Online Books by
Benjamin Wadsworth
(Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737)
Books from the extended shelves:
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: The bonds of baptism: shewing, I. That those under the Gospel, should seek baptism for themselves and their children. II. When those baptiz'd in infancy, grow up to years of understanding; they should renew their covenant with God. / By Benjamin Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston, New-England. ; [Seven lines from Matthew] (Boston: : Printed by B. Green, sold by B. Eliot, at his shop., 1717) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: The character of Anna, the prophetess, consider'd and apply'd. In a sermon preach'd after the funeral of that honourable and devout gentlewoman, Dame Bridget Usher; who deceas'd at Boston, N.E. May 25th. 1723. Being a widow of a great age. Publish'd (with some enlargements) at the desire of the honoured executors to her will. / By Thomas Foxcroft, M.A. and a Pastor to the Old Church in Boston. ; With a preface by the Rev. Mr. Wadsworth. (Boston: : Printed by S. Kneeland,, MDCCXXIII. [1723]), also by Thomas Foxcroft (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: Cleansing our way in youth press'd, as of the highest importance: and observing the word of God recommended, as the only sufficient means. In a discourse upon Psal. CXIX. ver. 9. Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. / By Thomas Foxcroft, M.A. ; With a recommendatory preface, by the Reverend Mr. Wadsworth, Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Boston. (Boston: in N. E. : Printed by S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, and sold at his shop in Corn-Hill, near the brick meeting-house., 1719), also by Thomas Foxcroft (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: A Course of sermons on early piety. By the eight ministers who carry on the Thursday lecture in Boston. ; With a preface by the Reverend Dr. Increase Mather, and also clos'd with a discourse lately had by him to young people. ; [One line epigram in Latin] (Boston: in N.E. : Printed by S. Kneeland, for N. Buttolph, B. Eliot, and D. Henchman, and sold at their shops., 1721), also by Benjamin Colman, William Cooper, Thomas Foxcroft, Increase Mather, Thomas Prince, Joseph Sewall, and John Webb, ed. by Cotton Mather (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: An essay to do good. By a disswasive from tavern-haunting, and excessive drinking. / By Benjamin Wadworth, Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston; ; together with a lecture sermon, by the same author. (Boston, N.E. : Printed by B. Green, for a publick good., 1710) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: Fervent zeal against flagrant wickedness. A lecture-sermon, preach'd at Boston, N.E. on Novemb. 27. 1718. / By Benjamin Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church in Boston, N.E. ; [Thirteen lines of Scripture texts] (Boston: : Printed by B. Green, for B. Eliot, at his shop., 1718) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: Fraud and injustice detected and condemned. In a lecture sermon in Boston, Feb. 28. 1711,12. / By Benj. Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston, N.E. ; [Seven lines of Scripture texts] (Boston: : Printed by B. Green., 1712) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: Good souldiers a great blessing; being so represented in a sermon preached on the day for election of officers, in the honourable artillery company in Boston, June 3d. 1700. / By Benjamin Wadsworth, Pastor of a church in Boston. ; [One line from I Samuel] (Boston in New England, : Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips, at the brick shop near the Old Meeting-House., 1700) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: Invitations to the Gospel feast, or, Free offers of salvation through Christ. Eleven sermons, from Luke XIV. 16.--24. / By Benj. Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston N.E. ; [Eight lines from Proverbs] (Boston: : Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot at his shop on the north side of King's-Street., 1715) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: The just man's prerogative. A sermon preached privately, Sept. 27. 1706. on a solemn occasion; for the consolation of a sorrowful family, mourning over the immature death, of a pious son, viz Mr. Simeon Stoddard, who was found barbarously murdered, in Chelsea-Fields near London, May 14. 1706. / By S. Willard. ; [Two lines from II Samuel] (Boston N. E. : Printed by B. Green. Sold by Nicholas Boone at his shop., 1706), also by Samuel Willard (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: A practical discourse relating to the Gospel-ministy [sic]. Preached by Thomas Foxcroft, A.M. at his ordination to the office of Pastor of a church in Boston, on Wednesday, November 20. 1717. ; Published and enlarged at the urgent request of a gentleman of his auditory. With a preface by the Reverend Mr. Benjamin Wadsworth, Pastor of the said Church. (Boston: : Printed for Nicholas Buttolph, at his shop at the lower end of Corn-Hill,, 1718), also by Thomas Foxcroft and Mass.) First Church (Boston (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: Rulers feeding & guiding their people, with integrity & skilfulness. A sermon preached, to the Great & General Court of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, conven'd at Boston in N.E. on May 30. 1716. The stated day for their anniversary election of counsellers. / By B. Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston. ; [Five lines of Scripture texts] (Boston: : Printed by B. Green., 1716), also by Massachusetts General Court (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: True piety the best policy for times of war. A sermon preacht at Boston-lecture on August 16. 1722. Soon after a declaration of war, against the Eastern Indians & rebels. / By Benjamin Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston, N.E. ; [Fourteen lines from Leviticus] (Boston: : Printed by B. Green, printer to His Excellency the gov. & Council., 1722) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: Twelve single sermons on various subjects, tending to promote godliness, and quicken persons to walk in the way of salvation. / Preached, by Benjamin Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston, N.E. ; [Nine lines of Scripture texts] (Boston: : Printed by B. Green, for N. Buttolph, B. Eliot, S. Gerrish, and D. Henchman, sold at their shops., 1717) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: Vicious courses, procuring poverty. Describ'd and condemn'd. A lecture sermon preach'd at Boston, Feb. 19. 1718,19. / By Benjamin Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston, N.E. ; [Nine lines from Proverbs] (Boston, : Printed by John Allen, for Benjamin Eliot, at his shop in King Street, 1719) (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: A vision in the temple. The Lord of Hosts, adored; and the King of Glory proclaimed; on a day of prayer kept (May 10. 1721) at the opening of the New Brick Meeting House in the north part of Boston, by the ministers of the city, with the Society which built it, & this day swarmed into it. / By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. ; [Two lines from Isaiah] (Boston, : Printed for Robert Starkey. And sold at his shop in Fleetstreet., 1721), also by Cotton Mather (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737: The well-ordered family. (Boston, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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