Online Books by
Prince Rupert
(Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682)
Books from the extended shelves:
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A brief relation of His Majesties, and the French Kings forces under my command, with the Dutch the 11th of August, 1673, near the Texel. ([London : s.n.], 1673) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A briefe relation of the siege at Newark,: as it was delivered to the councel of state at Derby-house, by Lieutenant Col. Bury, whom the Earl of Manchester sent to report. Together with articles of agreement betwixt Prince Rupert and Sir Iohn Meldrum; wherein the perfidious dealings of the enemy is made manifest; who, contrary to the articles, took away their colours, swords and pikes, and plundred the officers. (London : Printed for Peter Cole, March 26. 1644), also by John Meldrum, Lieutenant Colonel Bury, and Edward Montagu Manchester (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A Chaleng sent from Prince Rupert and the Lord Grandison to Sir Wjlljam Belford at Windsor, Janvary the eighteene, 1643 by a trumpeter not aboue 14 yeares of age : wherein is declared how Prince Rvpert and the Lord Grandison doth dare the said Sir William, to meete them at any place whatsoever to fight a single dvell, or else to bring his troope of horse, to end the contreversie : likewise, Sir William his answer to the said chaleng. (London : Printed for Thomas Green, 1643), also by William Balfour and William Villiers Grandison (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A collection of original royal letters (J. Stockdale, 1787), also by George Bromley, King of Bohemia Frederick I, Elector Palatine Karl Ludwig, Queen Elizabeth, King Charles II of England, and King Charles I of England (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A copy of a letter from the Earle of Essex, by order of the pretended Houses of Parliament, to Prince Rupert with His Highnesse answer thereunto. (Oxford : Printed by Leonard Lichfield ..., 1645), also by Robert Devereux Essex (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: The copy of a vvarrant under Prince Kuperts [sic] hand to the officers of the Hundred of Winnershly in the county of Northampton. ([London : s.n., 1643]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Declaratie van Prins Robert. English (Oxford : Printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the Vniversity, 1642) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Declaratie van Prins Robert. English (London : Printed for Th. Thompson, October 13. 1642) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A declaration by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.: Concerning His resolutions for the peace and safety of Ireland, and the free injoyment of the rights of the people. Together with the copies of severall letters taken in Ireland, of great consequence. This declaration is appointed to be printed and published throughout all Ireland, by speciall direction from O. Cromwell. ([London] : Printed at Dublin by William Bladen and re-printed at London by Robert Ibbiston, dwelling in Smithfield, 1649), also by Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1649-1650 : Cromwell), James Butler Ormonde, and Oliver Cromwell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A declaration from [brace] Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice,: directed to both Houses of Parliament, with their intentions: as also their desires to the Parliament, sent from Oatlands, and delivered on Tuesday last, the 30. of June. 1646. These are true copies, and printed and published according to order. Iuly 4. 1646. (London : Printed by Iane Coe., 1646), also by Prince Maurice (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A declaration of His Highness Prince Rupert.: With a narrative of the state and condition of the city and garrison of Bristoll, when his Highnesse Prince Rupert came thither: of the actions there during the siege, of the treaties, and rendition thereof. (London : Printed by Edward Griffin, 1645) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: The declaration of His Highnesse Prince Rupert, Lord High Admirall of all the navy Royall, belonging to the Kings Majesty Charles the II.: Wherein hee cleareth himselfe from many scandalous rumours which have bin cast upon his reputation. Likewise his Highnesse resolution and intention; together with the rest of the officers of the Navy Royall. Touching the death of the late King, the illegall pretended power of Parliament. And their indeavours to inthrone the now King Charles the second. Also shewing their intentions to maintaine the lawes of the land, the liberty of the subject, and just rights and priviledges of a lawfull Parliament. / Signed by the Princes owne hand aboard the Navy Royall, now riding an anchor upon the Downes, the of March, 1649. ([London : s.n.], Printed in the yeer, 1649) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: An extract of severall letters, vvhich came by the last post, or otherwise, from all parts of the kingdome, since the fifth of November to this present November the twelfth.: Likewise, a copy of Prince Roberts warrants from His Majesties army in the countryes about for a contribution of mony, and cloth towards the maintenance of his army. (London : Printed by Luke Norton, 1642) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Fourteen articles of peace.: Propounded to the king and Parliament by the gentry and commonalty of the county of Tork [sic]: being subscribed to by these knights and gentlemen, whose names are here specified, in the name of all the gentry and commonalty of the said county. VVherein is contained their resolution to maintain the peace of that county against all those that shall endeavour to disturb it. Also the copie of a letter sent from Prince Robert to His Majesty. (London : Printed for E. Blackmore, Octo. 4. 