Online Books by
John Williams
(Williams, John, 1664-1729)
Books from the extended shelves:
Williams, John, 1664-1729: An answer to a late pamphlet, intitled, A letter to a friend in the country, attempting a solution of the scruples and objections of a consciencious or religious nature, commonly made against the new way of receiving the small pox. By a minister of Boston. Together with a short history of the late divisions among us in affairs of state, and some account of the first cause of them. / By John Williams. ; [Four lines from Hosea] (Boston: : Printed and sold by J. Franklin, at his printing-house in Queen-Street, over against Mr. Sheaf's School., 1722) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: The captivity and deliverance of Mr. John Williams, pastor of the church in Deerfield, and Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, of Lancaster who were taken, together with their families and neighbors, by the French and Indians, and carried into Canada (Printed by Hori Brown, from the press of E. Merriam & Co., 1811) (page images at HathiTrust)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: Faithful history of remarkable occurrences in the captivity and deliverance of Mr. John Williams (Printed by S. Hall, 1795), also by John Taylor, Thomas Prince, and Stephen Williams (page images at HathiTrust)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: God in the camp: or, The only way for a people to engage the presence of God with their armies. Delivered in a sermon preach'd before His Excellency and General Assembly, at a lecture in Boston, March 6th. 1706,7. / By John Williams, Pastor of the church in Deerfield. ; [Four lines of quotations] (Boston in N.E. : Printed by B. Green. Sold by Samuel Gerrish at his shop near the Old-Meeting-House., 1707), also by Massachusetts General Court (HTML at Evans TCP)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: Good fetch'd out of evil, in three short essays. : I. A pastoral letter, of Mr. John Williams, the faithful Pastor of Deerfield; now detain'd a captive in Canada; written to part of his flock, and some others, returning out of their captivity. II. The conduct and constancy of the New-English captives when strongly tempted unto the popish idolatries. And certain plain poems, written by some of them, to fortify their children against such temptations. III. An account of most remarkable and memorable deliverances, received by many of the captives; and great things done by their Almighty Deliverer for them. : Collected and published, that the glorious God may have the glory of his power and goodness; and that his people may reap some advantage from what has befallen their brethren. ([United States? : s.n.], Printed in the year M,DCC,LXXXIII. [1783]), also by Cotton Mather, Mary King, and William Clap (HTML at Evans TCP)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: The redeemed captive: a narrative of the captivity, sufferings, and return of the Rev. John Williams, minister of Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was taken prisoner by the Indians on the destruction of the town, A.D. 1704. (S.W. Benedict & Co., 1833), also by Joshua Leavitt (page images at HathiTrust)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: The redeemed captive, returning to Zion. A faithful history of remarkable occurrences, in the captivity and the deliverance of Mr. John Williams; Minister of the Gospel, in Deerfield, who, in the desolation which befel that plantation, by an incursion of the French & Indians, was by them carried away, with his family, and his neighbourhood, unto Canada. : Whereto there is annexed a sermon preached by him, upon his return, at the lecture in Boston, Decemb. 5. 1706. On those words, Luk. 8. 39. Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. (Boston in N.E. : Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Phillips, at the brick shop, 1707), also by Joseph Dudley (HTML at Evans TCP)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: The redeemed captive returning to Zion. Or A faithful history of ramarkable occurrences in the captivity and deliverance of Mr. John Williams, Minister of the Gospel in Deerfield. Who, in the desolation which befel that plantation, by an incursion of the French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his family and his neighbourhood, into Canada. Drawn up by himself. ; Annexed to which is a sermon preached by him on his return. ; An appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Williams, of Springfield. ; An appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Deerfield. ; Some observations, by the Rev. Mr. Prince, of Boston. ; Subjoined to this is, a sermon, delivered in the First Parish in Springfield, on the 16th of October, 1775. Just one hundred years from the burning of the town by the Indians. By Robert Breck, A.M. Pastor of the church there. (Printed and sold at Greenfield, Mass. : by Thomas Dickman., MDCCC. [1800]), also by Stephen Williams, John Taylor, Thomas Prince, Joseph Dudley, and Robert Breck (HTML at Evans TCP)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: The redeemed captive returning to Zion : or, a faithful history of remarkable occurences in the captivity and deliverance of Mr. John Williams, minister of the gospel in Deerfield, who in the desolation which befel that plantation by an incursion of the French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his family and his neighborhood, into Canada (Hopkins, Bridgman, and Company, 1853), also by Stephen W. Williams (page images at HathiTrust)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: The redeemed captive returning to Zion; or, The captivity and deliverance of Rev. John Williams of Deerfield. (The H. R. Huntting company, 1908), also by John Taylor, Thomas Prince, and Stephen Williams (page images at HathiTrust)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: A serious word to the posterity of holy men; calling upon them to exalt their fathers God. Being the abstract of a number of sermons preached, by John Williams, M.A. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Deerfield. (Boston, New-England: : Printed by B. Green,, MDCCXXIX. [1729]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: Several arguments, proving, that inoculating the small pox is not contained in the law of physick, either natural or Divine, and therefore unlawful. Together with a reply to two short pieces, one by the Rev. Dr. Increase Mather, and another by an anonymous author, intituled, Sentiments on the small pox inoculated. : And also, a short answer to a late letter in the New-England courant. / By John Williams. (Boston: : Printed and sold by J. Franklin, at his printing-house in Queen-Street, over against Mr. Sheaf's school., 1721) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: Warnings to the unclean in a discourse from Rev. XXI. 8. Preacht at Springfield lecture, August 25th. 1698. At the execution of Sarah Smith. By Mr. John Williams pastor of the Church at Deerfield. (Boston : printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Michael Perry, at his shop over-against the Town-House, 1699) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Williams, John, 1664-1729: Warnings to the unclean: in a discourse from Rev. XXI. 8. Preacht at Springfield lecture, August 25th. 1698. At the execution of Sarah Smith. / By Mr. John Williams, Pastor of the church at Deerfield. (Boston, : printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Michael Perry, at his shop over against the town-house., 1699) (HTML at Evans TCP)
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