
    No article results found for Crane Stephen 1871 1900 Men women and...

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    Books & Media

    1. Men, women and boats

      by Stephen Crane; ed., with an introduction by Vincent Starrett.

      Hill PS1449 .C85 M4 1921 | Book

    2. The open boat, and other tales of adventure.

      New York, Doubleday & McClure, 1898.

      Hill PZ3 .C852 Op3 | Book

    3. Maggie, a girl of the streets : (a story of New York)

      Stephen Crane ; edited by Kevin J. Hayes.

      Hill PS1449 .C85 M34 1999 | Book

    See all 4 books & media results

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    1. Stephen Crane newsletter

    2. NCAA men's and women's track and field and cross country rules

    3. NCAA men's and women's basketball rules and interpretations

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    1. Waterloo directory of English newspapers and periodicals, 1800-1900

    2. Popular medicine in America, 1800-1900

    3. U.S. women's and girls' magazines web archive

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    1. Anthropology

    2. Family & Consumer Sciences

    3. Social Work

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    1. Working On Camera: Video Makeup Techniques

      In the second installment in the On Camera series, learn about enhancing your appearance on-screen with the right amount of makeup.

      In the second installment in the On Camera series, learn about enhancing your appearance on-screen with the right amount of makeup. Read less

    2. Challenging Gender Pay Inequity in the Workplace

      Discover practical strategies to identify, address, and overcome gender pay inequities in the workplace.

      Discover practical strategies to identify, address, and overcome gender pay inequities in the workplace. Read less

    3. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

      Learn about overcoming imposter syndrome, the false and sometimes damaging belief that one's success is the product of luck or fraud rather than skill.

      Learn about overcoming imposter syndrome, the false and sometimes damaging belief that one's success is the product of luck or fraud rather than skill. Read less

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    1. NC State University Libraries Collection Guides | Search results

      2000-2009 1990-1999 1980-1989 1970-1979 1960-1969 1950-1959 1940-1949 1930-1939 1920-1929 1910-1919 1900-1909 1890-1899 1880-1889 1870-1879 1860-1869 1850-1859 1840-1849

      2000-2009 1990-1999 1980-1989 1970-1979 1960-1969 1950-1959 1940-1949 1930-1939 1920-1929 1910-1919 1900-1909 1890-1899 1880-1889 1870-1879 1860-1869 1850-1859 1840-1849 Read less

    2. Text version of Bright Leaves: Tobacco Materials in the Collections of NCSU Libraries

      Finch, an English trader with the Dutch East India Company, observed that the denizons of Sierra Leone, men and women, not only smoked but also cultivated tobacco in plots

      Finch, an English trader with the Dutch East India Company, observed that the denizons of Sierra Leone, men and women, not only smoked but also cultivated tobacco in plots Read less

    3. Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses From 1790 to 2000

      1900 QUESTIONNAIRE—POPULATION (19 1/2 ″X1 85 / 8 ″, printed on two sides, space for 50 entries on each side; reverse side was identical except forline numbers). 34

      1900 QUESTIONNAIRE—POPULATION (19 1/2 ″X1 85 / 8 ″, printed on two sides, space for 50 entries on each side; reverse side was identical except forline numbers). 34 Read less

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