Online Books by
Ralph M. Pearson
(Pearson, Ralph M., 1883-1958)
Books from the extended shelves:
Pearson, Ralph M., 1883-1958: Fifty prints exhibited by the Institute, 1926 (Day, 1927), also by American Institute of Graphic Arts (page images at HathiTrust)
Pearson, Ralph M., 1883-1958: How to see modern pictures; an extension of the design principle into three dimensions and an explanation of its basic application to the work of the moderns, the primitives, and the classics of both Europe and the Orient, together with an appendix containing practical suggestions for bridging the gap between artist and public (L. MacVeagah, The Dial press, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
Pearson, Ralph M., 1883-1958: How to see modern pictures; an extension of the design principle into three dimensions and an explanation of its basic application to the work of the moderns, the primitives, and the classics of both Europe and the Orient, together with an appendix containing practical suggestions for bridging the gap between artist and public (L. MacVeagah, The Dial press, 1928) (page images at HathiTrust)
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