Online Books by
University of Oxford
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University of Oxford: Alumni Oxonienses: The Members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1714 (4 volumes; Oxford and London: Parker and Co., 1891-1892), ed. by Joseph Foster
University of Oxford: Alumni Oxonienses: The Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 (4 volumes; Oxford and London: Parker and Co., ca. 1888-1891), ed. by Joseph Foster
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
University of Oxford: An account of the decree of the University of Oxford, against some heretical tenets At a meeting of Mr. Vice-Chancellour, and the heads of colledges and halls, in the University of Oxford, the 25th of November, 1695. ([London] : Sold by J. Whitlock, near Stationers-Hall, [1695]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: An Account of the visit of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent and Their Imperial and Royal Majesties the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia to the University of Oxford in June MDCCCXIV. (At the Clarendon Press, 1815), also by George Hawkins (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: An advertisement, concerning the printing and publishing of ancient and other usefull books. ([Oxford : s.n., 1680]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Advertisements from the delegates of convocation for his Majesties reception, for the heads of houses to deliver with great charge unto their companies. (Oxford, : Printed at the Theater, M.DC.XCV. [1695]), also by Fitzherbert Adams (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Advertisements from the delegates of convocation for his Majesties reception, for the heads of houses to deliver with great charge unto their companies.. ([Oxford : s.n., 1663]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Advertisements from the delegates of convocation for His Majesties reception for the leads of houses to deliver with great charge unto their companies ([Oxford : s.n., 1687]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxonienses : the members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1714: their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees. (Parker and Co., 1891), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxonienses : the members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1714: their parentage birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees (Parker and co., 1891), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxonienses; the members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 ... (Parker and co., 1888), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxonienses : the members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 : their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees : being the matriculation register of the University (Joseph Foster, 1888), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxonienses : the members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886: their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees (Parker, 1887), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxonienses; the members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886: their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees. (J. Foster, 1887), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxonienses: the members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886: their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees. Being the matriculation register of the University, alphabetically arranged, revised and annotated (Parker and co., 1887), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxonienses : the members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 ; their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees ; being the matriculation register of the University (Parker, 1891), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxonienses: the members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886; their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees; alphabetically arranged, revised and annotated, by Joseph Foster. (J. Parker, 1891), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Alumni oxoniensis: the members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1714: their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees. Being the matriculation register of the University, alphabetically arranged, revised and annotated (Parker and co., 1891), also by Joseph Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Anecdota oxoniensia. Texts, documents, and extracts chiefly from manuscripts in the Bodleian and other Oxford libraries. Semitic series. (Clarendon Press, 1882) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The answer of the chancellor, masters and scholars of the Vniversity of Oxford, to the petition, articles of grievance, and reasons of the city of Oxon presented to the honorable committee for regulating the University of Oxford the 24. of July, 1649. (Oxford : Printed by H. Hall, printer to the University, 1649), also by Gerard Langbaine (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Answere of the vicechancelour, the doctors, both the proctors, and other the heads of houses in the Universitie of Oxford. (At Oxford : Printed by Ioseph Barnes, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon VVaterson, 1603) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Answere of the vicechancelour, the doctors, both the proctors, and other the heads of houses in the Universitie of Oxford ([London : s.n.], Printed anno, 1641) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: April 18. 1676. Whereas on Friday last, April 14th at midnight, several outrages were committed by breaking the windowes as well of colleges, as private houses, in many places of this city ([Oxford : s.n., April 18, 1676]), also by Ralph Bathurst (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: At a meeting of the delegates in D. Stauntons lodgings Feb. 27. 1653. ([Oxford : by L. Lichfield, 1653/4]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: At a meeting of the heads of houses, April 28, 1690. Whereas great care hath been taken for regulating the apparel and habits of all scholars of whatever rank or degree within the University ... ([Oxford : s.n.], 1690), also by Jonathan Edwards (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: At a meeting of the heads of houses. Mar. 22. 1688. Whereas the gowns, capps, and habits of all members of this University, are by the statutes of the same to be made and fashioned with all exactness possible, ... ([Oxford : s.n., 1688]), also by Benjamin Cooper (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: At a meeting of the Vice-Chancellor of the heads of colleges and halls of the University of Oxford on the 25. day of November in the year of our Lord 1695 ([Oxford : s.n., 1695]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: August 24, 1661. The vice-chancellour and major, respectively, in His Majesties name, doe streightly charge and command ... ([Oxford : s.n., 1661]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Authentic account of the visit of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent to the University of Oxford, June 14, MDCCCXIV ... (Sold by J. Cooke and J. Parker, 1814) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The bearer hereof, Christopher Angell, a Greeke borne in Peloponnesus, hauing been persecuted by the Turkes for his religion ... ([Oxford : Printed by J. Lichfield and J. Short, 1618]), also by University of Cambridge and Church of England. Diocese of Salisbury (1614-1618 : Abbot) aut (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: The bearer hereof, Christopher Angell, a Greeke borne in Peloponnesus, hauing beene persecuted by the