Book People Archive

Re: Toynbee-- Industrial Revolution in Eng.

Now that Eric has all of your hats off, I will use the opportunity 
to advertise the texts added to the McMaster archive of Economic 
Thought since the beginning of February.

	1. James Dunbar, Essays on the History of Mankind in Rude 
and Cultivated Ages.
	2. James Steuart, An Inquiry into the Principles of 
Political Economy.
	3. John Millar, The Origins of the Distinction of Rank.
	4. A-R-J. Turgot, Valeurs et Monnaires.
	5. Turgot, Reflexions Sur La Formation et du Distribution 
des Richesses.
	6. Francois Quesney, Le Droit naturel.
	7. Leslie Stephen, The English Utilitarians, volume 3: John 
Stuart Mill.
	8. J.M. Keynes, Economic Consequences of the Peace.
	9. Leon Walras, L'Etat et les Chemins de Fer.
	10. Quesnay, Tableau Economique.
	11. John Law, Memoire pour prouver qu'une nouvelle espece de
	12. Isaac Newton, Representation on the Subject of Money.
	13. J.J. Rousseau, Discours sur l'Economie Politique.
	14. Turgot, Lettre Sur le Papier-Monnaie.

With more to come.
	Any one is free to copy and post these files, but please 
give me credit for creating them. (Exception for those created by 
Paulette Taieb, who should get credit as well.)

	Rod Hay.