1642), also by Sir Crane (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Further instruction for Cap: Thomas Allen: touching the execution of his commission; bearing date the eight day of January, 1649. (London : Printed by M. Simmons in Aldersgate-streete, 1649), also by England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: His Highness Prince Rupert's letter to the Earl of Arlington, His Majesties principal secretary of state from on board the Royal Charles off the Osterbank, the XXIXth of May, 1673, distant from East Capel Seven Leagues, at one of the clock afternoon, the wind s.s.w. ([London] In the Savoy : Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1673), also by Henry Bennet Arlington (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: His Highness Prince Rupert's letter to the Earl of Arlington his Majesties principal secretary of state. from on board the Soveraign now under sail, June 5. about seven leagues off Lastoff, at nine in the morning, the wind at E. N. E. (Re-printed at Dublin: by Benjamin Tooke ... and are to be sold by Joseph Wilde ..., 1673) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: His Highness Prince Rupert's letter to the Earl of Arlington, His Majesties principal secretary of state from on board the Soveraign now under sail, June 5, about seven leagues off Lastoff, at nine in the morning, the wind at e.n.e. (In the Savoy [London] : Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1673) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: His Highness Prince Rupert's letter to the Earl of Arlington, His Majesties principal secretary of state. from on board the Royal Charles off the oster-bank, the XXIXth of May, 1673. Distant from East Capel Seven Leagues, at one of the clock afternoon, the wind S.S.W. (In the Savoy :, Edinburgh, : Printed by Tho. Newcomb, ;, Reprinted by Andrew Anderson ..., 1673) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: The humble desires of Prince Rupert, Prince Maurice, and others their adherents, to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie, to be tryed at a counsell of war.: Together with His Majesties letter to Colonel Samuel Sands Governour of Worcester, concerning the persons aforesaid. (London : Printed for Edw. Husband, printer to the Honorable House of Commons, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Golden Dragon in Fleetstreet neer the Inner-Temple, December 30. 1645), also by Prince Maurice, Samuel Sands, and England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: The iudgement of the court of warre upon the charge laid against Sir Richard Cave, for the delivery up of Hereford Oxford, 26. Iunij. 1643. (Printed at Oxford : y Leonard Lichfield, printer to the University, 1643) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: The last vvill and testament of P. Rupert,: vvherein hee disposeth of all his estate here in England, and maketh Sir Thomas Fairfax executor, and Lievetenant [sic] Generall Crumwell, Major Generall Browne, and Colonell Massey overseers of the same will. (London : [s.n], Printed in the yeare, 1645. October. 7) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A letter from the Earl of Essex to His Highnesse Prince Rupert concerning the putting to death of souldiers come out of Ireland taken prisoners : with His Highnesse answer thereunto. (Bristoll [Avon] : Printed by Robert Barker and John Bill, 1645), also by Robert Devereux Essex (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Message to the Earle of Essex the morning before hee marched forth with his forces (London : ... Printed for T. Cooke, Septemb. 21, 1641), also by Robert Devereux Essex (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: The Parliaments vindication in ansvver to Prince Ruperts declaration.: By S.W. Esquire. (London : [s.n], Printed in the yeer 1642), also by S. W. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Prince Roberts message to my Lord of Essex with an answer to his desires touching the construction of the lawes and certaine other points to the great satisfaction of all people : wherein is declared his wicked resolutions mask'd under the pretention of loyalty unto his Uncle, Our Kings Majesty : together with his desire of a pitch-field in Dunsmore-Heath with the true relation of his wicked and tyrannicall proceedings where hee goes : also the true relation of a challenge hee gave unto his excellencie &c together with the entertainment hee and his brother, Prince Mavrice, found in Shrewsbury by the trained bands and other pieus people there inhabiting : also the wonderfull mercy of God shewed towards His Excellencie in delivering his honour from a fatall conspiracy pretended against his person at Worcester. (London : Printed for Tho. Banks, Octob. 6, 1642) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Prince Rupert, his reply to a pamphlet entituled The Parliaments vindication in answer to Prince Ruperts declaration published by His Excellencies special command to informe all His Majesties good subjects what false aspersions have beene cast upon him. ([London?] : Printed at Oxford by Leonard Lichfield, and now reprinted at London for Humphrey Blundevill, 1642) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Prince Ruperts cruell vvarrant (London : Printed for Edward Husbands, November 13. 