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Epigraphs in the English Novel 1750–1850: Seducing the Reader
Readioff, Corrina;Readioff, Corrina
The first book-length investigation of the history of pre-chapter epigraphs in the Eng... more
Epigraphs in the English Novel 1750–1850: Seducing the Reader
The first book-length investigation of the history of pre-chapter epigraphs in the English novelOffers detailed insight into the development and function of the epigraph from 1750 to 1850Demonstrates the enduring versatility of the epigraph and of paratextual approaches to literary criticismPresents a survey of pre-chapter paratext in English fiction first-published between 1750 and 1850, drawing upon a dataset of nearly 6000 novelsProvides case studies of epigraphs in the works of canonical authors (e.g. Radcliffe, Lewis, Scott, and Gaskell), and places these within a wider context of epigraphic and literary development in fiction by influential, though less well-known, writers (Chaigneau, Helme, Stannard Barrett, Gore)Epigraphs in the English Novel 1750-1850 uncovers the early history of the epigraph, narrating the surprising story of how this long-overlooked feature morphed from moral didactic heading to Gothic tag-line to witty realist commentary within a single century. Adorning fictional narratives of rakes and sex workers, oppressed heroines and Jacobite heroes, the epigraph has been used by authors to preach, teach, amuse, or even completely misdirect their readers. Supported by a survey of pre-chapter paratext in nearly 6000 novels from 1750 to 1850, this monograph explores the changing influences upon and functions of epigraphs over time via detailed close readings and literary criticism. Focusing upon key generic developments, this book adopts a case-study style format to examine epigraphic usage in the works of canonical authors including Sarah Fielding, Ann Radcliffe, Charlotte Smith, Walter Scott, and Elizabeth Gaskell alongside those of less well-known novelists such as William Chaigneau, Elizabeth Helme, and Catherine Gore.

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English fiction--19th century--History and criticism - English fiction--18th century--History and criticism - Epigraphs (Literature)

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Who Saved the Parthenon? : A New History of the Acropolis Before, During and After the Greek Revolution
William St Clair;David St Clair;Lucy Barnes;William St Clair;David St Clair...
In this magisterial book, William St Clair unfolds the history of the Parthenon throug... more
Who Saved the Parthenon? : A New History of the Acropolis Before, During and After the Greek Revolution
In this magisterial book, William St Clair unfolds the history of the Parthenon throughout the modern era to the present day, with special emphasis on the period before, during, and after the Greek War of Independence of 1821–32. Focusing particularly on the question of who saved the Parthenon from destruction during this conflict, with the help of documents that shed a new light on this enduring question, he explores the contributions made by the Philhellenes, Ancient Athenians, Ottomans and the Great Powers. Marshalling a vast amount of primary evidence, much of it previously unexamined and published here for the first time, St Clair rigorously explores the multiple ways in which the Parthenon has served both as a cultural icon onto which meanings are projected and as a symbol of particular national, religious and racial identities, as well as how it illuminates larger questions about the uses of built heritage. This book has a companion volume with the classical Parthenon as its main focus, which offers new ways of recovering the monument and its meanings in ancient times. St Clair builds on the success of his classic text, The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period, to present this rich and authoritative account of the Parthenon's presentation and reception throughout history. With weighty implications for the present life of the Parthenon, it is itself a monumental contribution to accounts of the Greek Revolution, to classical studies, and to intellectual history.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Life in the Pyrocene.
Periodical Periodical | Scientific American. May2024, Vol. 330 Issue 5, p22-31. 10p. 5 Color Photographs. Please log in to see more details
This article explores the historical and ecological significance of fire and its impac... more
Life in the Pyrocene.
Scientific American. May2024, Vol. 330 Issue 5, p22-31. 10p. 5 Color Photographs.
This article explores the historical and ecological significance of fire and its impact on the planet. It discusses how fire has been used by humans throughout history for various purposes and how the transition to burning fossil fuels has had significant global consequences. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding the role of fire in human history for addressing climate change and restoring balance to the planet. It also discusses the shift in fire management approaches over time and the consequences of climate change on fire patterns. The article concludes by highlighting the urgent need to reduce the burning of fossil fuels to mitigate the overall effects of combustion. [Extracted from the article]