Turkes for his religion ... ([Oxford or London? : S.n., 1618?]), also by University of Cambridge and Church of England. Diocese of Salisbury (1614-1618 : Abbot) aut (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Blue book. (Crosby Lockwood and Son., 1912) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Britannia rediviva. (Oxoniæ : excudebat A. & L. Lichfield, Acad. typogr., M. DC. LX. [1660]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: The burial of Sophocles; the Newdigate prize poem, 1914 (B. H. Blackwell, 1914), also by Robert William Sterling (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: By order from Mr. Vice-Chancellor these are to give notice, that whereas Thomas Dye and John Fosset, have without licence from mee, and in contempt of the chancellor, masters and scholars of this university ... presumed to set up a coach to travail from hence to London ... ([Oxford : s.n., 1671]), also by Peter Mews (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: By order from Mr. Vice-Chancellor. VVhereas complaint has been brought to me of several disorders committed in and about the new tenis-court, where His Royall Highness the Duke of York's servants now act; ... ([Oxford : s.n.], 1671), also by Peter Mews (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: By order from Mr. Vice-Chancellour. ([Oxford : s.n., 1672]), also by Peter Mews (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: By order from Mr. Vice-Chancellour. ([Oxford : s.n., 1672]), also by Peter Mews (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: By order from Mr. Vice-Chancellour. These are to give notice that whereas Thomas Dye and John Fosset hath without licence from mee, and in contempt of the Chancellor, Masters and scholars of this University (to whom the ordering and governing of all carriers of what kind soever tradeing to or with the University and City of Oxford doth of right belong) ... ([Oxford : s.n.], 1671), also by Peter Mews (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: By the vice-chancellour and heads of houses whereas by the rude carriage of severall schollars in this university ... severall tumultuous disorders have been lately committed ... / signed in the name, and by the consent of the heads of houses, by Dan. Greenwood, vice-can. (Oxford : Printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the University, [1651]), also by Daniel Greenwood (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: By the vicechancellour and heads of houses of the University of Oxford whereas the right honourable the Councell of State hath beene informed by some inhabitants of this city, concerning a distemper here growne to a very great height ... (Oxford : Printed by Leonard Lichfield ..., 1651) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Calendar (Oxford [etc.], in the 19th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Carolus R. Ordo sive series electionis procuratorum in singulis Coll Academiæ Oxoniensis secundum vices infra scriptas per statuta serenissimi Regis Caroli &c. in domo convocationis ibidem stabilita et confirmata &c quotannis factiendæ. ([Oxford : J. Lichfield, 1629]), also by Peter Turner (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Catalogue of a loan collection of portraits of English historical personages who died between 1625 and 1714, exhibited in the Examination Schools, Oxford, April and May, MDCCCV. (H. Frowde, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Catalogue of a loan collection of portraits of English historical personages who died between 1714 and 1837 : exhibited in the examination schools, Oxford, April and May, MDCCCCVI. (H. Frowde, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Catalogue of a loan exhibition of early scientific instruments in Oxford. Opened by Sir William Osler after his presidential address to the Classical association on 16 May, 1919. (Printed for the president of the Classical association by F. Hall, at the Clarendon press, 1919), also by Classical Association (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: A catalogue of all graduates in divinity, law, and medicine : and of all Masters of Arts and Doctors of Music, who have regularly proceeded or been created in the University of Oxford, between October 10, 1659, and October 10, 1800 : to which are added, the chancellors, high-stewards, vice-chancellors, and proctors, from the year 1659 to 1800 : the burgesses for the University, from the year 1603 to 1800 : and the matriculations and regents, from 1701 to 1800. (Clarendon Press, 1801) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: A catalogue of all graduates in divinity, law, medicine, arts and music, who have regularly proceeded or been created in the University of Oxford, between October 10, 1659, and December 31, 1850. (University press, 1851) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: A catalogue of all graduates, Oct. 10, 1659-Dec. 31, 1850; added, a list of chancellors, high-stewards, vice-chancellors, proctors, heads of colleges and halls and burgesses, with a statement of matriculations and regencies. (Univ. press, 1851) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: A catalogue of all graduats in divinity, law, and physick, and of all masters of arts and doctors of musick, who have regularly proceeded or been created in the University of Oxford, between October 10, 1659 and October 10, 1770; to which are added the chancellors, high-stewards, vice-chancellors and proctors, from the year 1659 to 1770; also the burgesses for the university from the year 1603 to 1770. (Printed at the Clarendon Press, 1772) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: A catalogue of books printed at the Theater in Oxford, since the first printing there, which was in the year 1672, to 1682 (with several others): and sold in London, by Moses Pitt at the Angel against the Great North-door of St. Pauls-Church 1682. Those with an asterisc are printed at the Theater. ([London] : sold by Moses Pitt, 1682), also by Moses Pitt (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Catalogue of graduates ... [With] the Chancellors [and other officers. Continued to ... ] (Oxf., 1659) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Catalogue of portraits in the possession of the university, colleges, city, and county of Oxford (The Clarendon press, for the Oxford historical society, 1912), also by England) Oxford Historical Society (Oxford and Rachael Poole (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Catalogue of portraits in the possession of the university, colleges, city, and county of Oxford (Clarendon Press, 1912), also by England) Oxford Historical Society (Oxford and Rachael Poole (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Catalogus codicum mss. qui in collegiis aulisque oxoniensibus hodie adservantur. (e Typographeo academico, 1852), also by H. O. Coxe (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Catalogus codicum mss. qui in collegiis aulisque oxoniensibus hodie adservantur. (e Typographeo academico, 1852), also by H. O. Coxe (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: A certificat in order to the collecting and reporting the state of the present English free-schools. ([Oxford : s.n., 1651]), also by Peter Mews and T. Bouchier (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: C̈hancellor's prize for an English essaÿ (Oxford ëtc.̈, D.A. Talboys ëtc.