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    1. Literary manuscripts. Victorian manuscripts from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of...

    2. U.S. nuclear history : nuclear arms and politics in the missile age, 1955-1968

    3. Biography reference bank (H.W. Wilson)

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    1. Strategy: A History (getAbstract Summary)

      Review the history of strategy—the art of creating power—in this audio-only summary of the book by Sir Lawrence Freedman, a leading authority on war and strategic analysis.

      Review the history of strategy—the art of creating power—in this audio-only summary of the book by Sir Lawrence Freedman, a leading authority on war and strategic analysis. Read less

    2. Dimension Essential Training: Workflows with Photoshop and Illustrator

      Go beyond the basics with Adobe Dimension. Get practical tips for more effectively leveraging Photoshop and Illustrator with Dimension.

      Go beyond the basics with Adobe Dimension. Get practical tips for more effectively leveraging Photoshop and Illustrator with Dimension. Read less

    3. Evil by Design: Persuasion in UX

      Explore the history and ethical implications of persuasive design in this Evil by Design course with Chris Nodder.

      Explore the history and ethical implications of persuasive design in this Evil by Design course with Chris Nodder. Read less

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    1. NC State University Libraries Collection Guides | Search results

      .) -- History MeadWestvaco (Firm) McLean, Geoffrey D. McCarty, G. D. (Gerald Davis) Mayo, Selz C. (Selz Cabot) Massey, W. F. (Wilbur Fisk), 1839-1923 Massachusetts Institute

      .) -- History MeadWestvaco (Firm) McLean, Geoffrey D. McCarty, G. D. (Gerald Davis) Mayo, Selz C. (Selz Cabot) Massey, W. F. (Wilbur Fisk), 1839-1923 Massachusetts Institute Read less

    2. Carl Alwin Schenck Papers, 1885-1987

      as a pioneer in European and American forestry. Chronology 1868 Born, Darmstadt Germany 1886 - 1891 Studied forestry in Tubingen and Giessen Universities 1888 - 1894 Assistant

      as a pioneer in European and American forestry. Chronology 1868 Born, Darmstadt Germany 1886 - 1891 Studied forestry in Tubingen and Giessen Universities 1888 - 1894 Assistant Read less

    3. Katharine Stinson Papers, 1937-2001

      include Civil Air Patrol National Commander Earle L. Johnson and Army Air Force Deputy Commander Ira C. Baker, North Carolina Governor Robert W. Scott, NC State University

      include Civil Air Patrol National Commander Earle L. Johnson and Army Air Force Deputy Commander Ira C. Baker, North Carolina Governor Robert W. Scott, NC State University Read less

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