Subject terms:

WILDFIRES - FOREST fires - LITTLE Ice Age - INDIGENOUS peoples of the Americas - PLEISTOCENE Epoch

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Health Source - Consumer Edition

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A maturational frequency discrimination deficit may explain developmental language disorder.
Jones, Samuel David;Stewart, Hannah Jamieson;Westermann, Gert
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Psychological Review, Vol 131(3), Apr, 2024. pp. 695-715. Please log in to see more details

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Attention to object categories: Selection history determines the breadth of attentional tuning during real-world object search.
Addleman, Douglas A.;Rajasingh, Reshma;Störmer, Viola S.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Apr 22, 2024. Please log in to see more details

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The influence of blocking on feature learning and optimal decision in the visual foraging task.
Kobayashi, Honami;Matsui, Hiroshi;Ogawa, Hirokazu
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol 50(3), Mar, 2024. pp. 400-417. Please log in to see more details

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Periodical Periodical | Discover. May/Jun2024, Vol. 45 Issue 3, p28-34. 7p. 10 Color Photographs. Please log in to see more details
Neanderthals, once thought to be a brutish species, were actually intelligent and inno... more
Discover. May/Jun2024, Vol. 45 Issue 3, p28-34. 7p. 10 Color Photographs.
Neanderthals, once thought to be a brutish species, were actually intelligent and innovative. They had adaptations that allowed them to survive in cold conditions, such as tall noses for warming inhaled air. Neanderthals lived in small tribes of 10 to 30 individuals, but some studies suggest they may have gathered in larger groups. They were skilled toolmakers, using stone and bone to create a variety of implements. They may have also made clothing, created art, and possibly even sailed boats. Recent research suggests that Neanderthals had auditory and speech capacities similar to modern humans. There was a period of coexistence between Neanderthals and modern humans in Europe, but the extent of their interactions is still uncertain. [Extracted from the article]

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NEANDERTHALS - HOMO erectus - HYOID bone - EAR - STONE implements - GLACIAL Epoch - ANIMAL habitations

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Vocational and Career Collection

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Longitudinal associations between maternal harsh parenting and child temperament: The moderating role of children’s respiratory sinus arrhythmia.
Li, Longfeng;Sturge-Apple, Melissa L.;Lunkenheimer, Erika
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Journal of Family Psychology, Vol 38(3), Apr, 2024. pp. 400-410. Please log in to see more details

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When detecting a salient target makes search more effortful.
Lee, David S.;Clement, Andrew;Anderson, Brian A.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol 153(3), Mar, 2024. pp. 590-607. Please log in to see more details

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Fear-related psychophysiological patterns are situation and individual dependent: A Bayesian model comparison approach.
McVeigh, Kieran;Kleckner, Ian R.;Quigley, Karen S.;Satpute, Ajay B.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Emotion, Vol 24(2), Mar, 2024. pp. 506-521. Please log in to see more details

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Brain electrical patterns associated with pleasure and emotion induced by tonal and atonal music.
Valdés-Alemán, Pablo;Téllez-Alanís, Bernarda;Zamudio-Gurrola, Adriana
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Behavioral Neuroscience, May 02, 2024. Please log in to see more details

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'Let’s go over it again': Examining the intra- and interpersonal processes that perpetuate co-rumination in close relationships.
Tudder, Ashley;Lemay, Edward P. Jr.;Peters, Brett J.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Emotion, Vol 24(3), Apr, 2024. pp. 769-781. Please log in to see more details

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Field test of the cognitive interview to enhance witness memory of repeated events in intelligence investigations of terrorist attacks.
Ashkenazi, Tzachi;Fisher, Ronald P.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Vol 13(1), Mar, 2024. pp. 136-146. Please log in to see more details

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