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Sarah Chauncy Woolsey.
Coker, Jennifer R.
Book Book | Guide to Literary Masters & Their Works. Jan2007, p1-1. 1p. Please log in to see more details
In 1872, Woolsey published her most popular book, What Katy Did, which was the first i... more
Sarah Chauncy Woolsey.
Guide to Literary Masters & Their Works. Jan2007, p1-1. 1p.
In 1872, Woolsey published her most popular book, What Katy Did, which was the first in a series of five books featuring a mischievous young girl as the main character. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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Literary Reference Source

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Intra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics
Markus Schiegg;Judith Huber;Markus Schiegg;Judith Huber
eBook eBook | 2023; Vol. 00005 Please log in to see more details
Intra-individual variation is an emerging research field in linguistics with a rapidly... more
Intra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics
2023; Vol. 00005
Intra-individual variation is an emerging research field in linguistics with a rapidly growing number of studies. In historical sociolinguistics, this trend has been slow, as it is still largely dominated by the macroscopic approaches of earlier sociolinguistics. Microscopic studies focusing on intra-individual variation in writing, i.e. intra-writer variation, however, are able to reveal how writers functionalize social or text-type variation for reasons such as audience design or persona creation. They may also provide insights into how ongoing changes were perceived by speakers and writers. In general, micro-approaches are able to uncover a wide array of possible factors influencing variation, which may not always carry sociolinguistic functions. This volume comprises twenty-two research articles on a wide range of languages and periods, all closely connected by their focus on intra-writer variation in historical texts and by their use of empirical and corpus-based approaches. The studies demonstrate that the challenges that historical material have for research on intra-individual variation can certainly be met and that the insights gleaned from analysing variation in individual writers are considerable.

Subject terms:

Language and languages--Variation - Historical linguistics - Sociolinguistics

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Educación y Sociedad: Pensamiento e innovación para la transformación social.
Cobos-Sanchiz, David;López-Meneses, Eloy;Jaén-Martínez, Alicia;Martín-Padil...
Educación y Sociedad: Pensamiento e innovación para la transformación social.

Subject terms:

Social change - Educational sociology

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Pueblos y culturas de la prehistoria a la actualidad.
Olivero Guidobono, Sandra (Coordinador);Paz Reverol, Carmen Laura (Coordina...
A partir de los capítulos recopilados en este monográfico se pretende crear un espacio... more
Pueblos y culturas de la prehistoria a la actualidad.
A partir de los capítulos recopilados en este monográfico se pretende crear un espacio de diálogo y encuentro crítico de debate entre estudiosos, especialistas, como así también jóvenes investigadores. El análisis y comprensión de los comportamientos humanos desde múltiples perspectivas permitirán un conocimiento y una reflexión más profunda sobre la problemática y los retos futuros. Somos conscientes que sólo a través de las acciones pretéritas podremos comprender el desarrollo actual y plantear sociedades inclusivas y potencialmente seguras en un futuro sustentable.El presente libro, separado en dos secciones, constituye una muestra del análisis de contextos históricos, demográficos, antropológicos, urbanísticos y patrimoniales de diversas poblaciones a lo largo de un corte temporal amplio y un escenario geográfico variopinto.

Subject terms:

World history

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Migrant Ecologies : Environmental Histories of the Pacific World
James Beattie;Ryan Tucker Jones;Edward Dallam Melillo;James Beattie;Ryan Tu...
Migrant Ecologies: Environmental Histories of the Pacific World is the first volume ex... more
Migrant Ecologies : Environmental Histories of the Pacific World
Migrant Ecologies: Environmental Histories of the Pacific World is the first volume explicitly dedicated to the environmental history of Earth's largest ocean. Covering nearly one-third of the planet, the Pacific Ocean is remarkable for its diverse human and non-human inhabitants, their astounding long-distance migrations over time, and their profound influences on other parts of the world. This book creates an understanding of the past, present, and futures of the lands, seas, peoples, practices, microbes, animals, plants, and other natural forces that shape the Pacific. It effectively argues for the existence of an interconnected Pacific World environmental history, as well as for the Pacific Ocean as a necessary framework for understanding that history.The fifteen chapters in this comprehensive collection, written by leading experts from across the globe, span a vast array of topics, from disease ecology and coffee cultivation to nuclear testing and whaling practices. They explore regions stretching from the Tuamotu Archipelago in the south Pacific to the Kamchatka Peninsula in the far north, resisting the depiction of the Pacific as isolated and uninhabited. What unites these diverse contributions is a concern for how the people, places, and non-human beings of the Pacific World have been shaped by, and have in turn modified, their oceanic realm. Building on a recent renaissance in Pacific history, these chapters make a powerful argument for the importance of the Pacific World as a coherent unit of analysis and a valuable lens through which to examine past, ongoing, and emerging environmental issues. By showcasing surprising and innovative perspectives on the environmental histories of the peoples and ecosystems in and around the Pacific Ocean, this work adds to current conversations and debates about the Pacific World and offers myriad opportunities for further discussions, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Subject terms:

