Online Books by
Samuel Lee
(Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691)
A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: Orbis Miraculum, or the Temple of Solomon Pourtrayed by Scripture-Light: Wherein All its Famous Buildings, the Pompous Worship of the Jewes, With its Attending Rites and Ceremonies, the Several Officers Employed in That Work, With their Ample Revenues, and the Spiritual Mysteries of the Gospel Vailed Under all, Are Treated at Large (published anonymously, but attributed to Lee; London: Printed by J. Streater for G. Sawbridge, 1659) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: The Bible and the closet: or, How we may read the scriptures with the most spiritual profit (Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1844), also by Thomas Watson and John Overton Choules (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: Chara tåes pisteåos The joy of faith, or, A treatise opening the true nature of faith : its lowest stature and distinction from assurance, with a scripture method to attain both, by the influence and aid of divine grace : with a preliminary tract evidencing the being and actings of faith, the deity of Christ, and the divinity of the sacred Sciptures / by Samuel Lee ... (Boston : Printed by Samuel Green, 1687) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: Chara tēs pisteōs = The joy of faith, or A treatise opening the true nature of faith, its lowest stature and distinction from assurance, with a scripture method to obtain both; by the influence and aid of divine grace: with a preliminary tract evidencing the being and actings of faith, the deity of Christ, and the divinity of the sacred Scriptures. : [Six lines of quotation] / By Samuel Lee. M.A. sometime Fellow of Wadham Colledge. Oxon. (Boston, : Printed by Samuel Green., 1687), also by John Thompson Haversham and Frances Thompson (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: A Collection of the names of the merchants living in and about the city of London ... (London : Printed for Sam. Lee, and are to be sold at his shop ... and Dan. Major ..., 1677) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: Contemplations on mortality. Wherein the terrors of death are laid open, for a warning to sinners: and the joyes of communion with Christ for comfort to believers. (London :, printed in the year 1669.: [s.n.],) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: Contemplations on mortality. Wherein the terrors of death are laid open, for a warning to sinners: : And the joyes of communion with Christ for comfort to believers. / By Samuel Lee. M.A. sometime Fellow of Wadham Colledge. Oxon. ; [Seven lines of quotation] (Boston in N.E. : Re-printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips, at the brick shop., 1698), also by Samuel Lee (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: County palatine of Chester illustrated (Printed by John Streater, in Little S. Bartholomews, and are to be sold at the Black-Spread-Eagle at the West-End of Pauls, 1656), also by Daniel King, John Streater, Randolph Crew, James Chaloner, William Webb, and William Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: Ecclesia Gemens, or, Two discourses on the mournful state of the Church, with a prospect of her dawning glory exhibited in a view of two Scriptures, representing her as a myrtle-grove in a deep bottom, and as a knot of lillies among thorns. (London : Printed for John Hancock ..., 1677) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: Eleothriambos, or, The triumph of mercy in the chariot of praise a treatise of preventing secret and unexpected mercies with some mixt reflexions. (London : Printed for John Hancock ..., 1677) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: The great day of judgment handled in a sermon preached at the assizes at New-Bristol, Octob. 7, 1687 / by the reverend and learned Samuel Lee, M.A., sometimes fellow of Wadham Colledge in Oxon ; accompany'd with preparatory meditations upon the Day of Judgment, by Mr. Cotton Mather. (Boston in New-England : Printed by Bartholomew Green, for Nicholas Buttolph ..., 1692), also by Cotton Mather (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: The great day of judgment; handled in a sermon preached at the assizes at New-Bristol. Octob. 7. 1687. By the Reverend and learned Samuel Lee. M.A. sometimes Fellow of Wadham Colledge in Oxon. ; Accompany'd with Preparatory meditations, upon the day of judgment; by Mr. Cotton Mather. (Boston in New-England. : Printed by Bartholomew Green, for Nicholas Buttolph, at the corner of Guttridg's coffee-house., 1692. Price bound 1 s), also by Cotton Mather, ed. by Cotton Mather (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: The history of Cheshire : containing King's Vale-royal entire : (J. Poole, 1894), also by Daniel King, Francis Grose, Thomas Pennant, Peter Leycester, William Webb, and William Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: Israel redux, or, The restauration of Israel, exhibited in two short treatises the first contains an essay upon some probable grounds, that the present Tartars near the Caspian Sea, are the posterity of the ten tribes of Israel / by Giles Fletcher ; the second, a dissertation concerning their ancient and successive state, with some Scripture evidences of their future conversion, and establishment in their own land / by S.L. (London : Printed by S. Streater, for John Hancock ..., 1677), also by Giles Fletcher (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691: Letters of Samuel Lee and Samuel Sewall relating to New England and the Indians (J. Wilson and Son, 1912), also by George Lyman Kittredge and Samuel Sewall (page images at HathiTrust)
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