Online Books by
R. F.
Books from the extended shelves:
- R. F.: Chronyke van Vlaenderen ... 621 tot ... 1725 ... (Brugge, 1736), also by Nicolaus Despars (page images at HathiTrust)
- R. F.: Dialectica. English (London : printed by Thomas Maxey, 1651), also by Petrus Ramus and Aristotle (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- R. F: A discourse of self-murder lately written, and now published as a disswasive from so horrid and inglorious a thing. By E.P., in a letter to his intimate friend R.F. Licens'd, November 24. 1691. (London : printed for A. and John Churchill, and sold by John Miller bookseller in Sherbourn in Dorsetshire, 1692), also by E. P. (Ezra Pierce) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- R. F.: Epitaph upon the honourable and truly noble Sir Kenelm Digby Kt. Chancellour to Her Majesty the Queen-mother (London : Printed for H. Herringman, 1665) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- R. F.: A great victorie in the North,: obtained by the forces under the command of Lieutenant Generall Cromwel, against Duke Hamilton, and the Scottish army. Wherein is declared, the manner of the late fight near the confines of York, the routing of Lieutenant Generall Cromwells forces upon the first onset, and after three miles pursuit (by the Scots) rallied again, fell upon the Scottish forces, killed Duke Hamiltons Lieutenant Collonel, a Major, divers Captains, officers, and souldiers, routed the whole body, and regained their ground. Also another fight near Pomfret castle in Yorkshire, a defeat given to the Parliaments forces, and divers taken prisoners, and carryed to the said castle. Whereunto is annexed, an humble petition to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, concerning the King and his people, and every subject in particuler of this his kingdom of England. (London : Printed for the wel-fare and happinesse of all true and loyall subjects, Anno Dom. 1648) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- R. F.: Grobianus. (London : Printed by Valentine Simmes dwelling on Adling hill neere Bainards castle at the signe of the white Swanne.), also by Friedrich Dedekind (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- R. F.: A letter from a gentleman to the Honourable Ed. Howard, esq occasioned by a civiliz'd epistle of Mr. Dryden's, before his second edition of his Indian emperovr. ([London] In the Savoy : Printed by Thomas Newcomb, 1668) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- R. F.: The present state of Carolina with advice to the setlers by R.F. (London : Printed by John Bringhurst ..., 1682) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- R. F.: Ratos perduts; col-lecció de epígramas Catalans inédits per R.F. ("La Renāixensa, 1878) (page images at HathiTrust)
- R. F.: Sbornik svedenii o russkikh gosudarstvennykh zaimakh i pravitelʹstvom garantirovannykh obligatsiiakh chastnykh zheleznykh dorog. (Tip. V.S. Balasheva, 1897), also by Ed. V. (page images at HathiTrust)
- R. F.: The Scot arraigned,: and at the bar of justice, reason, and religion, convinced, convicted, and condemned of a most horrid and odious conspiracy and rebellion against the native liberty and birth-right of the Church and free state of England. / By R.F. (London : Printed by James Moxon, 1651) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- R. F.: The true relation of the bloody attempt by James Salowayes to cut his own throat in the compter, upon Sunday the 21. of June, 1663 together with Satans attempt and overthrow, in a sermon preached upon the occasion in Wood-street-compter, upon Sunday the 21. of June, 1663 / by R.F. ... (London : Printed by R. Dickinson, 1663) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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