No exact match for brundage, margaret, 1900 1976. Showing nearby names.
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: "Brundage, Frances, 1854-1937" to "Bruns, Paul Jakob, 1743-1814" (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- Brundage, Frances, 1854-1937 (2 titles)
- Brune, Clare (1 title)
- Bruneau, Thomas C. (1 title)
- Bruner, Lawrence (1 title)
- Bruner, Peter, 1845-1938 (1 title)
- Brunet, Gustave, 1807-1896 (1 title)
- Brunet-Jailly, Emmanuel, 1961- (1 title)
- Brunetière, Ferdinand, 1849-1906 (2 titles)
- Brungess, James R. (1 title)
- Brunius, August, 1879-1926 (1 title)
- Brunk, C. H. (1 title)
- Brunner, Christopher J. (1 title)
- Brunner, Lisl (1 title)
- Brünnow, Mrs. Francis (1 title)
- Bruno, Auguste E. (1 title)
- Bruno, Dominick (1 title)
- Bruno, Giordano, 1548-1600 (3 titles)
- Bruno, Guido, 1884-1942 (6 titles)
- Bruno, Robert Anthony (1 title)
- Bruno, Vincenzo, 1532-1594 (1 title)
- Brunon, Raoul (1 title)
- Brunot, Louis, 1882-1965 (1 title)
- Bruns, Carl Georg, 1816-1880 (1 title)
- Bruns, Friedrich, 1878-1961 (1 title)
- Bruns, Paul Jakob, 1743-1814 (1 title)
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