Online Books by
Arthur Edward Waite
(Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942)
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Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Book of Ceremonial Magic (second edition, 1913) (HTML at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Book of Ceremonial Magic, Including the Rites and Mysteries of Goëtic Theurgy, Sorcery and Infernal Necromancy (London: W. Rider and Son, Ltd., 1911) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, trans.: The Book of Lambspring, A Noble Ancient Philosopher, Concerning the Philosophical Stone: Rendered into Latin Verse by Nicholas Barnaud Delphinas, Doctor of Medicine, a Zealous Student of this Art, by Lambsprinck, also trans. by Nicolas Barnaud
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, contrib.: The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary (third issue, revised and enlarged, 1909), by Karl von Eckartshausen, trans. by Isabelle de Steiger (HTML with commentary at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Collectanea Chemica: Being Certain Select Treatises on Alchemy and Hermetic Medicine (London: J. Elliot and Co., ca. 1893) (HTML at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Collected Poems of Arthur Edward Waite (2 volumes; London: W. Rider, 1914)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Devil Worship in France (1896)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah (London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1902) (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: Elfin Music: An Anthology of English Fairy Poetry (London: W. Scott; et al., 1888)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the Great: Now for the First Time Faithfully Translated into English (2 volumes; London: J. Elliott and Co., 1894), by Paracelsus (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: The Hermetic Museum (two volumes; London: J. Elliot and Co., 1893) (HTML at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal: Its Legends and Symbolism Considered in Their Affinity with Certain Mysteries of Initiation and Other Traces of a Secret Tradition in Christian Times (London: Rebman Limited, 1909)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, trans.: The History of Magic: Including a Clear and Precise Exposition of its Procedure, its Rites and its Mysteries (London: W. Rider and Son, 1913), by Eliphas Lévi (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, trans.: The History of Magic: Including a Clear and Precise Exposition of its Procedure, its Rites and its Mysteries (second edition; London: W. Rider and Son, 1922), by Eliphas Lévi (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Lamps of Western Mysticism: Essays on the Life of the Soul in God (London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co.; New York: A. A. Knopf, 1923) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Life of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, the Unknown Philosopher, and the Substance of His Transcendental Doctrine (London: Philip Welby, 1901) (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers (London: G. Redway, 1888)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Lucasta: Parables and Poems (London: James Elliott and Co., 1894) (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: A Lyric of the Fairy Land, and Other Poems (London: J. E. Catty, 1879) (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Lévi (London: G. Redway, 1886), by Eliphas Lévi (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: A New Light of Mysticism: Azoth, or, The Star in the East (1893)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: The New Pearl of Great Price: A Treatise concerning the Treasure and Most Precious Stone of the Philosophers, by Petrus Bonus, also ed. by Giano Lacinio (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: Obermann (New York: Brentano's, 1903), by Etienne Pivert de Senancour (page images at Google; US access only)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot (HTML at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Raymund Lully, Illuminated Doctor, Alchemist and Christian Mystic (London: W. Rider and Son, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Real History of the Rosicrucians (London: George Redway, 1887)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Saint-Martin, the French Mystic, and the Story of Modern Martinism (London: W. Rider and Son, 1922) (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Secret Doctrine in Israel: A Study of the Zohar and its Connections (New York: Occult Research Press, n.d.; originally published 1913) (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry, and an Analysis of the Inter-Relation Between the Craft and the High Grades, in Respect to Their Term of Research, Expressed by the Way of Symbolism (2 volumes; London: Rebman, 1911)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Some Deeper Aspects of Masonic Symbolism (from the magazine edition of 1916) (text at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: Songs and Poems of Fairyland: An Anthology of English Fairy Poetry (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Steps to the Crown (London: P. Wellby, 1907)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Strange Houses of Sleep (London: P. S. Welby, 1906) (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Studies in Mysticism and Certain Aspects of the Secret Tradition (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1906)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Three Famous Mystics (Philadelphia: David McKay Co., ca. 1940), also by William P. Swainson (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, trans.: Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual, by Eliphas Lévi (PDF files at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, trans.: Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual (London: G. Redway, 1896), by Eliphas Lévi (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony (London: James Elliott and Co., 1893), by Basilius Valentinus, contrib. by Theodor Kerckring (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: The Turba Philosophorum, or Assembly of the Sages, Called Also the Book of Truth in the Art and the Third Pythagorical Synod (London: G. Redway, 1896) (multiple formats at
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, ed.: The Works of Thomas Vaughan: Eugenius Philalethes (1919), by Thomas Vaughan (multiple formats at
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Alchemy the turba philosophorum; or, Assembly of the sages, called also the book of truth in the art and the third Pythagorical synod; (G. Redway, 1896) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Azoth; or, The star in the East; embracing the first matter of the Magnum Opus [etc.] (Theosophical Pub. Society, 1893) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The book of black magic and of facts; including the rites and mysteries of Goëtic theury, sorcery, and infernal necromancy. (Occult Pub. House, 1890) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: A book of mystery and vision. (Philip Wellby;, 1902) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The book of the Holy Graal (J. M. Watkins, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The collected poems of Arthur Edward Waite. (W. Rider, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The collected poems of Arthur Edward Waite. (W. Rider, 1914), also by Kohler Collection of British Poetry (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Devil-worship in France; or, The question of Lucifer; a record of things seen and heard in the secret societies according to the evidence of initiates (G. Redway, 1896) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The doctrine and literature of the kabalah. (Theosophical Pub. Society, 1902) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Emblematic freemasonry and the