Ecology--Pacific Area--History--Congresses - Human ecology--Pacific Area--History--Congresses

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Play Among Books : A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
Miro Roman;Alice _ch3n81;Ludger Hovestadt;Vera Bühlmann;Miro Roman;Alice _c...
eBook eBook | 2022; Vol. 00017 Please log in to see more details
Wie verändert Codierung unser Denken über Architektur? Eine Frage, die in der Forschun... more
Play Among Books : A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
2022; Vol. 00017
Wie verändert Codierung unser Denken über Architektur? Eine Frage, die in der Forschung eine wichtige Perspektive eröffnet. Miro Roman und seine KI Alice_ch3n81 entfalten in diesem Buch ein wahrhaft spielerisches Szenario, in dem sie Codierung als neue Alphabetisierung für Informationen vorschlagen. Erkenntnis vermittelt es in Form eines Projektmodells, das die Bereiche Architektur und Information durch zwei verflochtene Erzählstränge in einem „unendlichen Fluss'realer Bücher miteinander verknüpft. Mit dem Fokus auf der Schnittmenge von Informationstechnologie und architektonischer Formulierung entsteht so eine immer weiterführende intellektuelle Reflexion zu digitaler Architektur und Computerwissenschaft.

Subject terms:

Computer-aided design - Architecture--Data processing - Computer architecture

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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El devenir de la lingüística y la cultura: un estudio interdisciplinar sobre lengua, literatura y traducción.
Garcés Manzanera, Aitor;Ould García, Omar Salem;Flores Borjabad, Salud Adel...
Todo ser vivo necesita interactuar con el medio que lo rodea, generando un tipo de inf... more
El devenir de la lingüística y la cultura: un estudio interdisciplinar sobre lengua, literatura y traducción.
Todo ser vivo necesita interactuar con el medio que lo rodea, generando un tipo de información que lo lleva a crear un acto de comunicación. Así, se desarrollan una serie de lenguajes que los llevan a comunicarse con la comunidad. Por ejemplo, en el caso de los animales se puede observar cómo emiten diferentes sonidos para realizar cualquier tipo de acción o, incluso, para advertir de cualquier peligro a su alrededor.En el caso de los seres humanos, desde nuestros orígenes, hemos generado gestos y expresiones que varían de un lugar a otro, así como también hemos elaborado sistemas de comunicación basados en señales para poder comunicarnos. No obstante, en el caso de los seres huma-nos, todo esto va más allá, en tanto que hemos sido capaces de desarrollar un sistema de comunicación verbal y escrito, otorgándole convenciones que varían de un lugar a otro. Siguiendo esta línea, nuestra forma de comunicación ha ido más allá de la simbología, hasta tal punto de elaborar un sistema de símbolos sonoros y gráficos que se articulan de diferentes formas con el fin de elaborar un sistema complejo de estructuras que nos llevan a comentar nuestro presente, pasado y futuro, lo que se ha denominado lengua. Además de todo esto, hay que tener en cuenta el factor geográfico, puesto que no se puede hablar en exclusiva de una única lengua. En este contexto, la lengua o las lenguas va-rían en función de los fenómenos socioculturales que la rodean, es decir, existe una relación intrínseca entre lengua, lenguaje y sociedad, teniendo en cuenta sus usos y el contexto en el que se desenvuelven.

