Online Books by
Jonathan Mayhew
(Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766)
A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submisson and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers: With some Reflections on the Resistance made to King Charles I, and on the Anniversary of His Death, In which the Mysterious Doctrine of that Prince's Saintship and Martyrdom is Unriddled (electronic edition; originally published 1750), ed. by Paul Royster (PDF at
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of King George II, and the Happy Accession of His Majesty King George III, to the Imperial Throne of Great-Britain (Boston: Edes and Gill, 1761)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Popish Idolatry: A Discourse Delivered in the Chapel of Harvard-College in Cambridge, New-England, May 8, 1765, at the Lecture Founded by the Honorable Paul Dudley, Esquire (Boston: Printed by R. and S. Draper et al., 1765)
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Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: An answer to Dr. Mayhew's observations on the charter and conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Boston, re-printed and sold by R. and S. Draper ..., Edes and Gill ..., T. & J. Fleet ..., 1764), also by Thomas Secker (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Christian sobriety : being eight sermons on Titus 2:6 preached with a special view to the benefit of the young men usually attending the public worship at the West Church in Boston : published more particularly at their desire, and dedicated to them. (Boston : Printed by Richard and Samuel Draper; Edes and Gill; Thomas and John Fleet, 1763., 1763), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Christian sobriety: being eight sermons on Titus II. 6. Preached with a special view to the benefit of the young men usually attending the public worship at the West Church in Boston. : Published more particularly at their desire, and dedicated to them. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the said Church. (Boston, New-England: : Printed by Richard and Samuel Draper, in Newbury-Street: Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street; and Thomas and John Fleet, at the Heart & Crown in Cornhill,, 1763), also by Mass.) West Church (Boston (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Christian sobriety : being eight sermons on Titus II.6, preached with a special view to the benefit of the young men usually attending the public worship at the West Church in Boston (Printed by R. & S. Draper, 1763) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A discourse, concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers (Printed and sold by D. Fowle, 1818), also by Jacob Bailey Moore Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A discourse concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers: with some reflections on the resistance made to King Charles I, and on the anniversary of his death: in which the mysterious doctrine of the Princes' saintship and martyrdom is unriddled: the substance of which was delivered in a sermon preached in the West meeting-house in Boston the Lord's-day after the 30th of January, 1749/50... (Printed and sold by D. Fowle in Queen-street; and by D. Gookin over against the South meeting-house, 1750) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A discourse, concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers : with some reflections on the resistance made to king Charles I, & on the anniversary of his death : in which the mysterious doctrine of that prince's saintship & martyrdom is unriddled : the substance of which was delivered in a sermon preached in the west meeting-house in Boston the Lord's Day after the 30th of Jan., 1749-50 ... (Boston : Printed by D. Fowle, 1750., 1750), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A discourse concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers: with some reflections on the resistance made to King Charles I. and on the anniversary of his death: in which the mysterious doctrine of that prince's saintship and martyrdom is unriddled: the substance of which was delivered in a sermon preached in the West Meeting-House in Boston the Lord's-Day after the 30th of January, 1749/50. : Published at the request of the hearers. / By Jonathan Mayhew, A.M. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. ; [Eight lines of quotations] (Boston, : printed and sold by D. Fowle in Queen-Street; and by D. Gookin over-against the South-Meeting-House., 1750) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A discourse occasioned by the death of King George II, and the happy accession of His Majesty King George III to the imperial throne of Great-Britain : delivered Jan. 4th, 1761 ... (Boston, New-England : Printed and sold by Edes & Gill, 1761., 1761), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A discourse occasioned by the death of the Hon. Stephen Sewall, Esq. ... : who departed this life on Wed. night, Sept. 10, 1760, aged 58 : delivered the Lord's day after his decease (Boston : Printed by Richard Draper, 1760., 1760), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A discourse occasioned by the death of the Honourable Stephen Sewall, Esq. Chief-justice of the Superiour Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General-Goal-Delivery; as also a member of His Majesty's Council for the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England: who departed this life on Wednesday-night, September 10. 1760. Aetatis 58. Delivered the Lord's-Day after his decease. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West-Church in Boston. [Two lines from Psalms] (Boston: : Printed by Richard Draper, in Newbury-Street: Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street: and Thomas and John Fleet, in Cornhill., MDCCLX. [1760]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A discourse on Rev. XV. 3d, 4th. Occasioned by the earthquakes in November, 1755. Delivered in the West-meeting-house, Boston, Thursday, December 18 ... (Printed by Edes & Gill, and sold at their office, and by R. Draper, 1755) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A discourse on Rev. XV. 3d, 4th. Occasioned by the earthquakes in November 1755. Delivered in the West-Meeting-House, Boston, Thursday December 18, following. In five parts, with an introduction. Part I. Of the greatness of God's works. Part II. Of their marvellous and unsearchable nature. Part III. Of the moral perfections and government of God. Part IV. Of our obligation to fear, glorify and worship him. Part V. Practical reflections upon the subject, relative to the occasion. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. ; [Three lines from Psalms] (Boston: N.E. : Printed by Edes & Gill, and sold at their office, next to the prison in Queen-Street; and by R. Draper, in Newbury-Street,, M,DCC,LV. [1755]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Dr. Mayhew's election sermon, May 29th 1754 (Printed by Samuel Kneeland, printer to the Honourable House of Representatives, 1754), also by Massachusetts General Court (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: The expected dissolution of all things, a motive to universal holiness. Two sermons preached in Boston, N.E. on the Lord's-Day, Nov. 23, 1755; occasioned by the earthquakes which happened on the Tuesday morning, and Saturday evening preceeding. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. ; [Two lines from Psalms] (Boston: N.E. : Printed by Edes & Gill, and sold at their printing-office, next to the prison in Queen-Street; and by R. Draper,in Newbury-Street., M,DCC,LV. [1755]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: God's hand and providence to be religiously acknowledged in public calamities : a sermon occasioned by the great fire in Boston, New-England, Thursday, March 20, 1760 : and preached on the Lord's Day following ... (Boston : Printed by Richard Draper, Edes and Gill, and Thomas and John Fleet, 1760., 1760), also by Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: God's hand and providence to be religiously acknowledged in public calamities. A sermon occasioned by the great fire in Boston, New-England, Thursday March 20. 1760. And preached on the Lord's-Day following. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West-Church in Boston. (Boston: : Printed by Richard Draper, in Newbury-Street, Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street, and by Thomas and John Fleet, in Cornhill., 1760) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A letter of reproof to Mr. John Cleaveland of Ipswich, occasioned by a defamatory libel published under his name, intitled, An essay to defend some of the most important principles in the Protestant reformed system of Christianity, &c.--against the injurious aspersions cast on the same, by Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. in his late thanksgiving sermons on Psalm CXLV. 9. In which, &c. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West-Church in Boston. ; [Three lines of Scripture texts] (Boston: : Printed and sold by R. and S. Draper, in Newbury-Street; Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street; and T. & J. Fleet, in Cornhill., 1764) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: The monster of monsters: a true and faithful narrative of a most remarkable phaenomenon lately seen in this metropolis; to the great surprize and terror of His Majesty's good subjects: humbly dedicated to all the virtuosi of New-England. / By Thomas Thumb, Esq. ; [One line in Latin ; five lines from Milton] ([Boston] : Printed [by Zechariah Fowle], in July 1754), also by Thomas Thumb, Samuel Waterhouse, Benjamin Church, and Benjamin Brandon (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Observations on the charter and conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; designed to shew their non-conformity to each other with remarks on the mistakes of East Apthorp, M.A. missionary at Cambridge, in quoting, and representing the sense of said charter, &c. : As also various incidental reflections relative to the Church of England, and the state of religion in North-America, particularly in New-England. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West-Church in Boston. ; [Five lines from Galatians] (Boston, New-England: : Printed by Richard and Samuel Draper, in Newbury-Street, Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street, and Thomas and John Fleet at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill., M,DCC,LXIII. [1763]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Popish idolatry : a discourse delivered in the Chapel of Harvard College in Cambridge, New England, May 8, 1765, at the lecture founded by the Honorable Paul Dudley, Esquire. (Boston : Printed by R. & S. Draper, Edes & Gill, and T. & J. Fleet, 1765., 1765), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Practical discourses delivered on occasion of the earthquakes in November, 1755. Wherein is particularly shown, by a variety of arguments, the great importance of turning our feet unto God's testimonies, and of making haste to keep his commandments; together with the reasonableness, the necessity, and great advantage, of a serious consideration of our ways. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West-Church in Boston. (Boston; New-England: : Printed and sold by Richard Draper, in Newbury-Street, and Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street., MDCCLX. [1760]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Remarks on an anonymous tract, entitled An answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations on the charter and conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Being a second defence of the said Observations. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West-Church in Boston. (Boston: : Printed and sold by R. and S. Draper, in Newbury-Street; Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street; and T. & J. Fleet, in Cornhill., 1764) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A sermon preach'd in the audience of His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; captain general, governour and commander in chief, the Honourable His Majesty's Council, and the Honourable House of Representatives, of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England. May 29th 1754. Being the anniversary for the election of His Majesty's council for the province. : N.B. The parts of some paragraphs, passed over in the preaching of this discourse, are now inserted in the publication. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. (Boston: N.E. : Printed by Samuel Kneeland, printer to the Honourable House of Representatives., 1754), also by Massachusetts General Court (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A sermon preached at Boston in New England, May 26, 1751 : occasioned by the much-lamented death of his royal highness, Frederick, prince of Wales, etc. ... (Boston : Printed by Richard Draper, 1751., 1751), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A sermon preached at Boston in New-England, May 26. 1751. Occasioned by the much-lamented death of His Royal Highness Frederick, Prince of Wales, &c. &c. &c. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West-Church in Boston. (Boston; New-England: : Printed and sold by Richard Draper in Newbury-Street, and Daniel Gookin, in Marlborough-Street., 1751) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: A sermon preached in the audience of his excellency Wm. Shirley, esq., : Capt. Gen., Gov., and commander in chief, the hon. his majesty's council, and the hon. house of representatives, of the province of the Mass.-Bay, in New England, May 29, 1954 : being the anniversary for the election of his majesty's council for the province ... (Boston : Printed by S. Kneeland, 1754., 1754), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Sermons upon the following subjects ... (Boston : Printed by Richard Draper, 1755., 1755), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Sermons upon the following subjects, viz. On hearing the word: On receiving it with meekness: On renouncing gross immoralities ... (Richard Draper, 1755), also by Richard Draper (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Sermons upon the following subjects, viz. On hearing the word: On receiving it with meekness: On renouncing gross immoralities: On the necessity of obeying the Gospel: On being found in Christ: On justification by faith: On the nature, principle and extent, of evangelical obedience. On the deceitfulness of the heart, and God's knowledge thereof. On the shortness and vanity of human life: and On the true value, use and end of life; together with the conduciveness of religion to prolong, and make it happy. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West-Church in Boston. ; [Five lines of Scripture texts] (Boston; : Printed by Richard Draper, in Newbury-Street., MDCCLV. [1755]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Seven sermons upon the following subjects ... : preached at a lecture in the West Meeting-house in Boston, begun the first Thursday in June, and ended the last Thursday in August, 1748. (Boston : Printed by Roger & Fowle, 1749., 1749), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Seven sermons upon the following subjects; viz. The difference betwixt truth and falshood, right and wrong. The natural abilities of men for discerning these differences. The right and duty of private judgement. Objections considered. The love of God. The love of our neighbour. The first and great commandment, &c. Preached at a lecture in the West Meeting-House in Boston, begun the first Thursday in June, and ended the last Thursday in August, 1748. / By Jonathan Mayhew, A.M. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. (Boston, N.E. : Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street., MDCCXLIX. [1749]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: The snare broken : a Thanksgiving discourse preached at the desire of the West Church in Boston, N.E., Friday May 23, 1766, occasioned by the repeal of the Stamp Act. (Boston : Printed by R. & S. Draper, 1766., 1766), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: The snare broken. A thanksgiving-discourse, preached at the desire of the West Church in Boston, N.E. Friday May 23, 1766. Occasioned by the repeal of the stamp-act. