Online Books by
George Carl Shaad
(Shaad, George Carl, 1878-)
Books from the extended shelves:
Shaad, George Carl, 1878-: Electric wiring and lighting ... Part I--Electric wiring (American School of Correspondence, 1913), also by American School of Correspondence (Chicago) and Charles Edwin Knox (page images at HathiTrust)
Shaad, George Carl, 1878-: Electric wiring and lighting ... Part I--Electric wiring (American Technical Society, 1918), also by Ill.) American School (Chicago and Charles Edwin Knox (page images at HathiTrust)
Shaad, George Carl, 1878-: Power stations and power transmission; a manual of approved American practice in the construction, equipment, and management of electrical generating stations, substations, and transmission lines, for power, lighting, traction, electro-chemical, and domestic uses; part I.--Power stations, part II.--Power transmission. (American School of Correspondence, 1908), also by American School of Correspondence (Chicago) (page images at HathiTrust)
Shaad, George Carl, 1878-: Power stations and transmission; a comprehensive treatise on electric power station equipment, design, and management, and the erection and maintenance of proper transmission lines (American School of Correspondence, 1913), also by Ill.) American School (Lansing (page images at HathiTrust)
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