Subject terms:

Romanies--Education (Higher)

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dictionary of World Biography
Barry Jones;Barry Jones
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. ... more
Dictionary of World Biography
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. Educated at Melbourne University, he was a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer before serving as a Labor MP in the Victorian Parliament 1972–77 and the Australian House of Representatives 1977–98. He took a leading role in reviving the Australian film industry, abolishing the death penalty in Australia, and was the first politician to raise public awareness of global warming, the'post-industrial'society, the IT revolution, biotechnology, the rise of ‘the Third Age'and the need to preserve Antarctica as a wilderness. In the Hawke Government, he was Minister for Science 1983–90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987–90 and Customs 1988–90. He became a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris 1991–95 and National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992–2000, 2005–06. He was Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Convention 1998. His books include Decades of Decision 1860– (1965), Joseph II (1968), Age of Apocalypse (1975), and he edited The Penalty is Death (1968). Sleepers, Wake!: Technology and the Future of Work was published by Oxford University Press in 1982, became a bestseller and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. The fourth edition was published in 1995. Knowledge Courage Leadership, a collection of speeches and essays, appeared in 2016.He received a DSc for his services to science in 1988 and a DLitt in 1993 for his work on information theory. Elected FTSE (1992), FAHA (1993), FAA (1996) and FASSA (2003), he is the only person to have become a Fellow of four of Australia's five learned Academies. Awarded an AO in 1993, named as one of Australia's 100 ‘living national treasures'in 1997, he was elected a Visiting Fellow Commoner of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1999. His autobiography, A Thinking Reed, was published in 2006 and The Shock of Recognition, about music and literature, in 2016. In 2014 he received an AC for services ‘as a leading intellectual in Australian public life'. What Is to Be Done was published by Scribe in 2020.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Emancipation's Daughters : Reimagining Black Femininity and the National Body
Riché Richardson;Riché Richardson
In Emancipation's Daughters, Riché Richardson examines iconic black women leaders who ... more
Emancipation's Daughters : Reimagining Black Femininity and the National Body
In Emancipation's Daughters, Riché Richardson examines iconic black women leaders who have contested racial stereotypes and constructed new national narratives of black womanhood in the United States. Drawing on literary texts and cultural representations, Richardson shows how five emblematic black women—Mary McLeod Bethune, Rosa Parks, Condoleezza Rice, Michelle Obama, and Beyoncé—have challenged white-centered definitions of American identity. By using the rhetoric of motherhood and focusing on families and children, these leaders have defied racist images of black women, such as the mammy or the welfare queen, and rewritten scripts of femininity designed to exclude black women from civic participation. Richardson shows that these women's status as national icons was central to reconstructing black womanhood in ways that moved beyond dominant stereotypes. However, these formulations are often premised on heteronormativity and exclude black queer and trans women. Throughout Emancipation's Daughters, Richardson reveals new possibilities for inclusive models of blackness, national femininity, and democracy.

Subject terms:

African American leadership - African American women--Political activity--History--21st century - African American women--Political activity--History--20th century - Leadership in women--United States

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Empire of Liberty : Die Vereinigten Staaten von der Reconstruction zum Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieg
Michaela Hampf;Michaela Hampf
Wie erklärt man den Aufstieg der USA von einer britischen Kolonie zur globalen Hegemon... more
Empire of Liberty : Die Vereinigten Staaten von der Reconstruction zum Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieg
Wie erklärt man den Aufstieg der USA von einer britischen Kolonie zur globalen Hegemonialmacht in einem Zeitraum von knapp 140 Jahren von der Revolution bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg? Welche Bedeutung hat dabei die nach dem Bürgerkrieg einsetzende forcierte „Nationsbildung“, die im Kontext der Besiedelung des Westens, der Etablierung eines kapitalistischen Systems à l'Américaine, der Ausbildung eines sich von Europa deutlich unterscheidenden Systems der Regulierung von Arbeit und Kapital, der nicht Durchsetzbarkeit sozialistischer Ideen und der Politik des „small government“ und „laissez-faire“ stattfand? Kurz: Welche Bedeutung hatte die spezifisch amerikanische Entwicklung mit ihrem Fokus auf den innenpolitischen und innergesellschaftlichen Problemkontext für die Entstehung bzw. Entwicklung der diskursiven Formation des „Empire for Liberty“, das sich spätestens mit dem Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieg in eine außenpolitische Maxime übersetzte und handlungsleitend für die offensive amerikanische Hegemonialpolitik nach dem Weltkrieg wurde, ja das Empire zu einem „Way of Life“ machte? Obwohl der Erste Weltkrieg gemeinhin als Beginn einer amerikanischen Dominanz in der Weltpolitik gesehen wird, argumentiert M. Michaela Hampf, dass der Aufstieg der Vereinigten Staaten zu einer imperialen Macht bereits nach 1865 erfolgte. Methodisch geht die Untersuchung insofern neue Wege als zur Erklärung des „amerikanischen Sonderwegs“ die sozialwissenschaftliche Theorie der Pfadabhängigkeit herangezogen wird. Erklärt werden soll nicht die expansive amerikanische Außenpolitik als konsequente Anwendung amerikanischer Prinzipien, sondern die Pfade, die dazu führten, dass die amerikanische Politik bereit war, einen Weg zu beschreiten, der eine Abkehr von eben jenen Grundsätzen darstellte.

