Online Books by
C. M. Relyea
(Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932)
A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Beatrice of Denewood: A Sequel to "The Lucky Sixpence" (New York: The Century Co., 1913), by Emilie Benson Knipe and Alden Arthur Knipe (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Caps and Capers: A Story of Boarding School Life (Philadelphia: H. Altemus Co., c1901), by Gabrielle E. Jackson
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Catcher Craig (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., c1915), by Christy Mathewson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: A Defective Santa Claus, by James Whitcomb Riley, also illust. by Will Vawter (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Dragon's Secret (New York: The Century Co., c1921), by Augusta Huiell Seaman (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Girl Next Door (New York: The Century Co., c1917), by Augusta Huiell Seaman
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Judges' Cave: Being a Romance of the New Haven Colony in the Days of the Regicides, 1661 (Boston: Lothrop Pub. Co., c1900), by Margaret Sidney
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Just Patty (New York: The Century Co., 1911), by Jean Webster (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Just Patty (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1911), by Jean Webster (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Man With the Black Feather (Boston: Small, Maynard and Co., c1912), by Gaston Leroux, trans. by Edgar Jepson
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: On Christmas Day in the Evening (New York: A. L. Burt Co., c1910), by Grace S. Richmond (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: On Christmas Day in the Morning (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1911), by Grace S. Richmond (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Peg o' the Ring: A Maid of Denewood (New York: The Century Co., 1919), by Emilie Benson Knipe and Alden Arthur Knipe (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Sapphire Signet (New York: The Century Co., 1916), by Augusta Huiell Seaman (multiple formats at
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Slipper Point Mystery (New York: The Century Co., 1921), by Augusta Huiell Seaman
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Wolf Hunters: A Tale of Adventure in the Wilderness (1908), by James Oliver Curwood (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Wyndham Girls (New York: The Century Co., 1902), by Marion Ames Taggart (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Around the End, by Ralph Henry Barbour, also illust. by Charles L. Wrenn (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: At the Emperor's Wish: A Tale of the New Japan, by Oscar K. Davis, also illust. by N. C. Wyeth (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Baby Elton, quarter-back (The Century Co., 1904), also by Leslie W. Quirk, J. N. Marchand, De Vinne Press, Century Company, and Decorative Designers (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Behind the Line: A Story of College Life and Football, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Billy To-morrow, by Sarah Pratt Carr (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The black wolf's breed : A story of France in the Old world and the New, happening in the reign of Louis XIV, by Harris Dickson (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Brother of a Hero, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Captain Chub, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Captain of the crew (New York ; London : D. Appleton and Co., 1924., 1924), also by Ralph Henry Barbour (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Captain of the Crew, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Catcher Craig, by Christy Mathewson (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Change Signals: A Story of the New Football, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Children of the tenements (Macmillan, 1903), also by Jacob A. Riis (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Children of the Tenements, by Jacob A. Riis (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: A court of inquiry (Doubleday, Page & Company, 1909), also by Grace S. Richmond, Raymond Moreau Crosby, and Page & Company Doubleday (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Crimson Patch, by Augusta Huiell Seaman (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The crimson sweater (The Century co., 1908), also by Ralph Henry Barbour (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The crimson sweater (Century Co., 1906), also by Ralph Henry Barbour (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Crimson Sweater, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Crofton Chums, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: A defective Santa Claus (The Bobbs-Merrill company, 1904), also by James Whitcomb Riley, Margaret Armstrong, Will Vawter, Margaret Armstrong Binding Collection (Library of Congress), and Bobbs-Merrill Company (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Denise and Ned Toodles (New York: Century Co., 1898), by Gabrielle E. Jackson and Century Company (page images at Florida)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Denise and Ned Toodles : a true story (Century Co., 1898), also by Gabrielle E. Jackson (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: A diplomatic adventure (The Century Co., 1906), also by S. Weir Mitchell, De Vinne Press, Century Company, and Decorative Designers (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The dozen from Lakerim (Century, 1899), also by Rupert Hughes (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The dragon's secret (Century, 1921), also by Augusta Huiell Seaman (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The edge of hazard (The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1906), also by George Horton, Braunworth & Co, and Bobbs-Merrill Company (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The fickle wheel : a tale of Elizabethan London (The Bowen-Merrill Company, 1901), also by Henry Thew Stephenson (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: First Base Faulkner, by Christy Mathewson (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: For the honor of the school : a story of school life and interscholastic sport (D. Appleton, 1900), also by Ralph Henry Barbour and D. Appleton and Company (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: For the honor of the school : a story of school life and interscholastic sport (Grosset & Dunlap, 1900), also by Ralph Henry Barbour, C. M. Relyea, and Grosset & Dunlap (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: For the Honor of the School: A Story of School Life and Interscholastic Sport, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: For Yardley: A Story of Track and Field, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Four Afoot: Being the Adventures of the Big Four on the Highway, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Four in Camp: A Story of Summer