Online Books by
Grant Townsend
Townsend, Grant: The Adelaide Dental School, 1917 to 2017 (Adelaide: Barr Smith Press, University of Adelaide Press, c2018), also by James R. Rogers and Tasman Brown (PDF with commentary at Adelaide)
Townsend, Grant, ed.: New Directions in Dental Anthropology: Paradigms, Methodologies and Outcomes (Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, c2012), also ed. by Eisaku Kanazawa and Hiroshi Takayama (multiple formats with commentary at Adelaide)
Townsend, Grant: Twin Studies: Research in Genes, Teeth and Faces (Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, c2015), also by Sandra K. Pinkerton, James R. Rogers, Michelle R. Bockmann, and Toby E. Hughes (PDF with commentary at Adelaide)
Townsend, Grant: Yuendumu: Legacy of a Longitudinal Growth Study in Central Australia (Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, c2011), also by Tasman Brown, Sandra K. Pinkerton, and James R. Rogers (multiple formats with commentary at Adelaide)
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