Subject terms:

America - History (General) - Political science - Modern history, 1453-

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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A Day in the Life of an American Worker : 200 Trades and Professions Through History [2 Volumes]
Nancy Quam-Wickham;Ben Tyler Elliott;Nancy Quam-Wickham;Ben Tyler Elliott
This introduction to the history of work in America illuminates the many important rol... more
A Day in the Life of an American Worker : 200 Trades and Professions Through History [2 Volumes]
This introduction to the history of work in America illuminates the many important roles that men and women of all backgrounds have played in the formation of the United States.A Day in the Life of an American Worker: 200 Trades and Professions through History allows readers to imagine the daily lives of ordinary workers, from the beginnings of colonial America to the present. It presents the stories of millions of Americans—from the enslaved field hands in antebellum America to the astronauts of the modern'space age'—as they contributed to the formation of the modern and culturally diverse United States.Readers will learn about individual occupations and discover the untold histories of those women and men who too often have remained anonymous to historians but whose stories are just as important as those of leaders whose lives we study in our classrooms. This book provides specific details to enable comprehensive understanding of the benefits and downsides of each trade and profession discussed. Selected accompanying documents further bring history to life by offering vivid testimonies from people who actually worked in these occupations or interacted with those in that field.

Subject terms:

Employees--United States--History - Labor--United States--History - Occupations--United States--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Theft Is Property! : Dispossession and Critical Theory
Robert Nichols;Robert Nichols
Drawing on Indigenous peoples'struggles against settler colonialism, Theft Is Property... more
Theft Is Property! : Dispossession and Critical Theory
Drawing on Indigenous peoples'struggles against settler colonialism, Theft Is Property! reconstructs the concept of dispossession as a means of explaining how shifting configurations of law, property, race, and rights have functioned as modes of governance, both historically and in the present. Through close analysis of arguments by Indigenous scholars and activists from the nineteenth century to the present, Robert Nichols argues that dispossession has come to name a unique recursive process whereby systematic theft is the mechanism by which property relations are generated. In so doing, Nichols also brings long-standing debates in anarchist, Black radical, feminist, Marxist, and postcolonial thought into direct conversation with the frequently overlooked intellectual contributions of Indigenous peoples.

Subject terms:

Indians of North America--Claims - Indians of North America--Land tenure - Indigenous peoples--Land tenure--North America - Indians of North America--Legal status, laws, etc

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dictionary of World Biography
Barry Jones;Barry Jones
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. ... more
Dictionary of World Biography
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. Educated at Melbourne High School and Melbourne University, he was a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer before serving as a Labor MP in the Victorian Parliament 1972–77 and the Australian House of Representatives 1977–98. He took a leading role in reviving the Australian film industry and abolishing the death penalty in Australia, and was the first politician to raise public awareness of global warming, the'post‑industrial'society, the IT revolution, biotechnology, the rise of ‘the Third Age'and the need to preserve Antarctica as a wilderness. In the •Hawke Government, he was Minister for Science 1983–90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987–90 and Customs 1988–90. He became a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris 1991–95 and National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992–2000, 2005–06. He was Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Convention 1998. His books include Decades of Decision 1860– (1965), Joseph II (1968) and Age of Apocalypse (1975), and he edited The Penalty Is Death (1968, revised and expanded 2022). Sleepers, Wake! Technology and the Future of Work was published by Oxford University Press in 1982, became a bestseller and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. The fourth edition was published in 1995. Knowledge Courage Leadership: Insights & Reflections, a collection of speeches and essays, appeared in 2016.He received a DSc in 1988 for his services to science and a DLitt in 1993 for his work on information theory. Elected FTSE (1992), FAHA (1993), FAA (1996) and FASSA (2003), he is the only person to have become a Fellow of four of Australia's five learned Academies. Awarded an AO in 1993, named as one of Australia's 100 ‘living national treasures'in 1997, he was elected a Visiting Fellow Commoner of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1999. His autobiography, A Thinking Reed, was published in 2006 and The Shock of Recognition, about music and literature, in 2016. In 2014 he received an AC for services ‘as a leading intellectual in Australian public life'. What Is to Be Done was published by Scribe in 2020.