̈, in the 18th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The chancellor's prize. Latin essay. (Oxford, etc., 1903) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Congratulatory addresses recited in the Theatre, Oxford, at the installation of the Right Hon. The Earl of Derby, Chancellor of the University, MDCCCLIII. (J. Vincent, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Correspondence respecting the proposed measures of improvement in the universities and colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1854. [Part I. University and colleges of Oxford]. (Printed by Harrison and Sons, 1854), also by Great Britain (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: De obligatione conscientiæ : prælectiones decem Oxonii in schola theologica (J.W. Parker, 1851), also by Robert Sanderson and William Whewell (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: December 3.1678 whereas I have received notice that (according to orders given) there will be within this University and city of Oxon strict guards kept and observed by His Majesties forces that are now in place in this place ([Oxford : s.n., 1661]), also by John Nicholas (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: A defence of the rights and priviledges of the University of Oxford containing, 1. An answer to the petition of the city of Oxford. 1649. : 2. The case of the University of Oxford, presented to the Honourable House of Commons, Jan. 24. 1689/90. (Oxford : Printed at the Theater, 1690), also by James Harrington and Gerard Langbaine (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Doctors in all faculty's appointed to meet the King ([Oxford : s.n., 1687]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Eidyllia in obitum fulgentissimi Henrici Walliæ Principis duodecimi, Romæq[ue] ruentis terroris maximi quo nihil maius meliâusve terris fata donavere, boniâq[ue] divi nec dabunt, quamvis redeant in aurum tempora priscum. (Oxoniæ : Excudebat Josephus Barnesius, 1612), also by James Martin (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Eights week, 1895. 1895 May 23 ([publisher not identified], 1895), also by Max Beerbohm (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Epistolae academicae Oxon. (Printed for the Oxford historical society, 1898), also by Henry Anstey (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Epistolae academicae Oxon. (Registrum F); a collection of letters and other miscellaneous documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford in the fifteenth century. (Printed for the Oxford Historical Society, 1898), also by Henry Anstey (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Epithalamia Oxoniensia, sive Gratulationes in augustissimi regis Georgii III. et illustrissimæ principissæ Sophiæ Charlottæ nuptias auspicatissimas. (e Typographeo clarendoniano, 1761) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Examination decrees...together with the regulations of the Boards of the Faculties. (Clarendon Press., in the 19th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Examination papers ... (Clarendon press, 1901) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Examination papers. Honour school of philosophy, politics, and economics. Second public examination. (University., in the 20th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The examination statutes (Statt. Univ. Oxon. tit. VI and parts of tit. II, V, VIII and XII) together with the regulations of the boards of studies and boards revised to July 11, 1925, of Faculties for the academical year 1925-1926 ... (Clarendon Press, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The examination statutes ... together with the regulations of the Boards of Studies and Boards of Faculties. (Clarendon Press, 1877) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: The examination statutes ... together with the regulations of the Boards of Studies and Boards of Faculties. (Clarendon Press, 1877) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Excerpta e statutis Universitatis Oxoniensis. Titulus XIV, De vestitu et habitu scholastico. Titulus XV, De moribus conformandis. Titulus XXIII, Of women students. (E Prelo Clarendoniano, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Fasti Oxonienses (Rivington [etc.], 1813), also by Anthony à Wood and Philip Bliss (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: France; the Newdigate prize poem, 1919 (B. H. Blackwell, 1919), also by Percy Hugh Beverley Lyon (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Gaisford Greek prose. (B.H. Blackwell., between 1000 and 1999) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Gaisford prize Greek verse. (Blackwell., in the 20th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Gazette (Oxford University Press, 1870) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: General information concerning admission, residence, entrance scholarships and the examinations leading to the degree of bachelor of arts, &c. (Clarendon press, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: General information concerning admission, residence entrance scholarships and the examinations leading to the degree of Bachelor of arts &c. (Clarendon Press, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Herbert Spencer lectures. Decennial issue, 1905-1914. (Clarendon Press, 1916) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The historical register of the University of Oxford, being a supplement to the Oxford University calender, with an alphabetical record of University honours and distinctions, completed to the end of Trinity term, 1888. (Clarendon Press, 1888) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The historical register of the University of Oxford, completed to the end of Trinity term, 1888. Part 1. (Clarendon Press, 1888) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The humble address and recognition of the University of Oxford presented to His Sacred Majesty James II, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. according to an Act of convocation, bearing date, Feb. 21, in the year 1685. (Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Printed at the Theatre, 1685) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Humble petition of the University of Oxford, in behalfe of episcopacy and cathedrals ([s.n.], 1641) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: An humble petition of the Vniversity and city of Oxford lately presented to His Majestie, for a speedy accommodation of peace, between himselfe and his high court of Parliament : together with His Majesties gracious answer to the said petition. (Printed at Oxford :, Reprinted at London : By Leonard Lichfield ;, For Thomas Vincent, [1644?]), also by Charles 1600-1649 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Illustrated catalogue of a loan collection of portraits of English historical personages who died between 1625 and 1714 exhibited in the examination schools, Oxford, April and May, MDCCCCV. (The Clarendon Press, 1905) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Illustrated catalogue of a loan collection of portraits of English historical personages who died between 1714 and 1837 exhibited in the examination schools, Oxford, April and May, MDCCCCVI. (Clarendon Press, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Illustrated catalogue of a loan collection of portraits of English historical personages who died prior to the year of 1625, exhibited in the examination schools, Oxford (The Clarendon Press, 1904), also by Oxford Historical Society (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Information concerning the School of Medicine, medical degrees and diplomas and post-graduate medical study and research. (Clarendon Press, 1926) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: International seismological summary for ... (University Observatory, 1918), also by University of Oxford. Observatory, British Association Seismological Committee, and International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Judicium & decretum Universitatis Oxoniensis latum in convocatione habita Jul. 21, an. 1683, contra quosdam perniciosos libros & propositiones impias. English ([Oxford] : Printed at the Theater, 1683) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Judicium & decretum Universitatis Oxoniensis latum in convocatione habita Jul. 21, an. 1683, contra quosdam perniciosos libros & propositiones impias quae capitibus sacratissimorum principum, eorum statui & regimini, & omni humanae societati exitium intentant. ([Oxonii] : E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1683) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Judicium Universitatis Oxoniensis. English ([London : s.n.], 1647), also by Robert Sanderson, Richard Zouch, and Gerard Langbaine (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Lectures on art delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary term, 1870 (John Wiley & Son, 1870), also by John Ruskin, New York Printing Company, and John Wiley & Sons (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: A letter sent by William Lavvd Archbishop of Canterburie with divers manuscripts to the Vniversity of Oxford : which letter in respect it hath relation to this present Parliament is here inserted : together with the answer which the Vniversitie sent him wherein is specified their integrity as he is their chancellor : the tenor whereof ensues. ([S.l.: s.n.], 1641), also by William Laud (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: A letter to the Reverand Dr. Durell, vice chancellor of the University of Oxford : occasioned by a late expulsion of six students from Edmund hall. (London : Printed for J. Millan, 1768., 1768), also by George Whitefield, Richard Hill, Thomas Nowell, and David Durrell (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: A letter to the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P., chancellor of the exchequer : on the formation of the Initiative Board in the University of Oxford / Talbot collection of British pamphlets (John Henry Parker, 1854), also by Henry W. Acland and W. E. Gladstone (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The life of Mr. Thomas Hearne, of St. Edmund's hall, Oxford : from his own ms. copy, in the Bodleian library ; also an accurate catalogue of his writings and publications, from his own ms. copy, which he designed fo the press. (Printed for J. and J. Fletcher at the Clarendon, 1772), also by Thomas Hearne and Willian Huddesford (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: List of selected Sanskrit MSS. (University press], 1912), also by Nepal Nepal Durbar library (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Local examinations : papers of the examination held in ... with answers to the questions set in mathematics and physics, the regulations for ... and lists of the delegates and the examiners. (Clarendon Press, between 1000 and 1999) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Luther commemoration and the Church of England : a sermon preached before the University of Oxford on Sunday, November 11, 1883 / Talbot Collection of British Pamphlets (Rivingtons, Waterloo Place, 1883), also by William Ince (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Marmora Oxoniensia. (E typographeo Clarendoniano, impensis Academiae, 1763), also by John Miller, Richard Chandler, and Oxford University Press (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Marmora Oxoniensia, ex Arundellianis, Seldenianis aliisque conflata (E theatro Sheldoniano, 1676), also by Humphrey Prideaux, M. Burghers, Sertorio Orsato, Thomas Lydiat, and John Selden (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Marmora Oxoniensia ex Arundellianis, Seldenianis, aliisque conflata recensuit & perpetuo commentario explicavit Humphridus Prideaux ... ; appositis ad eorum nonnulla Seldeni & Lydiati annotationibus accessit Sertorii Ursati Patavini De notis Romanorum commentarius. (Oxonii : E. theatro Sheldoniano, MDCLXXVI [1676]), also by Humphrey Prideaux, Thomas Howard Arundel, John Selden, and Thomas Lydiat (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: May the 11 1661 whereas great complaint hath been made of divers undergraduates, priviledge-persons, and townesmen of severall conditions and qualities ([Oxford : s.n., 1661]), also by Paul Hood (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Mediaeval archives of the University of Oxford (Printed for the Oxford historical society at the Clarendon Press, 1920), also by H. E. Salter (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Merton Colledge case. ([London?] : s.n., 1625]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Munimenta academica (Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1868), also by Henry Anstey (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Munimenta academica; or, Documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford (Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1868), also by Henry Anstey (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Munimenta academica : or, Documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford (Kraus, 1964), also by Henry Anstey (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Munimenta academica; or, Documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford ... (Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1868), also by Henry Anstey (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The new examination statutes, together with the decrees of convocation and regulations of the Boards of studies at present in force, relating thereto. June, 1872. (The Clarendon press, 1872) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Octob: 21. 1667. Prizes of wines set and appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, according to which they are to be sold rateably in all measures. ... ([Oxford : by William Hall, 1667]), also by John Fell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: On homotopy : commutativity (Washington D. C. : Mathematics Division, Office of Scientific Research, U.S. Air Force, 1960., 1960), also by Ioan James, Emery Thomas, United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research, and Berkeley. Department of Mathematics University of California (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Ordered by the lord chancellour and visitours of this university, that no fellow, demy, scholler, chaplaine, clerke, chorister, officer, servant or member of Magdalen Colledge shall enjoy any benefit of their respective places or any of them, untill they give satisfaction to the visitours of this university ([S.l. : s.n., 1647]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Orders agreed upon by the heads of houses for the preventing and quenching of fire ([Oxford : s.n, 1671]), also by Peter Mews (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Orders concerning the rates and demands of carriers and their porters, for goods brought and conveyed betwixt the University of Oxford, and city of London ([Oxford? : s.n., 1666]), also by John Fell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Orders for the reception of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Orange agreed upon by the vice-chancellor & delegats [sic], to be communicated to the heads of houses, & by them to their respective companies. ([Oxford : s.n., 1670]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Orders for the reception of the most illustrious James, Duke of Ormond, &c. and chancellor of the University of Oxford agreed upon by the vice-chancellor and delegates to be communicated to the heads of houses, and by them to their respective companies. ([Oxford? : s.n., 1677]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Orders made and set downe by the iustices of peace, at the generall sessions of the peace, holden at Oxford the xith of Ianuarie 1613: and in the xith yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne lord King Iames of England &c. ([Oxford : J. Barnes, 1614]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Orders to be observed while His