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Michigan Historical Records Survey
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Calendar of the Baptist collection of Kalamazoo college. (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Calendar of the John C. Dancy correspondence : 1898-1910 (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Calhoun County (Marshall) (The Survey, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Comments on the Michigan Historical Records Survey Project (Detroit, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Dearborn churches (The Project, 1940), also by United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Directory of churches and religious organizations. (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Guide to manuscript collections in Michigan (Detroit, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Guide to manuscripts depositories in the United State: Michigan. (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of church archives of Michigan (Michigan Historical Records Survey Project, 1940), also by United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of federal archives in the states. No. 21, Michigan (Historical Records Survey, 1938), also by National Archives (U.S.) and Survey of Federal Archives (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of municipal archives, Hamtramck. (1940) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the archives of Washtenaw county. ([Place of publication not identified], 1938) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. African Methodist Episcopal church, Michigan conference (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. Church of the Nazarene, Michigan district assembly (The Michigan Historical records survey projects, 1942) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. Churches of God, Michigan assemblies (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. Evangelical and Reformed church (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. Evangelical church, Michigan conference (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan : Pilgrim Holiness Church, Michigan District (The Project, 1942), also by United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. Presbyterian church in U.S.A., Presbytery of Detroit (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan : Presbyterian Church in U.S.A., Presbytery of Flint (The Project, 1941), also by United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan : Protestant Episcopal Bodies, diocese of Michigan (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. Protestant Episcopal church, diocese of Northern Michigan (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Western Michigan (Michigan Historical Records Survey Project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. Salvation army in Michigan (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1942) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the church archives of Michigan. The Roman Catholic church, archdiocese of Detroit (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the county archives of Michigan (Detroit, Mich., 1900) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the county archives of Michigan. (Detroit, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the county archives of Michigan. No. 2 : Alger County (Munising) (Michigan Historical Records Survey Project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the county archives of Michigan, no. 21. Delta County (Escanaba) (The Survey Project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the county archives of Michigan. No. 25 : Genesee County (Flint) (Michigan Historical Records Survey Project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the county archives of Michigan. No. 4 : Alpena County (Alpena) (Michigan Historical Records Survey Project, 1942) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the county archives of Michigan. No. 52 : Marquette County (Marquette) (Michigan Historical Records Survey Project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the county archives of Michigan : no. 61--Muskegon county (Muskegon) (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the county archives of Michigan. No. 9 : Bay County (Bay City) (Michigan Historical Records Survey Project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the municipal archives of Michigan (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the municipal archives of Michigan, Detroit Recorder's Court. (Detroit, 1942) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the municipal archives of Michigan. No. 82, Wayne County, City of Hamtramck : preliminary inventory, Office of Engineer (The Survey, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Inventory of the state archives of Michigan. : State police (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: The Michigan historical surveys project. "The county archives of Washtenaw county and evaluation." ([Place of publication not identified], 1947), also by Carl G. Lessner (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Minutes of the meetings of the Charter Commission of the City of Hamtramck, October 19, 1921-April 5, 1922 (The Michigan Historical Records Survey Project, 1940), also by Hamtramck (Mich.). Charter Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Procedures for obtaining birth records, United States and territories. (Michigan Work projects administration, War services project, Service division, Fact-finding unit, 1942), also by War services project. Michigan (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Transcriptions of municipal archives of Michigan. (The Survey, 1940) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Vital statistic holdings by government agencies in Michigan. Marriage records (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1941) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Vital statistics holdings of church archives in Michigan ... (The Michigan Historical Records Survey Project, 1942) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Historical Records Survey: Vital statistics holdings of church archives in Michigan. Wayne county. (The Michigan Historical records survey project, 1942) (page images at HathiTrust)
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