Subject terms:


Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Coins and Currency : An Historical Encyclopedia, 2d Ed.
Mary Ellen Snodgrass;Mary Ellen Snodgrass
 During ancient times currency took varied forms, including beaver skins, bales of to... more
Coins and Currency : An Historical Encyclopedia, 2d Ed.
 During ancient times currency took varied forms, including beaver skins, bales of tobacco, and sea salt blocks. As art and technology advanced, monetary systems and currencies altered. Today, coins and currency provide an historical and archeological record of culture, religion, politics, and world leaders. This updated second edition offers numerous entries of historical commentary on the role of coins and currency in human events, politics, and the arts. It begins with the origin of coins in ancient Sumer, and follows advancements in metallurgy and minting machines to paper, plastic, and electronic moneys designed to ease trade and halt counterfeiting and other forms of theft. A timeline of monetary history is provided along with a glossary and bibliography. Numerous photographs of coins and bills provide an up-close look at beautiful and ingenious artifacts.

Subject terms:

Money--History--Encyclopedias - Coins--History--Encyclopedias

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The Patient Griselda Myth : Looking at Late Medieval and Early Modern European Literature
Madeline Rüegg;Madeline Rüegg
From the 14th until the 19th century the last novella of Boccaccio's Decameron, also k... more
The Patient Griselda Myth : Looking at Late Medieval and Early Modern European Literature
From the 14th until the 19th century the last novella of Boccaccio's Decameron, also known as the Griselda story, has been translated and adapted countless times in many European languages. This story's success can be explained by considering it a myth and analysing how this myth engages with contemporary discourses, such as the definition of the ideal wife, the querelle des femmes, the socio-political consequences of social exogamy, and tyranny.

Subject terms:

Literature (General)

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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A State-by-State History of Race and Racism in the United States : [2 Volumes]
Patricia Reid-Merritt;Patricia Reid-Merritt
Providing chronologies of important events, historical narratives from the first settl... more
A State-by-State History of Race and Racism in the United States : [2 Volumes]
Providing chronologies of important events, historical narratives from the first settlement to the present, and biographies of major figures, this work offers readers an unseen look at the history of racism from the perspective of individual states.From the initial impact of European settlement on indigenous populations to the racial divides caused by immigration and police shootings in the 21st century, each American state has imposed some form of racial restriction on its residents. The United States proclaims a belief in freedom and justice for all, but members of various minority racial groups have often faced a different reality, as seen in such examples as the forcible dispossession of indigenous peoples during the Trail of Tears, Jim Crow laws'crushing discrimination of blacks, and the manifest unfairness of the Chinese Exclusion Act.Including the District of Columbia, the 51 entries in these two volumes cover the state-specific histories of all of the major minority and immigrant groups in the United States, including African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. Every state has had a unique experience in attempting to build a community comprising multiple racial groups, and the chronologies, narratives, and biographies that compose the entries in this collection explore the consequences of racism from states'perspectives, revealing distinct new insights into their respective racial histories.

Subject terms:

Racism--United States--States--History--Chronology

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Nannie Helen Burroughs : A Documentary Portrait of an Early Civil Rights Pioneer, 1900–1959
Nannie Helen Burroughs;Kelisha B. Graves;Nannie Helen Burroughs;Kelisha B. ...
This volume brings together the writings of Nannie Helen Burroughs, an educator, civil... more
Nannie Helen Burroughs : A Documentary Portrait of an Early Civil Rights Pioneer, 1900–1959
This volume brings together the writings of Nannie Helen Burroughs, an educator, civil rights activist, and leading voice in the African American community during the first half of the twentieth century.Nannie Helen Burroughs (1879–1961) is just one of the many African American intellectuals whose work has long been excluded from the literary canon. In her time, Burroughs was a celebrated African American (or, in her era, a'race woman') female activist, educator, and intellectual. This book represents a landmark contribution to the African American intellectual historical project by allowing readers to experience Burroughs in her own words. This anthology of her works written between 1900 and 1959 encapsulates Burroughs's work as a theologian, philosopher, activist, educator, intellectual, and evangelist, as well as the myriad of ways that her career resisted definition. Burroughs rubbed elbows with such African American historical icons as W. E. B. DuBois, Booker T. Washington, Anna Julia Cooper, Mary Church Terrell, and Mary McLeod Bethune, and these interactions represent much of the existing, easily available literature on Burroughs's life. This book aims to spark a conversation surrounding Burroughs's life and work by making available her own tracts on God, sin, the intersections of church and society, black womanhood, education, and social justice. Moreover, the volume is an important piece of the growing movement toward excavating African American intellectual and philosophical thought and reformulating the literary canon to bring a diverse array of voices to the table.

