Online Books by
Frederick Hendrick van Hove
(Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698)
Books from the extended shelves:
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: Arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring (Printed by M. White, for John Crumpe, at the Sign of the Three Bibles in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1681), also by William Salmon, John Crump, Margaret White, William Vaughan, and William Sherwin (page images at HathiTrust)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: Christ's yoke an easy yoke, and yet the gate to heaven a strait gate in two excellent sermons, well worthy the serious perusal of the strictest professors / by a learned and reverend divine. (London : Printed for F. Smith ..., 1675), also by Jeremy Taylor (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: Emblemes (Printed for William Freeman at the Bible in Fleet Street, 1709), also by Francis Quarles, P. Holmes, and Herman Hugo (page images at HathiTrust)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: Emblems, divine and moral ; together with Hieroglyphicks of the life of man (Printed by Eliz. Nutt, and sold by T. Horn, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Wyat, T. Varnam and J. Osborn, D. Midwinter, R. Robinson, W. Taylor, J. Bower, R. Gosling, H. Clements, W. Mears, W. Innys, J. Browne, and W. Churchill, 1718), also by Francis Quarles, P. Holmes, and Herman Hugo (page images at HathiTrust)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: The history of the bucaniers being an impartial relation of all the battels, sieges, and other most eminent assaults committed for several years upon the coasts of the West-Indies by the pirates of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English & other nations : more especially the unparallel'd atchievements of Sir H.M. / made English from the Dutch copy ; written by J. Esquemeling, one of the bucaniers ; very much corrected from the errours of the original by the relations of some English gentlemen that then resided in those parts. (London : Printed for Tho. Malthus ..., 1684), also by A. O. Exquemelin (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: Oniropolus, or dreams interpreter. Being several aphorisms upon the physiognomy of dreams made into verse. Some of which receive a general interpretation: and others of them have respect to the course of the moon in the zodiack. To which is added several physiognomical characters of persons of different humours and inclinations. After which follows the praise of ale. And lastly, the wheel of fortune, or Pithagoras wheel. (London : printed by Tho. Dawkes, 1680) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: The ornithology of Francis Willughby of Middleton in the County of Warwick, Esq., fellow of the Royal Society : in three books : wherein all the birds hitherto known being reduced into a method sutable [sic] to their natures, are accurately described : the descriptions illustrated by most elegant figures, nearly resembling the live birds, engraven in LXXVIII copper plates (Printed by A.C. for John Martyn, printer to the Royal Society, at the Bell in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1678), also by Francis Willughby, John Farrington, William Sherwin, William Faithorne, Francisco Hernández, John Martyn, Andrew Clark, John Ray, and Thordarson Collection (page images at HathiTrust)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: Precepts and practical rules for a truly Christian life : being a summary of excellent directions to follow the narrow way to bliss : in two parts (London : Printed by M. Clark, for H. Brome, at the Gun in S. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXVIII [1678], 1678), also by Giovanni Bona, Luke Beaulieu, Mary Clark, and Henry Brome (page images at HathiTrust)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: Scanderbeg redivivus an historical account of the life & actions of the most victorious Prince John III, K. of Poland : containing an exact and succinct series of affairs from his cradle to this present day, with a particular account of the many great and signal victories obtained by him against the Turks, from the time he was first made crown-general, and afterwards elected King of Poland : dedicated to the Lord Landsdowne, Count of the Holy Empire. (London : Printed by H.C. for Tho. Malthus ..., 1684), also by H. G. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: The whole duty of a Christian: containing all things necessary, both as to what he is to know, and do, for the obtaining a happy eternity ; to which is added, More particular directions, how to prepare for a comfortable death ... (London : Printed for W. Freeman ..., 1699), also by Abednego Seller (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698: The Young-students-library containing extracts and abridgments of the most valuable books printed in England, and in the forreign journals, from the year sixty five, to this time : to which is added a new essay upon all sorts of learning ... / by the Athenian Society ; also, a large alphabetical table, comprehending the contents of this volume, and of all the Athenian Mercuries and supplements, etc., printed in the year 1691. (London : Printed for John Dunton ..., 1692), also by John Dunton and England) Athenian Society (London (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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