evolution of its deeper issues (W. Rider & Son, Limited, 1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Hermetic and alchemical writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast (J. Elliott and co., 1894), also by Paracelsus (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Hermetic museum, restored and enlarged: most faithfully instructing all disciples of the sopho-spagyric art how that greatest and truest medicine of the philosopher's stone may be found and held. (J. Elliott and co., 1893) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Hermetic museum, restored and enlarged: most faithfully instructing all disciples of the sopho-spagyric art how that greatest and truest medicine of the philosopher's stone may be found and held. Now first done into English from the Latin original published at Frankfort in the year 1678. Containing twenty-two most celebrated chemical tracts ... (J. Elliot and Co., 1993) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942, trans.: The history of magic : including a clear and precise exposition of its procedure, its rites and its mysteries, by Eliphas Lévi (Gutenberg ebook)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The holy kabbalah : a study of the secret tradition in Israel as unfolded by sons of the doctrine for the benefit and consolation of the elect dispersed through the lands and ages of the greater exile. (Williams and Norgate limited, 1929) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Israfel; letters, visions and poems. (Allen, 1886) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The life of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, the unknown philosopher, and the substance of his transcendental doctrine (P. Wellby, 1901) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Lives of alchemystical philosophers based on materials collected in 1815 and supplemented by recent researches with a philosophical demonstration of the true principles of the magnum opus. (G. Redway, 1888), also by Francis Barrett (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Lives of alchemystical philosophers based on materials collected in 1815 and supplemented by recent researches with a philosophical demonstration of the true principles of the magnum opus, or great work of alchemical re-construction, and some account of the spiritual chemistry (G. Redway, 1888), also by Francis Barrett (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Lives of alchemystical philosophers: To which is added a bibliography of alchemy and hermetic philosophy, also by Francis Barrett (Gutenberg ebook)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Lucasta, parables and poems. (Elliott, 1894) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: A lyric of the fairy land, and other poems. (Catty, 1879) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The magical writings of Thomas Vaughan (Eugenius Philatethes) A verbatim reprint of his first four treatises: Anthroposophia theomagica, Anima magica abscondita, Magia adamica, and the true Cœlum terræ (G. Redway, 1888), also by Thomas Vaughan (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: A new encyclopædia of freemasonry (ars magna latomorum) and of cognate instituted mysteries; their rites, literature and history (W. Rider and son, limited, 1921) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The new pearl of great price : a treatise concerning the treasure and most precious stone of the philosophers, or, the method and procedure of this divine art : with observations drawn from the works of Arnoldus, Raymondus, Rhasis, Albertus, and Michael Scotus (James Elliott and Co., Temple Chambers, Falcon Court, Fleet Street, E.C., 1894), also by Petrus Bonus, Giano Lacinio, and James Elliott and Co (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Obermann (W. Rider, 1909), also by Etienne Pivert de Senancour (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Obermann (P. Wellby, 1903), also by Etienne Pivert de Senancour (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The occult sciences; a compendium of transcendental doctrine and experiment, embracing an account of magical practices; of secret sciences in connection with magic; of the professors of magical arts; and of modern spiritualism, mesmerism and theosophy (K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co. ltd., 1923) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The occult sciences; a compendium of transcendental doctrine and experiment, embracing an account of magical practices; of secret sciences in connection with magic; of the professors of magical arts; and of modern spiritualism, mesmerism and theosphy. (K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd., 1891) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The pictorial key to the tarot; being fragments of a secret tradition under the veil of divination (University Books, 1959) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Raymond Lully, illuminated doctor, alchemist and Christian mystic (W. Rider & son, ltd., 1980) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The real history of the Rosicrucians founded on their own manifestoes, and on facts and documents collected from the writings of initiated brethren. (G. Redway, 1887) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The real history of the Rosicrucians : founded on their own manifestoes, and on facts and documents collected from the writings of initiated brethren (J.W. Bouton, 1888) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Saint-Martin, the French mystic, and the story of modern Martinism. (W. Rider, 1922) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The secret tradition in Freemasonry and an analysis of the inter-relation between the craft and the high grades in respect of their term of research, expressed by the way of symbolism (Rebman, 1911) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The secret tradition in freemasonry and an analysis of the inter-relation between the craft and the high grades in respect to their term of research, expressed by the way of symbolism (Rebman company, 1911) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Songs and poems of fairyland (London: Walter Scott, 1888) (page images at Florida)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: A soul's comedy. (Redway, 1887) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Strange houses of sleep. (P.S. Wellby, 1906) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: Three famous alchemists: Raymund Lully (The Occult Book Society, 1920), also by William Perkis Swainson and Lewis Spence (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The triumphal chariot of antimony. (J. Elliott and co., 1893), also by Basilius Valentinus and Theodor Kerckring (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The Turba philosophorum, or assembly of the sagas; called also the book of truth in the art and the third Pythagorical synod. An ancient alchemical treatise translated from the Latin, the chief readings of the shorter codex, parallels from the Greek alchemists, and explanations of obscure terms (George Redway, 1896), also by Guglielmo Gratarolo (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The way of divine union, being a doctrine of experience in the life of sanctity, considered on the faith of its testimonies and interpreted after a new manner. (W. Rider, 1915) (page images at HathiTrust)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The works of Thomas Vaughan : Eugenius Philalethes (Theosophical Pub., 1919), also by Thomas Vaughan (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942: The works of Thomas Vaughan :Eugeniys Philalethes ed., annotated and introduced by Arthur Edward Waite. Prepared for the Library committee of the Theosophical society in England and Wales. (Theosophical publishing house, 1919), also by Thomas Vaughan (page images at HathiTrust)
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