Subject terms:

African Americans--Education - African Americans--Social conditions--20th century - African American women civil rights workers--Biography - African American Baptists--Biography - Conduct of life - Educators--United States--Biography

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Social Work Practice and Social Welfare Policy in the United States : A History
Philip R. Popple;Philip R. Popple
The first new social work history to be written in over twenty years, Social Work Prac... more
Social Work Practice and Social Welfare Policy in the United States : A History
The first new social work history to be written in over twenty years, Social Work Practice and Social Welfare Policy in the United States presents a history of the field from the perspective of elites, service providers, and recipients. This book uniquely chronicles and analyzes the development of social work practice theory on two levels: from the top down, looking at the writings, conference presentations, and training course material developed by leaders of the profession; and from the bottom up, looking at case records for evidence of techniques that were actually applied by social workers in the field. Additionally, the author takes a careful and critical look at the development of social work methods, setting it apart from existing histories that generally accept the effectiveness of the field's work. Addressing CSWE EPAS standards at both the BSW and MSW levels, Social Work Practice and Social Welfare Policy in the United States is ideal both as a primary text for history of social work/social welfare classes and a supplementary text for introduction to social work/social welfare or social welfare policy and services classes.

Subject terms:

Public welfare--United States--History - Social service--United States--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Activist New York : A History of People, Protest, and Politics
Steven H. Jaffe;Steven H. Jaffe
Follows centuries of New York activism to reveal the city as a globally influential ma... more
Activist New York : A History of People, Protest, and Politics
Follows centuries of New York activism to reveal the city as a globally influential machine for social change Activist New York surveys New York City's long history of social activism from the 1650's to the 2010's. Bringing these passionate histories alive, Activist New York is a visual exploration of these movements, serving as a companion book to the highly-praised Museum of the City of New York exhibition of the same name. New York's primacy as a metropolis of commerce, finance, industry, media, and ethnic diversity has given it a unique and powerfully influential role in the history of American and global activism. Steven H. Jaffe explores how New York's evolving identities as an incubator and battleground for activists have made it a “machine for change.” In responding to the city as a site of slavery, immigrant entry, labor conflicts, and wealth disparity, New Yorkers have repeatedly challenged the status quo. Activist New York brings to life the characters who make up these vibrant histories, including David Ruggles, an African American shopkeeper who helped enslaved fugitives on the city's Underground Railroad during the 1830s; Clara Lemlich, a Ukrainian Jewish immigrant who helped spark the 1909 “Uprising of 20,000” that forever changed labor relations in the city's booming garment industry; and Craig Rodwell, Karla Jay, and others who forged a Gay Liberation movement both before and after the Stonewall Riot of June 1969. The city's inhabitants have been at the forefront of social change on issues ranging from religious tolerance and minority civil rights to sexual orientation and economic justice. Across 16 lavishly illustrated chronological chapters focusing on specific historical episodes, Jaffe explores how New York and New Yorkers have changed the way Americans think, feel, and act.

Subject terms:

