892), also by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Erich Schmidt, and Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Gedanken über Staat, Kirche, Fürsten und Volk. (C. Brüggemann, 1833), also by Demophilus (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Geschichte der schlesischen Kriege nach Original-Quellen (G. Gropius, 1841), also by Leopold von Orlich (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Hinterlassene Werke Friedrichs II. Königs von Preussen. (Bei Voss und Sohn, und Decker und Sohn, 1788) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Hinterlassene Werke Friedrichs II, königs von Preussen ... (J.B. Wallishausser, 1789) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Histoire de la guerre de sept ans ... ([n.p., in the 1760s) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Histoire de mon temps (Violet, 1876) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Instruction militaire du roi de Prusse pour ses généraux (Chez Anselin et Pochard, successeurs de Magimel, 1821), also by Georg Rudolph Faesch (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Instruction militaire du roi de Prusse pour ses généraux : traduite de l'allemand, par Monsieur Faesch, lieutenant-colonel dans les troupes saxonnes ; avec XIII planches gravées en taille-douce. (s.n.], 1761), also by François Jean Chastellux and Georg Rudolph Faesch (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Instruction secrette, derobée a Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse, contenant les ordres secrets expédiés aux officiers de son armée, particuliérement à ceux de la cavalerie, pour se conduire dans la circonstance présente. (F. Hayez, 1787), also by Charles Joseph Ligne (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Kern aus des Ritters Herrn von Folard Erklärungen über die Geschichte des Polybius : zum Gebrauche eines Officiers, von hoher Hand : nebst den zum Verstande dieses kurzen Begriffes nöthigen Rissen und Vorstellungen (s.n.], 1760), also by Jean-Charles Folard and Polybius (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Konzert Nr. 1, G dur, für Flöte, Streichorchester und Generalbass (Breitkopf & Härtel, 1893) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Kulinarische epistel. (Meyer, in the 1910s), also by Alfred Richard Meyer (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: La morale politique du Grand Frédéric d'après sa correspondance. (Plon-Nourrit, 1917), also by M.-H. Weil (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Le singe de la mode : comédie en un acte en prose, 1742 (Société Française d'Imprimerie et de Librairie, 1902), also by Jean Jacques Olivier (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Les collections d'art de Frédéric Le Grand : a l'Exposition universelle de Paris de 1900 (Giesecke & Devrient, 1900), also by Paul Seidel and Exposition universelle (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Les Matinées du roi de Prusse (Bruxelles, 1871), also by Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Les matinées du roi de Prusse (Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1885), also by Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Les Matinées du roi de Prusse, ([s.n.], 1766), also by Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Les Matinées du roi de Prusse a son neuveu.[sic]. ([s.n.], 1766), also by Voltaire (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Lesefrüchte aus den hinterlassenen werken Friedrichs des Grossen, königs von Preussen. (verlag von Gebrüder Nübling, 1860), also by Friedrich Albrecht (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: L'esprit du chevalier Folard tiré des ses commentaires sur l'Histoire de Polybe pour l'usage d'un officier. De main de maître. Avec les plans & les figures nécessaires pour l'intelligence de cet abregé. (Par la Compagnie de Libraires, 1760), also by Jean-Charles Folard and Polybius (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Letters of Voltaire and Frederick the Great (Brentano's, 1927), also by Voltaire and Richard Aldington (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Lettres sur l'amour de la patrie; ou, Correspondance d'Anapistemon et de Philopatros. (Chez M.M. Rey, 1780) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The life of Frederick the Second, King of Prussia. (Printed for J. Derbett, 1789), also by J.-Charles Laveaux (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: man a machine (The Open court publishing co., 1912), also by Julien Offray de La Mettrie, Mary Whiton Calkins, and Gertrude Carman Busey (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Man a machine (Open Court, 1912), also by Julien Offray de La Mettrie, Mary Whiton Calkins, and Gertrude Carman Bussey (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Man a machine. (The Open Court Pub., Co., 1927), also by Julien Offray de La Mettrie, Mary Whiton Calkins, and Gertrude Carman Bussey (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Man a machine (Chicago : Open Court, 1953.), also by Julien Offray de La Mettrie, Mary Whiton Calkins, and Gertrude Carman Bussey (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Maximas filosóficas de Federico II., actual rey de Prusia (Impr. Real, 1785), also by Joseph de