Online Books by
Mary Leapor
(Leapor, Mary, 1722-1746)
A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
Leapor, Mary, 1722-1746, contrib.: Poems by the Most Eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland: Re-Published From the Collection of G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs., With Considerable Alterations, Additions, and Improvements (2 volumes; London: W. Stafford, n.d.), ed. by George Colman and Bonnell Thornton, also contrib. by Mary Barber, Aphra Behn, Frances Brooke, Elizabeth Carter, Mary Lee Chudleigh, Catharine Trotter, Constantia Grierson, Mary Jones, Anne Killigrew, Mary Masters, Mary Wortley Montagu, Mary Monck, Margaret Cavendish Newcastle, Katherine Philips, Laetitia Pilkington, Elizabeth Singer Rowe, and Anne Kingsmill Finch Winchilsea (page images at HathiTrust)
Leapor, Mary, 1722-1746: Poems Upon Several Occasions (2 volumes; London: J. Roberts, 1748-1751), ed. by Isaac Hawkins Browne (page images at HathiTrust)
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