Online Books by
George J. Hagar
(Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The achievements of four centuries; or, The wonderful story of our great continent within and beyond the states ... (Gay brothers & company, 1890), also by Benson J. Lossing, Alfred H. Guernsey, and John E. Read (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: Bibles and beliefs of mankind. (Gay brothers & company, 1895), also by A. J. Canfield, E. C. Towne, and Ill.) World's Parliament of Religions (1893 : Chicago (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The biographical cyclopedia of New Jersey (National Americana society, 1909), also by Samuel Fowler Bigelow (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The biographical cyclopedia of New Jersey, being an account of the lives of individuals who have contributed to the advancement of the intellectual, moral and material interests of the commonwealth (National American society, 1909), also by Samuel F. Bigelow (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The countries of the western world. (Gay borthers & co., 1890), also by Benson John Lossing, John E. Read, and Alfred H. Guernsey (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The countries of the western world. The governments and people of North, South and Central America, from the landing of Columbus to the present time ... (Gay brothers & co., 1890), also by Benson John Lossing, John Elliot Read, and Alfred H. Guernsey (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: Florida ... (Akron, Ohio, 1904) (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The New standard encyclopedia (Univ. Society, 1905), also by Nathan Haskell Dole and William A. Colledge (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The New standard encyclopedia (The University Society, 1904), also by Nathan Haskell Dole and William A. Colledge (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The new supreme Webster dictionary, self-pronouncing (Adair & Petty, 1919), also by Noah Webster and American board of lexicography (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The new supreme Webster dictionary, self-pronouncing (World syndicate company (incorporated), 1922), also by Noah Webster and American board of lexicography (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The new universities dictionary ... (World syndicate company (incorporated), 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: The new universities dictionary, based on the original foundation of Noah Webster. (World Syndicate Company, Inc., 1925), also by Joseph Devlin (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: Our great continent; sketches, picturesque and historic: within and beyond the States. (Gay Brothers, 1889), also by Benson John Lossing, Alfred H. Guernsey, and John E. Read (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: Plain facts about Mexico, the country, states and cities, the people, the resources, government and statistics (Harper & Bros., 1916) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: Times encyclopedia and gazetteer (Times sales Co., 1929), also by Francis Joseph Reynolds (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: What the world believes, the false and the true, embracing the people of all races and nations, their peculiar teachings, rites, ceremonies, from the earliest pagan times to the present, to which is added an account of what the world believes today, by countries. (Gay Brothers & company, 1886), also by Albert L. Rawson (page images at HathiTrust)
Hagar, George J. (George Jotham), 1847-1921: What the world believes : the false and the true, embracing the people of all races and nations, their peculiar teachings, rites, ceremonies...from earliest pagan times to the present, to which is added an account of what the world believes to-day, by countries... (Gay Brothers & Co., 1886), also by Albert L. Rawson (page images at HathiTrust)
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