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: "Abernathy, Nell" to "Abrahams, Paul W." (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- Abernathy, Nell (1 title)
- Abernethy, Arthur Talmage, 1872-1956 (1 title)
- Abernethy, Francis Edward (3 titles)
- Abhedānanda, Swami, 1866-1939 (3 titles)
- Abiakam, J. C. (1 title)
- Abiteboul, S. (Serge) (2 titles)
- Ablett, Noah, 1883-1935 (1 title)
- Abman, Zamira (1 title)
- Abney, William de Wiveleslie, Sir, 1843-1920 (1 title)
- Aboagye, Eva (1 title)
- Aboagye, Festus B. (Festus Boahen) (1 title)
- Aborigines Protection Society (Great Britain) (2 titles)
- Abot, Eugène-Michel-Joseph, 1836-1894 (2 titles)
- About, Edmond, 1828-1885 (4 titles)
- Ábráanyi, Emil (1 title)
- Abraham, Charles E. (1 title)
- Abraham, James Johnston, 1876-1963 (1 title)
- Abraham, K. C. (1 title)
- Abraham, Max, 1875-1922 (1 title)
- Abraham, Ralph (1 title)
- Abraham ben Simeon, of Worms, active 15th century (2 titles)
- Abrahamian, Ervand, 1940- (2 titles)
- Abrahams, Diane (1 title)
- Abrahams, Israel, 1858-1925 (4 titles)
- Abrahams, Paul W. (1 title)
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