Social movements--New York (State)--New York

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity : Volume 3: The American Middle Ages
Jan M. Ziolkowski;Jan M. Ziolkowski
eBook eBook | 2018; Vol. 00003 Please log in to see more details
This ambitious and vivid study in six volumes explores the journey of a single, electr... more
The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity : Volume 3: The American Middle Ages
2018; Vol. 00003
This ambitious and vivid study in six volumes explores the journey of a single, electrifying story, from its first incarnation in a medieval French poem through its prolific rebirth in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Juggler of Notre Dame tells how an entertainer abandons the world to join a monastery, but is suspected of blasphemy after dancing his devotion before a statue of the Madonna in the crypt; he is saved when the statue, delighted by his skill, miraculously comes to life. Jan Ziolkowski tracks the poem from its medieval roots to its rediscovery in late nineteenth-century Paris, before its translation into English in Britain and the United States. The visual influence of the tale on Gothic revivalism and vice versa in America is carefully documented with lavish and inventive illustrations, and Ziolkowski concludes with an examination of the explosion of interest in The Juggler of Notre Dame in the twentieth century and its place in mass culture today. Volume 3: The American Middle Ages hinges upon two figures influenced by the juggler: Henry Adams, scion of Presidents and distinguished cultural historian whose works contributed to the rise of medievalism in America during the Gilded Age, and Ralph Adams Cram, the architect whose vision of Gothic accounts directly or indirectly for the campuses of West Point, Princeton, Yale, Chicago, Notre Dame, and many other universities across America. The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity is a rich case study for the reception of the Middle Ages in modernity. Spanning centuries and continents, the medieval period is understood through the lens of its (post)modern reception in Europe and America. Profound connections between the verbal and the visual are illustrated by a rich trove of images, including book illustrations, stained glass, postage stamps, architecture, and Christmas cards. Presented with great clarity and simplicity, Ziolkowski's work is accessible to the general reader, while its many new discoveries will be valuable to academics in such fields and disciplines as medieval studies, medievalism, philology, literary history, art history, folklore, performance studies, and reception studies.

Subject terms:

Middle Ages--Influence - Medievalism - Middle Ages--Historiography - Civilization, Medieval--Influence

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Our Beloved Kin : A New History of King Philip’s War
Lisa Brooks;Lisa Brooks
A compelling and original recovery of Native American resistance and adaptation to col... more
Our Beloved Kin : A New History of King Philip’s War
A compelling and original recovery of Native American resistance and adaptation to colonial America With rigorous original scholarship and creative narration, Lisa Brooks recovers a complex picture of war, captivity, and Native resistance during the “First Indian War” (later named King Philip's War) by relaying the stories of Weetamoo, a female Wampanoag leader, and James Printer, a Nipmuc scholar, whose stories converge in the captivity of Mary Rowlandson. Through both a narrow focus on Weetamoo, Printer, and their network of relations, and a far broader scope that includes vast Indigenous geographies, Brooks leads us to a new understanding of the history of colonial New England and of American origins. Brooks's pathbreaking scholarship is grounded not just in extensive archival research but also in the land and communities of Native New England, reading the actions of actors during the seventeenth century alongside an analysis of the landscape and interpretations informed by tribal history.

Subject terms:

Indian captivities - King Philip's War, 1675-1676 - Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Making Black History : The Color Line, Culture, and Race in the Age of Jim Crow
Jeffrey Aaron Snyder;Jeffrey Aaron Snyder
In the Jim Crow era, along with black churches, schools, and newspapers, African Ameri... more
Making Black History : The Color Line, Culture, and Race in the Age of Jim Crow
In the Jim Crow era, along with black churches, schools, and newspapers, African Americans also had their own history. Making Black History focuses on the engine behind the early black history movement, Carter G. Woodson and his Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH). Author Jeffrey Aaron Snyder shows how the study and celebration of black history became an increasingly important part of African American life over the course of the early to mid-twentieth century. It was the glue that held African Americans together as “a people,” a weapon to fight racism, and a roadmap to a brighter future.Making Black History takes an expansive view of the historical enterprise, covering not just the production of black history but also its circulation, reception, and performance. Woodson, the only professional historian whose parents had been born into slavery, attracted a strong network of devoted members to the ASNLH, including professional and lay historians, teachers, students, “race” leaders, journalists, and artists. They all grappled with a set of interrelated questions: Who and what is “Negro”? What is the relationship of black history to American history? And what are the purposes of history? Tracking the different answers to these questions, Snyder recovers a rich public discourse about black history that took shape in journals, monographs, and textbooks and sprang to life in the pages of the black press, the classrooms of black schools, and annual celebrations of Negro History Week. By lining up the Negro history movement's trajectory with the wider arc of African American history, Snyder changes our understanding of such signal aspects of twentieth-century black life as segregated schools, the Harlem Renaissance, and the emerging modern civil rights movement.

