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    1. Writing Emails for Non-Native English Speakers

      Learn how to write clear and effective business emails in English that get the results you want. Avoid misunderstandings, get faster replies, and achieve your desired goals.

      Learn how to write clear and effective business emails in English that get the results you want. Avoid misunderstandings, get faster replies, and achieve your desired goals. Read less

    2. Writing in Plain English

      Learn how to write in plain English to make your work clear, effective, and impressive to your readers.

      Learn how to write in plain English to make your work clear, effective, and impressive to your readers. Read less

    3. Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

      Get quick tips to make your writing clearer and more professional from Mignon Fogarty, better known as Grammar Girl.

      Get quick tips to make your writing clearer and more professional from Mignon Fogarty, better known as Grammar Girl. Read less

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      and Missal Painting. A Guide to Modern Illuminators; Illustrated by a Series of Specimens, from Richly Illuminated MSS of Various Periods, Accompanied by a Set of Outlines

      and Missal Painting. A Guide to Modern Illuminators; Illustrated by a Series of Specimens, from Richly Illuminated MSS of Various Periods, Accompanied by a Set of Outlines Read less


      at the Hunt LibraryDonor Spotlight: Steve and Phyllis Rea 9 NCSU Libraries - FOCUS |Steve Rea’s love of libraries began as a young child, when he discovered a book series called

      at the Hunt LibraryDonor Spotlight: Steve and Phyllis Rea 9 NCSU Libraries - FOCUS |Steve Rea’s love of libraries began as a young child, when he discovered a book series called Read less

    3. Vol.31no.3.Focus_.online_0.pdf

      at the Hunt LibraryDonor Spotlight: Steve and Phyllis Rea 9 NCSU Libraries - FOCUS |Steve Rea’s love of libraries began as a young child, when he discovered a book series called

      at the Hunt LibraryDonor Spotlight: Steve and Phyllis Rea 9 NCSU Libraries - FOCUS |Steve Rea’s love of libraries began as a young child, when he discovered a book series called Read less

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