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of said Church. ; [Three lines from St. Paul] (Boston: : Printed and sold by R. & S. Draper, in Newbury-Street; Edes & Gill, in Queen-Street; and T. & J. Fleet, in Cornhill., 1766), also by William Pitt (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Striving to enter in at the strait gate explain'd and inculcated : and the connexion of salvation therewith (Boston : Printed and sold by Richard Draper, Edes & Gill, and T. & J. Fleet, 1761., 1761), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Striving to enter in at the strait gate explain'd and inculcated; and the connexion of salvation therewith, proved from the holy Scriptures. In two sermons on Luke XIII. 24. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. ; [Two lines of Scripture text] (Boston: New-England: : Printed and sold by Richard Draper, in Newbury-Street, Edes & Gill, in Queen-Street, and Thomas & John Fleet, in Cornhill., M,DCC,LXI. [1761]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two discourses delivered Nov. 23, 1758 : being the day appointed by authority to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving : relating, more especially, to the success of his majesty's arms, and those of the king of Prussia, the last year ... (Printed by R. Draper, 1758), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two discourses delivered November 23d. 1758. Being the day appointed by authority to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving: relating, more especially, to the success of His Majesty's arms, and those of the King of Prussia, the last year. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. (Boston: N.E. : Printed and sold by R. Draper in Newbury-Street, and by Edes & Gill, and Green & Russell, in Queen-Street., [1758]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two discourses delivered October 25th. 1759. Being the day appointed by authority to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving, for the success of His Majesty's arms, more particularly in the reduction of Quebec, the capital of Canada. With an appendix, containing a brief account of two former expeditions against the city and country, which proved unsuccessful. (Boston, New England : Printed and sold by Richard Draper, in Newbury-street; Edes & Gill, in Queen-street; and Thomas & John Fleet, in Cornhill, 1759., 1759), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two discourses delivered October 25th. 1759. Being the day appointed by authority to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving, for the success of His Majesty's arms, more particularly in the reduction of Quebec, the capital of Canada. : With an appendix, containing a brief account of two former expeditions against that city and country, which proved unsuccessful. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. (Boston; New-England: : Printed and sold by Richard Draper, in Newbury-Street; Edes & Gill, in Queen-Street; and Thomas & John Fleet, in Cornhill., 1759) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two discourses delivered October 9th, 1760 : being the day appointed to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving for the success of His Majesty's arms : more especially in the intire reduction of Canada ... (Boston : Printed and sold by R. Draper [etc.], 1760., 1760), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary), Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary), and Elias Boudinot Library Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two discourses delivered October 9th, 1760. Being the day appointed to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving for the success of His Majesty's arms, more especially in the intire [sic] reduction of Canada. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West-Church in Boston. ; [Three lines from Psalm II] (Boston: : Printed and sold by R. Draper, in Newbury-Street; Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street; and T. & J. Fleet, in Cornhill., 1760) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two discourses delivered October the 25th, 1759 being the day appointed by authority to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving for the success of His Majesty's arms, more particularly the reduction of Quebec, the capital of Canada, with an appendix containing a brief account of two former expeditions against that city and country, which proved unsuccessful (Printed for A. Millar ..., 1760) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two discourses delivered October the 25th, 1759 being the day appointed by authority to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving for the success of His Majesty's arms, more particularly the reduction of Quebec, the capital of Canada, with an appendix containing a brief account of two former expeditions against that city and country, which proved unsuccessful (Printed and sold by Richard Draper ...; Edes & Gill ...; and Thomas & John Fleet ..., 1759) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two sermons on the nature, extent and perfection of the divine goodness : delivered December 9, 1762 : being the annual Thanksgiving of the province, etc. : on Psalm 145.9 : published with some enlargements. (Boston : Printed and sold by D. and J. Kneeland, 1763., 1763), also by James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766: Two sermons on the nature, extent and perfection of the divine goodness. Delivered December 9. 1762. Being the annual thanksgiving of the province, &c. On Psalm 145. 9. : Published with some enlargements. / By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. (Boston: N.E. : Printed and sold by D. and J. Kneeland, opposite to the probate-office, in Queen-Street., 1763) (HTML at Evans TCP)
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