Online Books by
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division
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- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Agriculture, irrigation and drainage on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley, California : unified perspective on hydrogeology, geochemistry and management (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Earth Sciences Division, 1996), also by T. N. Narasimhan and Nigel William Trevelyan Quinn (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Assessment of surface geophysical methods in geothermal exploration and recommendations for future research (Dept. of Energy, [Office of Energy Research], Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ;, 1978), also by N. E. Goldstein, M. J. Wilt, R. A. Norris, and United States. Department of Energy. Division of Geothermal Energy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Data acquisition, handling, and display for the heater experiments at Stripa (Berkeley, California : Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, 1979., 1979), also by Maurice B. McEvoy, Svensk k©·arnbr©·anslef©·ors©·orjning AB., and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Real-Time Systems Group (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Determination of in-situ thermal properties of Stripa granite from temperature measurements in the full-scale heater experiments : methods and preliminary results (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division, 1979), also by J. A. Jeffry, American Geophysical Union, and Svensk kärnbränsleförsörjning AB. (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Geothermal resource and reservoir investigations of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation leaseholds at East Mesa, Imperial Valley, California (Dept. of Energy, [Office of Energy Research], Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division ;, 1978), also by J. Howard and United States Bureau of Reclamation (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Invitational Well-Testing Symposium proceedings, October 19-21, 1977, Berkeley, California. (Dept. of Energy, Division of Geothermal Energy ;, 1977), also by Calif.) Invitational Well-Testing Symposium (1977 : Berkeley and United States. Department of Energy. Division of Geothermal Energy (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: A laboratory assessment of the use of borehole pressure transients to measure the permeability of fractured rock masses (Berkeley, California : Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division, University of California, 1980., 1980), also by C. B. Forster, J. E. Gale, University of Waterloo. Department of Earth Sciences, and Svensk k©·arnbr©·anslef©·ors©·orjning AB. (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Measurement requirements and methods for geothermal reservoir system parameters (an appraisal) (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, 1979), also by M. D. Lamers, Measurement Analysis Corporation, and United States. Dept. of Energy (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: A new approach and methodologies for characterizing the hydrogeologic properties of aquifers (Ada, Ol;ahoma : Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, [1990], 1990), also by Fred J. Molz, A. E. Hess, F. L. Paillet, Iraj Javandel, Joel G. Melville, Oktay Güven, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Geological Survey (U.S.). |b Denver Federal Center, and Auburn University. Department of Civil Engineering (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Proceedings of a workshop on thermomechanical modeling for a hardrock waste repository : June 25-27, 1979, Berkeley, California (National Technical Information Service], 1980), also by Calif.) Workshop on Thermomechanical Modeling for a Hardrock Waste Repository (1979 : Berkeley, L. Ramspott, F. Holzer, and United States. Dept. of Energy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Proceedings/actas, first Symposium on the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, Baja California, Mexico, September 20-22, 1978, San Diego, California (Dept. of Energy, [Office of Energy Research], Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Earth Science Division ;, 1979), also by Baja California Symposium on the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, United States. Dept. of Energy. Division of Geothermal Energy, and Mexico. Comisión Federal de Electricidad. Coordinadora Ejecutiva de Cerro Prieto (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Subsurface geological and geophysical study of the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, Baja California, Mexico (The Laboratory, 1980), also by D. J. Lyons, P. C. Van de Kamp, and United States. Dept. of Energy. Division of Geothermal Energy (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division: Thermochemical properties of gibbsite, bayerite, boehmite, diaspore, and the aluminate ion between 0 and 350°C (Division of Waste Management, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1988), also by John A. Apps, Chi-Hyuck Jun, J. M. Neil, and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Division of Waste Management (page images at HathiTrust)
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