Online Books by
Quintus Smyrnaeus
(Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: The Fall of Troy, trans. by Arthur S. Way (Gutenberg text)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Die Fortsetzung der Ilias (Krais & Hoffmann, 1866), also by J. J. C. Donner (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Driter gesang (Brandenburg, 1848), also by Eduard Döhler (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Fin de l'Iliade. (Paris : L'Enseigne du pot cassé, 1928., 1928), also by René Tourlet (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Guerre de Troie (Chez Lesguilliez, frères, imprimeurs, an IX, 1800), also by René Tourlet (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Hēsiodou poiēmata = Hesiodi carmina. Apollonii Argonautica. Musaei Carmen de Herone et Leandro. Coluthi Raptus Helenae. Quinti Posthomerica. Tryphiodori Excidium Ilii. Tzetzae Antehomerica &c. (Firmin Didot, 1840), also by Hesiod, John Tzetzes, Tryphiodorus, of Lycopolis Colluthus, Grammaticus Musaeus, Apollonius Rhodius, Fr. Dübner, and F. S. Lehrs (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Kointou Kalabrou paraleipomenōn Homērou (Aldvs, 1505) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Kointou Kalavrou archaiotatou kai sophōtatou poiētou paraleipomenou Homērou biblia tessareskaideka. Quinti Calabri antiquissimi et sapientissimi poëtae praetermissorum ab Homero libri quatuordecim: quibus troianam historiam ab Homero derelictam grauiter et splendidè prosecu tusest (Henricpetri, 1569) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Kointou ta meth' Homēron. (apud Weidmannos, 1850), also by Hermann August Theodor Köchly (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Kointou ta meth' Homēron. Quinti Smyrnaei Posthomericorum libri XIV. (Apud Weidmannos, 1850), also by Hermann August Theodor Köchly (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Kointou Ta meth Omēron = Quinti Smyrnaei Posthomericorum libri XIV (Ex typoraphia Societatis Bipontinae, 1807), also by Christian Gottlob Heyne and Thomas Christian Tychsen (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: La guerre de Troie, ou, La fin de l'Iliade d'après Quintus de Smyrne. (Hachette et cie, 1884), also by E. A. Berthault (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Posthomericorum : Libri XIV (Teubner, 1853), also by Hermann Köchly (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Probe einer Uebersetzung (7. Buch, 673 Verse) ([n.p.], 1835), also by Platz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Quinti Calabri Praetermissorum ab Homero libri XIV. graece (apud J. van Abcoude, 1734), also by Jan Cornelis de Pauw, Claude Dausque, and Lorenz Rhodoman (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Quinti Smyrnaei Posthomericorum libri XIV. (B.G. Teubner, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Quinti Smyrnaei Posthomericorum libri XIV. (in aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1891), also by Albert Zimmermann (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Quinti Smyrnaei, Tryphiodori, Ioannis Tzetzae, et Coluthi Carmina de rebus troianis (Sumtibus et typis C. Tauchnitii, 1829), also by of Lycopolis Colluthus, John Tzetzes, and Tryphiodorus (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century: Select translations from the Greek of Quintus Smyrnaeus (Printed by W. Baxter, sold by J. Parker, 1821), also by Alexander Dyce (page images at HathiTrust)
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