Subject terms:

African Americans--Segregation--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Changed Forever, Volume II : American Indian Boarding-School Literature
Arnold Krupat;Arnold Krupat
After a theoretical and historical introduction to American Indian boarding-school lit... more
Changed Forever, Volume II : American Indian Boarding-School Literature
After a theoretical and historical introduction to American Indian boarding-school literature, Changed Forever, Volume II examines the autobiographical writings of a number of Native Americans who attended the federal Indian boarding schools. Considering a wide range of tribal writers, some of them well known—like Charles Eastman, Luther Standing Bear, and Zitkala-Sa—but most of them little known—like Walter Littlemoon, Adam Fortunate Eagle, Reuben Snake, and Edna Manitowabi, among others—the book offers the first wide-ranging assessment of their texts and their thoughts about their experiences at the schools.

Subject terms:

Indian students--United States--Biography - Boarding school students--United States--Biography - Off-reservation boarding schools--United States--Biography - Hopi Indians--Biography - Autobiography--Indian authors - Apache Indians--Biography - Navajo Indians--Biography

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dictionary of World Biography
Barry Jones;Barry Jones
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. ... more
Dictionary of World Biography
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. Educated at Melbourne High School and Melbourne University, he was a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer before serving as a Labor MP in the Victorian Parliament 1972–77 and the Australian House of Representatives 1977–98. He took a leading role in reviving the Australian film industry and abolishing the death penalty in Australia, and was the first politician to raise public awareness of global warming, the'post‑industrial'society, the IT revolution, biotechnology, the rise of ‘the Third Age'and the need to preserve Antarctica as a wilderness. In the •Hawke Government, he was Minister for Science 1983–90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987–90 and Customs 1988–90. He became a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris 1991–95 and National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992–2000, 2005–06. He was Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Convention 1998. His books include Decades of Decision 1860– (1965), Joseph II (1968) and Age of Apocalypse (1975), and he edited The Penalty Is Death (1968, revised and expanded 2022). Sleepers, Wake! Technology and the Future of Work was published by Oxford University Press in 1982, became a bestseller and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. The fourth edition was published in 1995. Knowledge Courage Leadership: Insights & Reflections, a collection of speeches and essays, appeared in 2016.He received a DSc in 1988 for his services to science and a DLitt in 1993 for his work on information theory. Elected FTSE (1992), FAHA (1993), FAA (1996) and FASSA (2003), he is the only person to have become a Fellow of four of Australia's five learned Academies. Awarded an AO in 1993, named as one of Australia's 100 ‘living national treasures'in 1997, he was elected a Visiting Fellow Commoner of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1999. His autobiography, A Thinking Reed, was published in 2006 and The Shock of Recognition, about music and literature, in 2016. In 2014 he received an AC for services ‘as a leading intellectual in Australian public life'. What Is to Be Done was published by Scribe in 2020.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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With and Without Galton : Vasilii Florinskii and the Fate of Eugenics in Russia
Nikolai Krementsov;Nikolai Krementsov
In 1865, British polymath Francis Galton published his initial thoughts about the scie... more
With and Without Galton : Vasilii Florinskii and the Fate of Eugenics in Russia
In 1865, British polymath Francis Galton published his initial thoughts about the scientific field that would become ‘eugenics.'The same year, Russian physician Vasilii Florinskii addressed similar issues in a sizeable treatise, entitled Human Perfection and Degeneration. Initially unheralded, Florinskii's book would go on to have a remarkable afterlife in twentieth- and twenty-first-century Russia. In this lucid and insightful work, Nikolai Krementsov argues that the concept of eugenics brings together ideas, values, practices, and fears energised by a focus on the future. It has proven so seductive to different groups over time because it provides a way to grapple with fundamental existential questions of human nature and destiny. With and Without Galton develops this argument by tracing the life-story of Florinskii's monograph from its uncelebrated arrival amid the Russian empire's Great Reforms, to its reissue after the Bolshevik Revolution, its decline under Stalinism, and its subsequent resurgence: first, as a founding document of medical genetics, and most recently, as a manifesto for nationalists and racial purists. Krementsov's meticulously researched ‘biography of a book'sheds light not only on the peculiar fate of eugenics in Russia, but also on its convoluted transnational history, elucidating the field's protean nature and its continuing and contested appeal to diverse audiences, multiple local trajectories, and global trends. It is required reading for historians of eugenics, science, medicine, education, literature, and Russia, and it will also appeal to the general reader looking for a deeper understanding of this challenging subject.

Subject terms:

Eugenics--Soviet Union--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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