Online Books by
François Pierre de La Varenne
(La Varenne, François Pierre de, 1618-1678)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
La Varenne, François Pierre de, 1618-1678: Cvisinier francois (A Paris : Chez Pierre David, au Palais, à l'entrée de la Gallerie des Prisonniers, MDCLII [1652], 1652) (page images at HathiTrust)
La Varenne, François Pierre de, 1618-1678: Ecole des ragovst (A Lyon : Chez Iacques Canier & Fleury Martin, ruë Confort,cMDCLXVIII [1668], 1668), also by Fleury Martin and Jacques Canier (page images at HathiTrust)
La Varenne, François Pierre de, 1618-1678: The French cook : prescribing the way of making ready of all sorts of meats, fish and flesh, with the proper sauce, either to procure appetite, or to advance the power of digestion : with the whole skill of pastry-work : together with about 200 excellent receits for the best sorts of pottages, both in Lent, and out of Lent : also a treatise of conserves, both dry and liquid, after the best fashion (London : Printed for Thomas Dring, at the Harrow at Chanceery Lane-end, and John Leigh, at the Blew Bell by Flying-Horse Court in Fleet-Court, 1673., 1673), also by John Leigh, Thomas Dring, and J. D. G. (page images at HathiTrust)
La Varenne, François Pierre de, 1618-1678: Il cuoco francese ove viene insegnata la maniera di condire ogni sorta di vivande, e di fare ogni sorta di pasticcierie, e confetti, conforme le quattro stagioni dell' anno (Presso Francesco Locatelli ..., 1781), also by Sophie D. Coe (page images at HathiTrust)
La Varenne, François Pierre de, 1618-1678: Le cuisinier francois, : enseignant la maniere de bien apprester & assaisonner toutes sortes de viandes, grasses & maigres, legumes & patisseries, en perfection, &c. Reueu, corrigé, & augmenté d'vn traité de confitures seiches & liquides, & autres delicatesses de bouche. Ensemble d'vne table alphabetique des matieres qui sont traittées dans tout le liure. (Chez Pierre David ..., 1659), also by Pierre David and American Institute of Wine & Food (page images at HathiTrust)
La Varenne, François Pierre de, 1618-1678: Parfaict confitvrier (A Paris : Chez Iean Ribou, au Palais sur le Grand Peron, vis à vis La Porte de l'Eglise de la Saincte Chapelle, à l'Image S. Louis, MDCLXVII [1667], 1667), also by Jean Ribou (page images at HathiTrust)
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