Laporte and Jayme Villa-Lopez (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Mélanges en vers et en prose ([n.p.], in the 1st century) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Mémoires de Frédéric II, roi de Prusse (H. Plon, 1866), also by Émile Campardon and Edgar Boutaric (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Mémoires historiques de Frédéric II, dit le grand : comprenant les matinées du roi de Prusse ... : précédés d'une préface très-curieuse envoyée de Berlin (Librairie de Béchet Ainé, 1828), also by P. R. Auguis (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Brandebourg. (Imprimé pour la satisfaction du public, 1758) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Brandebourg : De main de maitre. (Chez J.B. Metzler, 1806) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire de Brandebourg, de main de maître. Imprimé pour la satisfaction du public. ([Berlin?], 1750) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la maison de Brandebourg, précédés d'un discours préliminaire, & suivis de trois dissertations, sur la religion, les moeurs, le gouvernement du Brandebourg, & d'une quatrième sur les raisons d'établir ou d'abroger les loix. (J. Neaulme, 1751) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la maison de Brandebourg, précédés d'un discours préliminaire, & suivis de trois dissertations, sur la religion, les moeurs, le gouvernement du Brandebourg, & d'une quatrième sur les raisons d'établir ou d'abroger les loix. (J. Neaulme, 1751) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Memoirs of the house of Brandenburg. From the earliest accounts, to the death of Frederick I. King of Prussia. (Printed for J. Nourse, 1751) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg from the earliest accounts, to the death of Frederick I. King of Prussia. (Gray, 1759) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The memorial of His Prussian Majesty exhibiting the conduct of the courts of Vienna and Dresden to which is annexed the original papers, found in the cabinet of the King of Poland. (Printed for G. Faulkner, J. Hoey, R. James, and S. Price, booksellers, 1756) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Merkwürdigkeiten zur Brandenburgischen Geschichte. (Frankfurt, 1759) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Militairische correspondenz des Königs Friedrich des Grossen mit dem prinzen Hienrich von Preussen ... (Riegel; [etc., etc.], 1851), also by Kurd Wolfgang Wilhelm Georg von Schöning (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Militärische Schriften erläutert und mit Anmerkungen versehen durch v. Taysen. (R. Wilhelmi, 1882) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Military instruction from the late King of Prussia to his generals: illustrated with plates. (J. Cruttwell, 1818), also by Thomas Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Montezuma; Oper in drei Akten. (Breitkopf & Hartel, 1904), also by Karl Heinrich Graun and Albert Mayer-Reinach (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Musikalische Werke. (Breitkopf & Härtel, 1889) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Nachträge zu dem Briefwechsel Friedrichs des Grossen mit Maupertuis und Voltaire, nebst Verwandten Stücken (S. Hirzel, 1917), also by Gustav Berthold Volz, Fernand Caussy, Hans Droysen, Voltaire, and Maupertuis (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Niccolò Machiavelli: Der fürstenspiegel (E. Diederichs, 1912), also by Niccolò Machiavelli and Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oden und episteln Friedrichs des Grossen (Berlin, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres. (Aux dépens de la compagnie, 1743), also by Niccolò Machiavelli (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres complettes de Frédéric II, roi de Prusse. ([Berlin?], 1790) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres de Frédéric II, roi de Prusse. (Voss et fils [etc.], 1789) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Œuvres de Frédéric le Grand (Imprimerie royale, 1846), also by J. D. E. Preuss (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Œuvres de Frédéric le Grand ... (Chez R. Decker, 1846), also by J. D. E. Preuss (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Œuvres de Frédéric le Grand ... (Chez R. Decker, 1846), also by Johann David Erdmann Preuss (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Œuvres du Philosophe de Sans-Souci. ([n.p.], 1760) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres du philosophe de Sans-Souci. (Chez C.G. Seyffert ..., 1760) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres du philosophe de Sans-Souci. (H. L. Broenner, 1762) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres du philosophe de Sans-Souci. ([s.n.], 1760) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres historiques (1740-1763) suivies du Précis des guerres de Frédéric (Hachette et cie, 1872), also by Emperor of the French Napoleon I (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres historiques de Frédéric-le-Grand. (Rodolphe Decker, 1846) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres philosophiques de La Mettrie. (Chez C. Tutot, 1796), also by Julien Offray de La Mettrie (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres posthumes de Frédéric II, roi de Prusse. (Voss et fils et Decker et fils, 1788), also by Jean-Baptiste de Boyer Argens, Voltaire, and Jean Le Rond d' Alembert (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres posthumes de Fréderic II, roi de Prusse. ([s.n.], 1789) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres posthumes de Frédéric II, roi de Prusse. (Voss et fils [etc.], 1788) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres posthumes de Fréderic II, roi de Prusse. (Chez Voss et fils et Decker et fils, 1788), also by J.