Online Books by
Josias Keeling
Books from the extended shelves:
- Keeling, Josias: The Queenes proceedings in Holland.: Being the copie of a letter sent from the staple at Middleborough to Mr. Vanrode a Dutch marchant in London. Wherein is contained these sixe particulars following: First, the King of Denmarke his ambassadour comming to the Queenes Court at the Hague with a Message to the states of Holland, accompanied with the Prince of Orange. 2. Colonell Goring his raising of forces in Ortoys by commission from the K. of France, with a challenge from Colonell Gage unto Goring for his so doing. 3. What summes of money have been raised by priests, and jesuites, &c. throughout the cloisters in those provinces, with their severall names, &c. 4. What summes already have bin raised towards the maintenance of the Rebellion in Ireland, as also an Irish ambassador at Bruzels for a second supply. 5. The Bishop of Cullen his death. 6. The Prince of Orange his court at Breda. (London : Decemb. 30. Printed by T. F. for I. M., 1642) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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