Online Books by
Lucien de La Hodde
(La Hodde, Lucien de, approximately 1808-approximately 1865)
A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
La Hodde, Lucien de, approximately 1808-approximately 1865: The Cradle of Rebellions: A History of the Secret Societies of France (New York: J. Bradburn, 1864), trans. by J. W. Phelps
La Hodde, Lucien de, approximately 1808-approximately 1865: The Cradle of Rebellions: A History of the Secret Societies of France (Galion, OH: A. Estill, 1867), trans. by J. W. Phelps (page images at HathiTrust)
La Hodde, Lucien de, approximately 1808-approximately 1865: Histoire des Sociètès Secrètes et du Parti Républicain de 1830 à 1848; Louis-Philippe et la Révolution de Février, portraits, Scènes de Conspirations, Faits Inconnus (in French; Paris: Julien, Lanier, et cie, 1850)
La Hodde, Lucien de, approximately 1808-approximately 1865: History of Secret Societies, and of the Republican Party of France From 1830-1848: Containing Sketches of Louis-Philippe and the Revolution of February; Together with Portraits, Conspiracies, and Unpublished Facts (translated from 1850 Paris edition; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1856), trans. by J. W. Phelps
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