1643) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Prince Ruperts declaration to the King of Portugall.: With the answer thereunto, in defence of the Parliaments proceedings with a relation of what passed between the two fleets on the river of Lisburne. / Sent up in a letter from Captain Thorowgood Captain of the Admirall. (London : Printed for George Whittington at the Blew-Ancor, near the Royall Exchange in Cornhill, 1650), also by Captain Thorowgood and John King of Portugal (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: The proceedings in the late treaty of peace·: Together with severall letters of his Majesty to the Queen, and of Prince Rupert to the Earle of Northampton, which were intercepted and brought to the Parliament. With a declaration of the Lords and Commons upon those proceedings and letters. Ordered by the Lords and Commons, that these proceedings, letters, and declaration be forthwith printed. H. Elsing Cler. Parliament. Dom. Com. (London : Printed for Edward Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop in the Middle Temple, 1643), also by Charles King of England, Queen Henrietta Maria, Spencer Compton Northampton, and England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Sculptura. (Clarendon press, 1906), also by John Evelyn, C. F. Bell, Abraham Bosse, and A. H. Church (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Sculptura (Printed for J. Payne ... , 1755), also by John Evelyn, Richard Houston, Robert Nanteuil, and T. Worlidge (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Sculptura (Printed for J. Payne ..., 1755), also by John Evelyn, T. Worlidge, and John Payne (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Sculptura; or, The history and art of chalcography, and engraving in copper: (J. Murray, 1769), also by John Evelyn, Samuel de Sorbière, and Giacomo Maria Fari (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: Sculptura, or, The history, and art of chalcography and engraving in copper with an ample enumeration of the most renowned masters and their works : to which is annexed a new manner of engraving, or mezzo tinto, communicated by His Highness Prince Rupert to the authour of this treatise. (London : Printed by J.C. for G. Beedle and T. Collins, 1662), also by John Evelyn and Samuel Sorbière (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A speech spoken by His Excellence Prince Rupert to his sacred Majesty, and the Lords of his Privie Councell, at his returne from Redding to Oxford:: wherein is freely delivered his opinion concerning the present warre, with his advise for the erecting of forts and garrison townes in this Kingdom, and calling in the old English regiments out of Holland. ([London] : Printed at Oxford by L. Lichfield, and now reprinted at London for John Rivers, 1642) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: True, but sad and dolefull newes from Shrevvesbury.: Expressed in two severall letters: whereof, the one was written to a gentleman of the Inner-Temple: the other, to a friend in London, relating at large the severall passages of the late skirmish at or near Worcester, between a party of each army, viz. Under the command of Prince Robert on the one side, and of Colonell Sands on the other. Confirmed by a letter sent from Prince Robert to His Majestie. Septemb. 24. With divers other circumstances of severall passages at that time. With Cornets mottoes. Octob. 10. 1642. ([London] : Imprinted at Yorke, and now reprinted at London. [s.n.], 1642), also by B. H. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A true copie of Colonel Sr. Gamaliel Dudley's letter to His Highnesse Prince Rupert from Newark 4. March. 1644 being an exact relation of Sr. Marm. Langdale's march northward, as also the great victory obtained by him over Lord Fairfax neare Pontefract 1. Martii, 1644. (Oxford : Printed by Leonard Lichfield ..., 1644), also by Gamaliel Dudley (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: A true relation of the storming Bristoll, and the taking the town, castle, forts, ordnance, ammunition and arms, by Sir Thomas Fairfax's army, on Thursday the 11. of this instant Septemb. 1645. Together with severall articles between Prince Rupert, and Generall Fairfax, before the delivering up of the castle. Sent in severall letters to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, and read in the said House. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this relation with the articles, beforthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. (London, : Printed for Edward Husband, printer to the Honorable House of Commons, Sept. 13. 1645), also by John Rushworth, Thomas Fairfax Fairfax, and England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: The victory over the fleet of the States General, : obtained by His Majesties Navy Royal in the late engagement, begun the 25 of July instant. As it came from his Highness Prince Rupert, and his Grace the Duke of Albemarle. Published by command. (Tho. Newcomb, 1666), also by George Monck Albemarle (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682: The victory over the fleet of the States General, obtained by His Majesties Navy Royal in the late engagement, begun the 25. of July instant. / As it came from His Highness Prince Rupert, and His Grace the Duke of Albemarle. Published by authority. (Printed at London ;, and re-printed at Edinburgh : [s.n.], 1666), also by George Monck Albemarle (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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