Majestie, or the two Houses of Parliament continue in Oxford agreed upon by the vice-chancellor and delegates, to be communicated to the heads of houses, and by them to their respective companies. ([Oxford? : s.n., 1681]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium. In Universitate Oxon: per quadragesim Ann. 1677/8. Collectoribus Dno Dutton è Coll Æn Nas. Dno Vanderheyden è Coll. Magd. ([Oxford : s.n.], 1678) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: The Oxford and Cambridge magazine ... (Bell and Daldy, 1856), also by William Morris and University of Cambridge (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford and working-class education; being the report of a joint committee of university and working-class representatives on the relation of the university to the higher education of workpeople. (The Clarendon press, 1908), also by Workers' Educational Association (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford College plate (Clarendon Press, 1928), also by W. W. Watts (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford English prize essays. (D.A. Talboys, 1830) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford English prize essays. (D.A. Talboys, 1830) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Oxford English prize essays. (D.A. Talboys, 1836) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Oxford English prize essays. A new edition brought down to the present time. (D.A. Talboys, 1830) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford essays (John W. Parker and Son, 1855) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford essays (J. W. Parker and son, 1855) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Oxford historical pageant, June 27-July 3, 1907: Book of words. (Printed for the Pageant committee, 1907) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Oxford historical register. (Clarendon Press, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford honours, 1220-1894, being an alphabetical register of distinctions conferred by the University of Oxford from the earliest times. (The Clarendon press, 1894) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford house papers : a series of papers (Longmans, Green, 1897), also by Charles Gore (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford house papers : a series of papers (Longmans, Green, 1898) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford House papers : a series of papers for working men (Longmans, Green, 1890), also by J. G. Adderley (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford house papers : a series of papers for working men ; 1st- series (Rivingtons, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: The Oxford magazine : a weekly newspaper and review. (s.n., 1883) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford magazine, or, University museum 1768-69 (s.n., 1768) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford prize poems (J. H. Parker, J. Vincent, and H. Slatter, 1839) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford prize poems: being a collection of such English poems as have at various times obtained prizes in the University of Oxford. (J. H. Parker, 1808) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford prize poems: being a collection of such English poems as have at various times obtained prizes in the University of Oxford. (Printed for J. Parker; [etc., etc.], 1834) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Oxford ten-year book. (1860) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Oxford ten-year book. A register of university honours and distinctions, completed to the end of the year 1870. (J. Parker and co. [etc., etc.], 1872) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford University calendar. (J.H. Parker, and H. Slatter, in the 19th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford University handbook. (Clarendon Press; [etc., etc.], 1912) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford University handbook. 1932- (Clarendon Press., in the 20th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford university roll of service (The Clarendon press, 1920), also by W. M. Gibson and E. S. Craig (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford university roll of service, 1914-1915 (Clarendon press, 1915), also by Edwin Stewart Craig (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford university roll of service, 1914-1916 (The Clarendon press, 1916), also by Edwin Stewart Craig (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford university roll of service, 1914-1916 (The Clarendon press, 1916), also by E. S. Craig (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Oxford University statutes (W. Pickering, 1845) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Oxonian ... (Printed by I. Shrimpton., 1847) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Parecbolae sive excerpta e corpore statutorum universitatis oxoniensis. (Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1825) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Parecbolae ; sive, excerpta e corpore statutorum universitatis oxoniensis : (Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1808) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Parecbolae, sive Excerpta e corpore statutorum Universitatis Oxoniensis. Accedunt Articuli religionis XXXIX in Ecclesia anglicana recepti: nec non juramenta fidelitatis et suprematus ... (E Typographeo Academico, 1842) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Parecbolae sive excerpta e corpore statutorum Universitatis Oxoniensis. Accedunt articuli religionis xxxix. in ecclesia Anglicana recepti. Nec non juramenta fidelitatis et suprematus. (e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1820) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Paul Hood, doctor of divinity, rector of Lincoln College, and vice-chancellour of the Vniversity of Oxford to all whom it may concerne: Greetings. Whereas the statutes of the University require certaine scholasticall and decent habits befitting every person in his severall degree to be used and put on when he shall appear in publick ... ([Printed at Oxford : By Anne Lichfield, 1660]), also by Paul Hood (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Pietas universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum ... regis Georgii II. et gratulatio in ... regis Georgii III. inaugurationem. (e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1761) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Poemata praemiis cancellarii academicis donata et in theatro Sheldoniano recitata. (Vincent, 1846) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Poemata praemiis Cancellarii Academicis donata, et in theatro Sheldoniano recitato, [1772-1805] (J. Munday, 1810) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Prælectiones academicæ oxonii habitæ ab Eduardo Copleston. (typis Academicis ;, 1828), also by Edward Copleston (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The privileges of the University of Oxford, in point of visitation:: cleerly evidenced by letter to an honourable personage. Together with the Universities answer to the summons of the visitors. ([London] : Printed for Richard Royston, 1647), also by John Fell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Prizes of wines set and appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, according to which they are to be sold rateably in all measures, from and after the twenty seventh day of this instant February 1673. ([Oxford : s.n., 1674]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Proceedings at the unveiling of the Rhodes memorial tablet. (Rhodes trustees, 1907) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones, Deo propitio, discutiendae publice in comitiis coram serenissimo Rege, mense August. An. 