Online Books by
John Maitland Lauderdale
(Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682)
Books from the extended shelves:
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: An addition to Swinton's case, in relation to his father's pretended forfeiture, upon occasion of the answer to it published by the Earl of Lauderdale. ([Edinburgh? : s.n., 1690?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: Eleven letters of John, second earl of Lauderdale (and first duke), 1616-1682, to the Rev. Richard Baxter (1615-1691) (University Press], 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: His Majesties gracious letter, directed to the presbytery of Edinburgh and by them to be communicated to the rest of the presbyteries of this kirk. Received the third of September, 1660. (Edinburgh : printed by Christopher Higgins, in [Harts] Close, over against the Trone Church, 1660), also by Scotland. Sovereign (1649-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: His Majesties gracious letter, directed to the presbytery of Edinburgh, and by them to be communicated to the rest of the presbyteries of this kirk. Received the third of September, 1660. ([London] : Printed at Edinburgh, and reprinted for George Calvert, at the sign of the Half-Moon, near the little north door in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1660), also by Scotland. Sovereign (1649-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: His Majesties gracious letter to his Parliament of Scotland, May 23, 1672, with their answer. As also the speech of his Grace, the Lord Duke of Lauderdaile, his Majesties High Commissioner for his kingdom of Scotland, at the opening of this session of Parliament, June 12, 1672. Published by authority. (Edinburgh : Re-printed by Andrew Anderson, printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1672), also by Scotland. Sovereign (1649-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and Scotland. Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: His Majesties letter to his Parliament in Scotland, assembled October 19. 1669. Together with the speech of His Grace the Earle of Lauderdale, His Majesties high-commissioner. As also, the answer of the Parliament of Scotland to His Majesties gracious letter. ([Edinburgh] : In the Savoy, printed by Tho: Newcomb: and reprinted at Edinburgh, by Andrew Anderson, anno 1669), also by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and Scotland. Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: The King's Majesties gracious letter to his Parliament, conveened at Edinburgh, the twelfth of November, 1673. With his grace the Duke of Lauderdale, his Majesties high commissioner, his speech to the Parliament, after the reading of the letter. By his Majesties special command (Edinburgh : printed by Andrew Anderson, printer to the King's most excellent Majesty, anno Dom. 1673), also by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: The Kings Majesties proclamation concerning the carriage of his subjects during the late troubles. (Edinburgh : Printed by Evan Tyler, Anno Dom. 1660), also by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and Archibald Primrose (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: The Lauderdale papers. (Printed for the Camden society, 1884), also by Osmund Airy (page images at HathiTrust)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: A letter from the Commissioners of Scotland,: representing the hard usage of the Earle of Lauderdaill by the souldiers of the army at Wooburn: and desiring his Majesties speedy coming to London in safety, honour, and freedome. (London : Printed for Robert Bostock at the Kings Head in Paul's Church-yard, M DC XLVII. [1647]), also by Scotland. Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: Letters from Lady Margaret Burnet, to John, Duke of Lauderdale. (Edinburgh, 1828), also by Margaret Kennedy Burnet (page images at HathiTrust)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: Literae a Conventu Theologorum in Anglia et Ecclesiae Scoticanae delegatis. English (London : Printed by Richard Cotes for Ralph Smith, and are to be sold at his Shop ..., 1644), also by Westminster Assembly, Church of Scotland. General Assembly, and England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: Literae a Conventu Theologorum in Anglia et Ecclesiae Scoticanae delegatis. English (London : Printed by Richard Cotes, for Ralph Smith, and are to bee sold at his shop, at the signe of the Bible in Cornhill, neere the Royall Exchange, 1644), also by Westminster Assembly, Church of Scotland. General Assembly, and England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, 1616-1682: The speech of His Grace the Duke of Lauderdale, His Majesties high-commissioner from the kingdom of Scotland, to the Parliament there, the twelfth of November, 1673 ([London] : Printed by Thomas Newcomb, 1673) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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