-Charles Laveaux (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Oeuvres primitives de Fréderic II, roi de Prusse; ou, Collection des ouvrages qu'il publia pendant son règne. (Aux dépens des associés, 1805), also by Carlo Denina (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Opinions et maximes de Frédéric le Grand (Ch. Tanera, 1857), also by Nicolas Édouard De la Barre-Duparcq (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Origin of the Bismarck policy; or, The Hohenzollern doctrine and maxims described and defined by ... (Crosby & Damrell, 1870) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Osmanlılar ve Büyük Frederik, 1721-1766 (Matbaa-yi Orhaniye, 1917), also by 1880 or 1881-1937 Ahmet Refik (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Ouverture zu dem italienischen Schaeferspiel : il re pastore (T. Trautwein, 1840) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Pensées philosophiques, morales et politiques. (La veuve Babin; [etc., etc.], 1768), also by André Guillaume Contant d'Orville and King of Poland Stanisław I Leszczyński (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Poësies diverses du roi de Prusse. (Chez Chrétien Frédéric Vos ;, 1760) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Politische Correspondenz Friedrich's des Grossen ... (A. Duncker, 1879), also by Peter Baumgart, Gustav Berthold Volz, Max Otto Herrmann, Kurt Treusch von Buttlar, Albert Heinrich Ferdinand Naudé, Heinrich von Sybel, Max Duncker, Johann Gustav Droysen, and Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Portrait de Frédéric le Grand, tiré des anecdotes les plus intéressantes & les plus certaines de sa vie militaire, philosophique & privée. (J. Mourer, 1788), also by S. F. Bourdais (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Posthumous works of Frederic II, King of Prussia. (Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, 1789), also by Thomas Holcroft (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Royal dissertations I. on manners, customs, industry... (Printed for Wm. Wiliamson, 1758) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Royal memoirs (Collier, 1901), also by Clemens Wenzel Lothar Metternich, Honoré-Gabriel de Riquetti Mirabeau, Empress of Russia Catherine II, and Duke of Lorraine Charles V (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Sammlung von Reden, Predigten und Gedichten auf den Tod Königs Friedrich des Grossen. (G.J. Decker, 1786) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Secret strategical instructions of Frederic the Second for his Inspectors General (Printed by the author and sold by R. Pratt [and 7 others], 1811), also by C. H. Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Theilnahme Friederich's des Grossen an den Streitigkeiten zwischen Herzog Karl von Württemberg und den Ständen des Landes : eine Sammlung von ungedruckten Briefen des Königes und andern Actenstücken (C.F. Osiander, 1831), also by Robert von Mohl (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Über die deutsche Literatur (P. Reclam, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Vater und Sohn, ein Drama aus der Jugend Friedrichs des Grossen. (G. Müller, 1921), also by Joachim von der Goltz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Vie de Maupertuis (Ledoyen [etc.], 1856), also by Laurent Angliviel de La Beaumelle, Maurice Angliviel, and Maupertuis (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Vom alten Fritz. (O. Wigand, 1876), also by Emilie Schröder (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Wehr-und Wirtschaftsfragen (Borngräber, 1916), also by Albert Ritter (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The works of Nicholas Machiavel ... : translated from the originals; : illustrated with notes, annotations, dissertations, and several new plans on the Art of war, (Printed for T. Davies ... J. Dodsley ... J. Robson ... G. Robinson ... T. Becket ... [and 2 others], 1775), also by Niccolò Machiavelli and Ellis Farneworth (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: The works of Nicholas Machiavel ... : translated from the originals; : illustrated with notes, annotations, dissertations, and several new plans on the Art of war, (Printed for T. Davies ... J. Dodsley ... J. Robson ... G. Robinson ... T. Becket ... [and 2 others], 1775), also by Niccolò Machiavelli and Ellis Farneworth (page images at HathiTrust)
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786: Zaremba und Pulawski; ein satirisches Heldengedicht auf die edlen Polen mit einer Widmung an Seine Heiligheit den Papst Clemens XIV. (Schroeter, 1922), also by Eberhard König (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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