1605 Quæstiones in theologiâ. ... Quæstiones in medicinâ. (Oxon. : [By J. Barnes], 1605) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis decimo [duodecimo] die mensis Julii anno Dom. 1669 (Oxoniæ : Typis Lichfieldianis Acad. Typog., anno Dom. 1669) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis decimo [duodecimo] die mensis Julii anno Dom. 1675 (Oxonii : Ex officina Leonardi Lichfield Acad. Typog., anno Dom. 1675) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis decimo [duodecimo] die mensis Julii anno Dom. 1680 (Oxonii : Ex officina Leonardi Lichfield, Academiæ Typographi, anno Dom. 1680) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis decimo [duodecimo] die mensis Julii anno Dom. 1684 (Oxonii : Ex officina Leonardi Lichfield, Academiæ Typographi, anno Dom. 1684) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis duodecimo [decimo quarto] die mensis Julii anno Domini 1673 (Oxonii : Ex officina Leonardi Lichfield Acad. Typog., anno Dom. 1673) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis nono [undecimo] die mensis Julii anno Dom. 1681 (Oxonii : Ex officina Leonardi [Lichfield, Academiæ Typographi, anno Dom. 1681]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis octavo [decimo] die mensis Julii anno Dom. 1676 (Oxonii : Ex officinâ Leonardi Lichfield Acad. Typog., anno Domini 1676) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis octavo [decimo] die mensis Julii, anno Dom. 1693 ([Oxonii] : E Theatro Sheldoniano, An. Dom. 1693) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis septimo [nono] die mensis Julii anno Dom. 1677 (Oxonii : Ex officinâ Leonardi Lichfield Acad. Typog., an. Dom. 1677) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in s. theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis undecimo [decimo tertio] die mensis Julii anno Dom. 1674 (Oxonii : Ex officina Leonardi Lichfield Academiæ Typographi, anno Dom. 1674) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia [jure civili, medicina, philosophia] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis septimo [nono] die mensis Julii anno Domini 1683: (Oxonii : Ex officina Leonardi Lichfield. Acad. Typog, anno Domini 1683) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, decimo [duodecimo] die Julii, anno Dom. 1652 (Oxoniæ : Excudebat Leon. Lichfield Academiæ Typographus, An. Dom. 1652) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis duodecimo [decimo quarto] die mensis Julii anno Domini 1679 (Oxonii : Ex officina Leonardi Lichfield Acad. Typog., anno Domini 1679) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia [jure civili, philosophia, medicina] discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis undecimo [decimo tertio] die mensis Julii anno Dom. 1663 (Oxoniæ : Typis Lichfieldianis Academiæ Typog., an. Dom. 1663) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, decimo die Iulii, ann. D. 1619 ([Oxford : s.n., 1619]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quaestiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, decimo die Iulii, anno Dom. 1630 ([Oxford : W. Turner, 1630]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis duodecimo die Iulii, ann. Dom. 1634 ([Oxford : W. Turner, 1634]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, duodecimo die Iulii, anno Dom. 1628 ([Oxford : s.n., 1629]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, nono die mensis Julii, An. Dom. 1664 (Oxoniæ : Typis Lichfieldianis, Academiæ Typog., Ann. Dom. 1664) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, octavo die mensis Julii, Anno Dom. 1671 (Oxoniæ : Ex officina Leonardi Lichfield Academia Typographi, Anno Dom. 1671) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis septimo die Iulii, ann. Dom. 1632 ([Oxford : s.n., 1632]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, sexto die Iulii, anno Dom. 1622 ([Oxford : s.n., 1622]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis sexto die Iulii, anno Dom. 1639 ([Oxford : s.n., 1639]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, sexto die mensis Julii, Anno Dom. 1672 (Oxonii : Ex officina Leonardi Lichfield Academiæ Typographi, Anno Dom. 1671) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, undecimo die Julii, An. Dom. 1657 (Oxoniæ : Excudebat A. Lichfield Academiæ Typographus, Ann. Dom. 1657) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, vndecimo die Iulii, 1629 ([Oxford : s.n., 1629]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis vndecimo die Iulii, ann. Dom. 1635 ([Oxford] : Excudebat Leonardus Lichfield ..., [1635]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Quaestiones in sacra theologia discutiendae Oxonii in vesperis 7⁰ die Iulij, Ann. D. 1621 [comitiis nono die Iulij. anno Dom. 1621] ([Oxford : s.n., 1621]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Questions and exercises for classical scholarships, second division ... (J. Thornton, 1879) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Questions submitted to colleges, and the answers communicated by the several societies ([Oxford, 1875), also by University of Oxford. Hebdomadal Council (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Quinquennial report of the curators of the Bodleian Library for ... (The University, 1985), also by Bodleian Library (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Qvæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis nono die Julii an. Dom. 1653 (Oxoniæ : Excudebat Leonardus Lichfield, Academiæ Typographus, an. Dom. 1653) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: The reciprocal influence of the moral and physical conditions of countries upon each other. A prize essay, read in the theatre, Oxford June 4, 1856. (Oxford, 1856), also by Samuel Harvey Reynolds (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Register of the University of Oxford. (Printed for the Oxford Historical Society, 1885), also by Andrew Clark and Charles William Boase (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The register of the visitors of the University of Oxford, from A.D. 1647 to A.D. 1658. (Printed for the Camden Society, 1881), also by Montagu Burrows (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Report and evidence upon the recommendations of Her Majesty's Commissioners for Inquiring into the State of the University of Oxford, presented to the Board of Heads of Houses and Proctors Dec. 1, 1853. (University Press, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Responsions : papers in stated subjects-exclusive of books-, 1901-1906 (The Clarendon Press, 1907), also by F. G. Brabant and Charles Abdy Marcon (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Reverend Dr. Dixon, principal of St. Edmund Hall, having acquainted the Vice-Chancellor, that a person admitted a member of his society would offer himself to be matriculated, the Vice-Chancellor saw reason, ... to make some farther enquiry into the character and conduct of the said person, ... ([Oxford] : [publisher not identified], [1769], 1769), also by Nathan Wetherell and J. Audey (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Rhodes scholarships. (Oxford., in the 20th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Rhodes Scholarships; record of past scholars. ([Oxford, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Robert Say, doctor of divinity, provost of Oriel Colledge and vice-chancellour of the Vniversity of Oxford to all whom it may concern Greetings. Whereas the statutes of the University require certain scholastical and decent habits befitting every person in his severall degree to be used and put on when he shall appear in publick ... ([Oxford : s.n., 1666]), also by Robert Say (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Rules and orders made by the Vice-Chancellor of the Vniversity of Oxford and Iustices of Peace for the good and safety of the Vniversity, city and