Adventures in the New Hampshire Woods, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Girl Next Door, by Augusta Huiell Seaman (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Gloria, by George Frederic Turner (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Gret : the story of a pagan (The Century Co., 1907), also by Beatrice Mantle, De Vinne Press, Century Company, and Decorative Designers (Firm) (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Harry's Island, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The house of Egremont : a novel (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1900), also by Molly Elliot Seawell and Charles Scribner's Sons (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The House of Egremont : a novel, by Molly Elliot Seawell (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The judges' cave; being a romance of the New Haven colony in the days of the regicides, 1661. (Lothrop publishing company, 1900), also by Margaret Sidney and Lothrop Publishing Company (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Kingsford, quarter (The Century co., 1910), also by Ralph Henry Barbour (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Kingsford, Quarter, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The lass of the silver sword (The Century Co., 1909), also by Mary Constance Du Bois (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Left End Edwards, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Left Tackle Thayer, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Like Another Helen, by George Horton (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The man outside (Dodd, Mead and Company, 1910), also by Wyndham Martyn, Wyndham Mortyn, and Mead & Company Dodd (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The monks' treasure (The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1905), also by George Horton, Braunworth & Co, and Bobbs-Merrill Company (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The mystery of the Sea-Lark, by Ralph Henry Barbour and H. P. Holt (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Nid and Nod, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: On Christmas day in the evening (A. L. Burt, 1910), also by Grace S. Richmond (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: On Christmas Day in the evening (Doubleday, Page and Company, 1910), also by Grace S. Richmond and Page & Company Doubleday (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: On Christmas Day in the morning (Doubleday, Page & Company, 1908), also by Grace S. Richmond and Page & Company Doubleday (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: On Christmas Day in the morning : on Christmas Day in the evening (Doubleday, Page & Company, 1925), also by Grace S. Richmond (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: On Your Mark! A Story of College Life and Athletics, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Partners Three, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The patience of John Morland (Doubleday, Page, 1909), also by Mary Dillon and Page & Company Doubleday (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Patroon van Volkenberg : A tale of old Manhattan in the year sixteen hundred & ninety-nine, by Henry Thew Stephenson (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Pitcher Pollock, by Christy Mathewson (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Rich men's children (The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1906), also by Geraldine Bonner, Braunworth & Co, and Bobbs-Merrill Company (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Rich men's children, by Geraldine Bonner (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Rivals for the Team: A Story of School Life and Football, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Rose of Old St. Louis, by Mary Dillon, also illust. by J. André Castaigne (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Round the corner in Gay street (Doubleday, Page & Company, 1908), also by Grace S. Richmond, Maud Thurston, and Page & Company Doubleday (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Round the Corner in Gay Street, by Grace S. Richmond, also illust. by Maud Thurston (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Rubáiyát of Doc Sifers (The Century co., 1897), also by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Rubáiyát of Doc Sifers (The Century co., 1897), also by James Whitcomb Riley and De Vinne Press (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Rubáiyát of Doc Sifers (Century co., 1897), also by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Rubáiyát of Doc Sifers (Bobbs-Merrill, 1912), also by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Rubáiyát of Doc Sifers, by James Whitcomb Riley (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Sapphire Signet, by Augusta Huiell Seaman (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: She that hesitates (The Bobbs-Merrill company, 1903), also by Harris Dickson, Rome K. Richardson, Braunworth & Co, and Bobbs-Merrill Company (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Signora : a child of the opera house (R.H. Russell, 1902), also by Gustav Kobbé, E. W. Histed, A. Dupont, and R.H. Russell (Firm) (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Slipper Point Mystery, by Augusta Huiell Seaman (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Slipper Point Mystery, by Augusta Huiell Seaman (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Team-Mates, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Three Sides of Paradise Green, by Augusta Huiell Seaman (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Tom, Dick and Harriet, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Tommy Remington's Battle, by Burton Egbert Stevenson (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Trinity bells; a tale of Old New York. (J.F. Taylor and company, 1900), also by Amelia E. Barr (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Turner Twins, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: Uncharted seas (Small, Maynard and Company, 1913), also by Robert Adger Bowen, Central Typesetting Co, Mass.) University Press (Cambridge, and Maynard & Company Small (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Weatherby's Inning: A Story of College Life and Baseball, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: The web of the golden spider (Small, Maynard and Company, 1909), also by Frederick Orin Bartlett, Harrison Fisher, Mass.) University Press (Cambridge, and Maynard & Company Small (page images at HathiTrust)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: The Web of the Golden Spider, by Frederick Orin Bartlett, also illust. by Harrison Fisher (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932, illust.: Winning His "Y": A Story of School Athletics, by Ralph Henry Barbour (Gutenberg ebook)
Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.), 1863-1932: With Juliet in England (Doubleday, Page & Company, 1907), also by Grace S. Richmond and Page & Company Doubleday (page images at HathiTrust)
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