Online Books by
W. F.
Books from the extended shelves:
- W. F.: A Briefe request or declaracion presented vnto madame the Duchesse of Parme &c. regente of the Lowe Countrie of Flaunders, by the lordes and nobilitie of the same countrie with the answere and replie, and other writynges / Englished by W.F. (Imprinted at London : By Ihon Kyngston, for Thomas Humble, dwellyng at the signe of the George in Lumberdstreate, 1566), also by of Austria Margaret and King of Spain Philip II (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- W. F.: An elegy, in memory of that famous, learned, reverend and religious Doctor Oldsworth late chaplain to the ever living Majesty of Charles the Martyr, and sometime vice-chancellour to the now dying University of Cambridge, a principall sufferer in stormy-beaten Sion, but a stout maintainer of the purity of the Protestant profession. ([S.l. : s.n., 1649]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- W. F.: The Quakers rounds, or, A Faithful account of a large discourse between a party of them called Quakers viz. William Fisher and Edward Burroughs, &c with Mr. Philip Taverner, Mr. Richard Goodgroom, and Mr. M. Hall, ministers of the Gospel ... / published by William Taverner, preacher of the Word. (London : Printed by G. Dawson for Lodowick Lloyd ..., 1658), also by Edward Burrough (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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