Online Books by
James Mease
(Mease, James, 1771-1846)
A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
Mease, James, 1771-1846, ed.: Archives of Useful Knowledge (full serial archives)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: The Domestic Encyclopaedia: or, A Dictionary of Facts and Useful Knowledge, Comprehending a Concise View of the Latest Discoveries, Inventions, and Improvements, Chiefly Applicable to Rural and Domestic Economy (first American edition, with additions; 5 volumes; Philadelphia: Printed for W. Y. Birch and A. Small, 1803-1804), also by A. F. M. Willich
Mease, James, 1771-1846, contrib.: The Domestic Encyclopedia: or, A Dictionary of Facts and Useful Knowledge Chiefly Applicable to Rural and Domestic Economy; With an Appendix, Containing Additions in Domestic Medicine, and the Veterinary and Culinary Arts (second American edition, with additions; 3 volumes; Philadelphia: A. Small, 1821), by A. F. M. Willich and Thomas Cooper (page images at HathiTrust)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Mease, James, 1771-1846: The domestic encyclopaedia; or, A dictionary of facts, and useful knowledge : comprehending a concise view of the latest discoveries, inventions, and improvements, chiefly applicable to rural and domestic economy. Together with descriptions of the most interesting objects of nature and art; the history of men and animals, in a state of health or disease; and practical hints respecting the arts and manufactures, both familiar and commercial, illustrated with numerous engravings and cuts in five volumes (W.Y. Birch and A. Small, 1804), also by A. F. M. Willich (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: A geological account of the United States : comprehending a short description of their animal, vegetable, and mineral productions, antiquities, and curiosities (Birch & Small, 1807) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: Introductory lecture to a course of lectures upon comparative anatomy, and the diseases of domestic animals : delivered November 3, 1813. (Lydia R. Bailey, 1814), also by History of Medicine Collections (Duke University) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: On some of the vegetable materials from which cordage, twine and thread, are made. ([New Haven?, 1832) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: On the causes, cure, and prevention of the sick-headache. (H.H. Porter, 1832), also by Norman Fitch Chandler and Charles Vose Bemis (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: Picture of Philadelphia, for 1824, containing the "Picture of Philadelphia, for 1811, by James Mease, M.D." with all its improvements since that period. (Printed by T. Town, 1823), also by Thomas Wilson (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: Picture of Philadelphia, for 1824, containing the "Picture of Philadelphia, for 1811, by James Mease, M.D." with all its improvements since that period. (Printed by T. Town, 1823), also by Thomas Wilson and Marian S. Carson Collection (Library of Congress) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: The picture of Philadelphia : giving an account of its origin, increase, and improvements in arts, sciences, and manufactures, commerce and revenue. With a compendious view of its societies ... (Published by B. & T. Kite, 1811) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: Picture of Philadelphia : giving an account of its origin, increase and improvements in arts, sciences, manufactures, commerce and revenue : with a compendious view of its societies, literary, benevolent, patriotic, and religious : embracing the public buildings, the House of Refuge, prison, new penitentiary, widows' and orphans' asylum, Fair Mount Water Works, &c. : with a variety of interesting miscellaneous matter : and about thirty plates and wood cuts (Robert Desilver, 1831), also by Thomas Porter (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: The picture of Philadelphia, giving an account of its origin, increase and improvements in arts, sciences, manufactures, commerce and revenue. With a compendious view of its societies, literary, benevolent, patriotic, & religious. Its police--the public buildings--the prison and penetentiary [!] system--institutions, monied and civil--museum. (Published by B. & T. Kite, no. 20, N. Third-street. For Sale by them and Joseph Delaplaine., 1811) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: A reply to the criticisms by J. N. Barker, on the historical facts in the Picture of Philadelphia. (Clark & Raser, printers, 1828), also by Marian S. Carson Collection (Library of Congress) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: A reply to the criticisms by J. N. Barker, on the historical facts in the Picture of Philadelphia. ... (Clark & Raser, printers ..., 1828), also by Society for the Commemoration of the Landing of William Penn (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: Some account of the prison at Philadelphia : chiefly extracted from a late American publication. (Printed by W. & S. Graves, 1816) (page images at HathiTrust)
Mease, James, 1771-1846: The wonders of nature and art; or, A concise account of whatever is most curious and remarkable in the world; compiled from historical and geographical works of established celebrity, and illustrated with the discoveries of modern travellers. (Printed by Robert Carr, for Birch & Small: sold also by M. Carey, Kimber, Conrad & co. and Jacob Johnson, 1806), also by Thomas Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
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