county of Oxford whereas there is a dayly encrease of the plague in the city of Lodon, the suberbs and parts adjacent by reason whereof very many persons have of late and dayly doe withdraw themselves from their respective habitations ... ([Oxford : s.n., 1665]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Selecta ex Organo Aristoteleo capitvla in vsvm scholarvm academicarvm (e typographia Clarendoniano, 1897), also by Aristotle (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Shotover papers (J. Vincent, 1874), also by E. B. Iwan-Müller, Francis Griffin Stokes, F. S. Pulling, Wilson Edward William Morrison, and Gordon Campbell (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The Shotover papers. (J. Vincent, 1874) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Shrimpton's series of the costumes of the members of the University of Oxford. (A.T. Shrimpton, 1800), also by A.T. Shrimpton and A.T. Shrimpton & Son (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Sir, I do most earnestly desire you to assist me in removing the neglect of wearing the University habits at solemn meetings according to the statutes ... ([Oxford : by L. Lichfield, October 1678]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Special statutes reprinted from the Statutes at large for the use of candidates for the School of jurisprudence, Oxford, with notes and translations. (J. Thornton, 1874), also by Great Britain (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: State-poems; continued from the time of O. Cromwel, to this present year 1697. Written by the greatest wits of the age, viz. The Lord Rochester, the Lord D-t, the Lord V-n, the hon. Mr. M-ue, Sir F. S-d, Mr. Milton, Mr. Prior, Mr. Stepney, Mr. Ayloffe, &c. With several poems in praise of Oliver Cromwel, in Latin and English, by D. South, D. Locke, Sir W. G-n, D. Crew, Mr. Busby, &c. Also some miscellany poems by the same, never before printed ([London : s.n.], Printed in the year MDCXCVII. [1697]), also by Matthew Prior and John Wilmot Rochester (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Statements of the needs of the university, being replies to a circular letter addressed by the Vice-Chancellor on February 20, 1902, to heads of institutions and departments, to the boards of faculties, and to professors and readers. (Clarendon Press, 1902) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statuta et decreta, Universitatis Oxoniensis. (E. Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1899) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statuta legenda in admissione baccalaureorum in theologia ad quorum observationem singuli tenentur. ([Oxford : s.n., 1684]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Statuta schedula sive repertorium seriei & circuitus prædicti, manu propria Cancellary ... (Oxoniæ : Excudebat Iohannes Lichfield, impensis Guilielmi Davis, 1629) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. (E. Typ. Clarendoniano, 1870) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis oxoniensis. (e typ. Clarendoniano, 1907) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. (E Typographeo Clarendoniano, between 1000 and 1999) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. (e Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1898) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. (e Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1902) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. (e Typ. Clarendoniano, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. (E. Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1874) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. (e. typ. Clarendoniano, 1893) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis oxoniensis. (e. typ. Clarendoniano, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statuta Universitatis oxoniensis. (Typ. Clarendoniano, 1879) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statute made by the University of Oxford. (London., between 1000 and 1999) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statutes (W. Pickering, 1845), also by James Heywood and G. R. M. Ward (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statutes ([publisher not identified], 1845), also by William Laud and G. R. M. Ward (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statutes made for the University of Oxford, and for the colleges and halls therein (Clarendon, 1883), also by Great Britain. Oxford University Commission and Great Britain (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statutes of the colleges of Oxford : with royal patents of foundation, injunctions of visitors and catalogues of documents relating to the University... (J.H. Parker ;, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statutes of the colleges of Oxford : with royal patents of foundation, injunctions of visitors and catalogues of documents relating to the University, preserved in the Public record office... (J.H. Parker, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statutes of the colleges of Oxford : with royal patents of foundation, injunctions of visitors, and catalogues of documents relating to the University, preserved in the Public Record Office : Corpus Christi College. (J. H. Parker, 1853), also by Great Britain Public Record Office (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Statutes of the University of Oxford codified in the year 1636 (Clarendon Press, 1888) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The student' handbook to the university and colleges of Oxford. (The Clarendon press, 1909) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The student's handbook to the University and colleges of Oxford. (Clarendon Press, in the 19th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The student's handbook to the university and colleges of Oxford. (Clarendon Press, 1888) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The student's handbook to the university and colleges of Oxford. (Clarendon Press, 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: The student's handbook to the university and colleges of Oxford. (The Clarendon press, 1892) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Studia biblica (Clarendon Press, 1885) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Studia biblica et ecclesiastica. (Clarendon Press, 1885), also by S. R. Driver (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Studia Biblica et ecclesiastica (Clarendon Press, 1885) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Studia Biblica et ecclesiastica (Clarendon Press, 1885) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Studia Biblica et ecclesiastica (Oxford, 1885) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Studies in the synoptic problem (Clarendon Press, 1911), also by W. Sanday (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
