Online Books by
William Whitaker
(Whitaker, William, 1548-1595)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Whitaker, William, 1548-1595: An answere to a certeine booke, written by Maister William Rainolds student of diuinitie in the English colledge at Rhemes, and entituled, A refutation of sundrie reprehensions, cauils, etc. by William Whitaker ... (Printed at London : For Thomas Chard, 1585) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Whitaker, William, 1548-1595: Confutatio responsionis Gulielmi Whitakeri ad Rationes decem. (Imprinted at London : By Felix Kyngston, for Cuthbert Burby and Edmund Weauer, 1606), also by Edmund Campion, Richard Stock, and John Durie (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Whitaker, William, 1548-1595: A disputation on Holy Scripture, against the papists, especially Bellarmine and Stapleton. (Printed at the University press, 1849), also by William Fitzgerald (page images at HathiTrust)
Whitaker, William, 1548-1595: Whitaker's Disputation on Scripture (Printed at the University press, 1849), also by William Fitzgerald (page images at HathiTrust)
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