Online Books by
Joseph A. Wattleworth
Books from the extended shelves:
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Economic viability of the NW 7th Avenue express bus operation (United States Department of Transportation ;, 1977), also by Charles E. Wallace, K. G. Courage, University of Florida. Transportation Research Center, Florida. Dept. of Transportation, and United States. Dept. of Transportation (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Effect of bus priority systems operation on performance of traffic signal control equipment on NW 7th Avenue (U.S. Dept. of Transportation ;, 1977), also by K. G. Courage, Charles E. Wallace, United States. Department of Transportation, Florida. Department of Transportation, and University of Florida. Transportation Research Center (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Effect of the park ʻn' ride facility on usage of the NW 7th Avenue express bus system : Report I-5 (Urban Mass Transportation Administration ;, 1978), also by K. G. Courage, Charles E. Wallace, University of Florida. Transportation Research Center, United States Federal Highway Administration, and United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Effect of the park'n'ride facility on usage of the NW 7th Avenue express bus system (United States Department of Transportation ;, 1977), also by United States. Dept. of Transportation, Florida. Dept. of Transportation, and University of Florida. Transportation Research Center (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Effects of NW 7th Avenue bus priority systems of NW 7th Avenue traffic stream flow and passenger movements (United States Department of Transportation ;, 1977), also by United States. Dept. of Transportation, Florida. Dept. of Transportation, and University of Florida. Transportation Research Center (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Effects of NW 7th Avenue bus priority systems on NW 7th Avenue traffic stream flow and passenger movements : Report I-6 (Urban Mass Transportation Administration ;, 1978), also by University of Florida. Transportation Research Center, Florida. Department of Transportation, United States Federal Highway Administration, and United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Evaluation of the effects of the I-95 exclusive bus/car pool lane priority system on vehicular and passenger movements (United States Dept. of Transportation ;, 1977), also by Charles E. Wallace, K. G. Courage, United States. Dept. of Transportation, Florida. Dept. of Transportation, and University of Florida. Transportation Research Center (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Evaluation of the effects of the I-95 exclusive bus/car pool priority system on the express bus system (United States Dept. of Transportation ;, 1977), also by United States. Dept. of Transportation, Florida. Dept. of Transportation, and University of Florida. Transportation Research Center (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Evaluation of the I-95 express bus and high occupancy vehicle priority systems : report II-1 (Urban Mass Transportation Administration ;, 1978), also by University of Florida. Transportation Research Center, Florida. Department of Transportation, United States Federal Highway Administration, and United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Evaluation of the NW 7th Avenue express bus and bus priority systems (U.S. Dept. of Transportation ;, 1977), also by Florida. Dept. of Transportation, United States. Dept. of Transportation, and University of Florida. Transportation Research Center (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Evaluation of the NW 7th Avenue express bus and bus priority systems : Report I-1 (Urban Mass Transportation Administration ;, 1978), also by University of Florida. Transportation Research Center, Florida. Department of Transportation, United States Federal Highway Administration, and United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration (page images at HathiTrust)
Wattleworth, Joseph A.: Modal shift achieved on the NW 7th Avenue express bus system (United States Department of Transportation ;, 1977), also by United States. Dept. of Transportation, Florida. Dept. of Transportation, and University of Florida. Transportation Research Center (page images at HathiTrust)
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