Online Books by
John K. Hemphill
(Hemphill, John K. (John Knox), 1919-)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Hemphill, John K. (John Knox), 1919-: Administrative performance and personality : a study of the principal in a simulated elementary school (Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1962), also by Columbia University. Teachers College, John K. Frederiksen, Daniel E. Griffiths, and Educational Testing Service (page images at HathiTrust)
Hemphill, John K. (John Knox), 1919-: Dimensions of administrative performance ([Princeton?, N.J.], 1961), also by Columbia University. Teachers College, United States Office of Education, and Educational Testing Service (page images at HathiTrust)
Hemphill, John K. (John Knox), 1919-: Dimensions of executive positions: (Bureau of Business Research, College of Commerce and Administration, Ohio State University, 1960) (page images at HathiTrust)
Hemphill, John K. (John Knox), 1919-: Group dimensions, a manual for their measurement. (Bureau of Business Research, College of Commerce and Administration, Ohio State University, 1956) (page images at HathiTrust)
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