Online Books by
John R. St. John
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
St. John, John R.: A true description of the Lake Superior country its rivers, coasts, bays, harbours, islands, and commerce : with Bayfield's chart [showing the boundary line as established by Joint Commission]; also a minute account of the copper mines and working companies : accompanied by a map of the mineral regions; showing, by their no. and place, all the different locations : and containing a concise mode of assaying, treating, smelting, and refining copper ores (W.H. Graham, 1846) (page images at HathiTrust)
St. John, John R.: A true description of the lake Superior country ... with Bayfield's chart; showing the boundary line as established by Joint commission. Also a minute account of the copper mines and working companies ... and containing a concise mode of assaying, treating, smelting, and refining copper ores. (W. H. Graham, 1846) (page images at HathiTrust)
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