Online Books by
Willem van de Passe
(Passe, Willem van de, 1598-ca. 1637, engraver)
Books from the extended shelves:
- Passe, Willem van de, 1598-ca. 1637, engraver: Battle of the frogs and mice. English. (London : Printed by Iohn Bill, his Maiesties printer, [1624?]), also by George Chapman and attributed name Homer (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Passe, Willem van de, 1598-ca. 1637, engraver: Herōologia Anglica hoc est clarissimorum et doctissimorum. aliqout [sic] Anglorum, qui floruerunt ab anno Cristi. M.D. vsq[ue] ad presentem annum M.D.C.XX viuæ effigies vitæ et elogia: duobus tomis. Authore. H.H. Anglo-Britanno: impensis Crispini Passæi calcographi [sic], et Iansonij bibliopolæ Arnhemiensis. ([Arnhem : Printed by Jan Jansson at the expenses of Crispijn van de Passe and Jan Jansson for Henry Holland, London, 1620]), also by Henry Holland, Crispijn van de Passe, and Magdalena van de Passe (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Passe, Willem van de, 1598-ca. 1637, engraver: A thankfull remembrance of Gods mercy In an historicall collection of the great and mercifull deliverances of the Church and state of England, since the Gospell began here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth. Collected by Geo: Carleton, Doctor of Divinitie, and Bishop of Chichester. (London : Printed by I[ohn] D[awson] for Robert Mylbourne, and Humphrey Robinson, and are to be sold at the great south doore of Pauls, 1624), also by George Carleton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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