University of Oxford: Syllabus of a course of classes on English social history, 1760-1815. (Oxford, 1920), also by R. H. Tawney (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Synopsis seu Epitome statutorum eorum præsertim, quæ iuventuti Academ. Oxon: maximè expedit pro doctrinâ & moribus habere cognita. ([Oxonii : Excudebat Gulielmus Turner, impensis Gulielmi Webb, Anno. Dom. 1635]), also by Thomas Crosfield (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Thanksgivings. ([Oxford : s.n., ca. 1690]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: To [ ] being by us approved and appointed collectors of the moneys due to His Majesty by virtue of a late act of Parliament, intituled, An act for the raising money by a poll, and otherwise to enable His Majesty to enter into an actual war against the French King, and for prohibiting several French commodities. ([Oxford : s.n., 1678]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: To the high and honourable court of Parliament, the humble petition of the University of Oxford, in behalfe of episcopacy and cathedrals.: ([London : s.n.], Printed in the yeare, 1641) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: To the high covrt of Parliament the humble petition of all colledges and halls, and other well-willers to piety and learning throughout the kingdome of England. ([Oxford : s.n., 1641]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: To the honourable visitours appointed by both Houses of Parliament for the regulating and reforming of the Vniversity of Oxford ([London : s.n., 1647]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: To the honourable visitours appointed by both Houses of Parliament for the regulating and reforming of the Vniversity of Oxford. The petition of your friends and servants in the said Vniversity. ([London : s.n., 1648]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: To the right vvorshipful the heads of the respective colleges and halls in the Vniversity of Oxford Sirs, you are desired to signify to your societies that whereas on Friday morning next thereis intended to be held a convocation in the theater for the University's being invested in the possession of it ... (Oxford : Printed by H. Hall, Printer to the University, 1669), also by John Fell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: To the right vvorshipful the heads of the respective colleges and halls of the University of Oxford : you are desired to signifie to your societies and remind them that during the solemnity now approaching, on the seventh day of July, all doctors are to wear their scarlet gowns and that the exercises will begin at one of the clock in the after-noon after the ringing of the little bell at St. Maries ... ([Oxford : s.n.], 1690) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: To the right vvorshipful the heads of the respective colleges and halls of the University of Oxford : you are desired to signifie to your societies and remind them that during the solemnity now approaching, on the twenty first day of May, all doctors are to wear their scarlet gowns and that the exercises will begin at three of the clock in the after-noon after the ringing of the little bell at St. Maries ... ([Oxford : s.n.], 1683), also by Ralph Bathurst (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: To the right worshipfull the heads of the respective colleges and halls in the University of Oxford you are desired to signify to your societies that on Thursday April 23 the day of His Majesties coronation there will be a sermon at St. Maries at ten of the clock in the morning ... ([Oxford : s.n.], 1685) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Tracts for the times (Printed for J.G.F. & J. Rivington ;, 1839), also by Isaac Williams, Richard Hurrell Froude, William Palmer, E. B. Pusey, John Henry Newman, and John Keble (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Tracts for the times (J.G.F. & J. Rivington, 1834), also by Isaac Williams, E. B. Pusey, Richard Hurrell Froude, William Palmer, John Keble, and John Henry Newman (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Tracts for the times (Printed for J. G. F. & Rivington, 1833) (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Tracts for the times (Rivington ;, 1840), also by Isaac Williams, E. B. Pusey, Richard Hurrell Froude, William Palmer, John Keble, and John Henry Newman (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Tracts for the times (Charles Henry, 1839), also by Isaac Williams, E. B. Pusey, Richard Hurrell Froude, William Palmer, John Keble, and John Henry Newman (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Tracts for the times (Printed for J.G. & F. Rivington;, 1839), also by Isaac Williams, E. B. Pusey, Richard Hurrell Froude, William Palmer, John Keble, and John Henry Newman (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Translations of the Oxford and Cambridge Latin prize poems. (Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, 1833), also by University of Cambridge (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Two exercises for the degree of B.D. read in the Divinity School, Oxford, April 18 and 19, 1844 (John Henry Parker, James Burns ..., London, 1844), also by Richard Gell MacMullen (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Univers. Oxon ss. These are in His Majesties name to require you and of you to make your peronal appearance before us whose names are hereunto subscribed ... ([Oxford : s.n., 1678]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Univers. Oxon. The price of provision, appointed by the Reverend Timothy Halton, Doctor of Divinity Provost of Queens-Colledge, and Vice-Chancellor to the most illustrious James Duke of Ormond, &c. Chancellor of the University, His Majesties clerk of this market. VVhich prices all sellers are required not to exceed. ([Oxford : s.n., 1681?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Universit Oxon. To [blank] being by us nominated and appointed presenters and assessors for [blank] within by virtue and in pursuance of an act of Parliament intituled An act for raising money by a poll and otherwise to enable His Majesty to enter into an actual war against the French king and for prohibiting several French commodities ... ([Oxford: s.n., 1678]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Verses by the University of Oxford on the death of the most noble and right valiant Sir Bevill Grenvill, alias Granvill, Kt. who was slain by the rebells at the battle on Lansdown-Hill near Bathe, July the 5, 1643. ([London] : Printed at Oxford 1643, and now reprinted at London, 1684), also by Henry Birkhead (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: The vice-chancellour and heads of houses, with the rest of the delegates, reflecting upon, and taking into consideration the disturbances, disorderly carriages, and incivilities of many younger scholars of this university in publike meetings ... (Oxford : Printed by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the University, A.D. 1652), also by Daniel Greenwood (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Walter Blandford, doctor of divinity, vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford ([Oxford : s.n., 1669]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Weeds from the Isis. A miscellany of prose and verse (J. Blackwood, 1856), also by Wiltshire Stanton Austin (page images at HathiTrust)
University of Oxford: Whereas formerly the practical musick performed in this school on the act Saturday, and other times ([Oxford : s.n., 1671]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Whereas the appointment, ordering, and government of all carriers of what kind forever, trading to or with the University and citty of Oxford does of right belong and appertain to the chancellor, masters, and scholars of the said University by their charters, priviledges, and customes ... ([Oxford : s.n., Ap 5, 1669]), also by John Fell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Whereas the carriers between the University of Oxford, and the city of London to the great prejudice of the members of the said University, and others have for divers years last past exacted what rates they pleased for the carriage of goods and letters ... ([Oxford : s.n.], Decemb. 4. 1674), also by Ralph Bathurst (HTML at EEBO TCP)
University of Oxford: Whereas Tuesday next, being the thirtieth day of this instant January is by an act of Parliament appointed to be observed as a day of fasting and humiliation to explore the mercy of almighty God that the guilt of the sacred and innocent book of Charles the First, of blessed memory, may not be visited upon us or our posterity ... ([Oxford : s.n., 1672]), also by Peter Mews (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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