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: "Stopsky, Fred" to "Storrs, Richard S. (Richard Salter), 1821-1900" (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- Stopsky, Fred (2 titles)
- Storer, Edward, 1880-1944 (7 titles)
- Storer, Florence Edith (4 titles)
- Storer, Horatio Robinson, 1830-1922 (1 title)
- Storer, John (1 title)
- Storer, Malcolm, 1862- (1 title)
- Storer, Robert W., 1914-2008 (3 titles)
- Storey, G. A. (George Adolphus), 1834-1919 (1 title)
- Storey, Ian, 1970- (2 titles)
- Storey, Moorfield, 1845-1929 (1 title)
- Stork, Charles Wharton, 1881-1971 (3 titles)
- Stork, Elisabeth P. (Elisabeth Pausinger) (2 titles)
- Storke, Elliot G. (1 title)
- Storm, Gustav, 1845-1903 (1 title)
- Storm, Marian, 1892?-1975 (1 title)
- Storm, Raymond William (1 title)
- Storm, Theodor, 1817-1888 (3 titles)
- Storm, Walter (1 title)
- Storms, Roger C. (1 title)
- Storr, Francis (2 titles)
- Storr, Juliette (1 title)
- Storrs, George, 1796-1879 (1 title)
- Storrs, K. Larry (Keith Larry), 1937- (1 title)
- Storrs, Richard S. (1 title)
- Storrs, Richard S. (Richard Salter), 1821-1900 (3 titles)
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