
    1. Baldia Factory Fire Tragedy: A Black Spot for Workplace Safety Standards in Pakistan 2024

      Rafay, Abdul

      Workplace Health & Safety, Vol. 72, Issue 2, pp. 61 - 67.

      Background: The Baldia Factory (BF) fire incident in Pakistan was among the most tragic workplace fires in the world claiming the lives of more than 259 people. Methods: A case study was conducted ... Read more

      Background: The Baldia Factory (BF) fire incident in Pakistan was among the most tragic workplace fires in the world claiming the lives of more than 259 people. Methods: A case study was conducted to evaluate the state of the safety measures, firefighting systems, building regulations, employees’ documentation, and compensation structures. Results: The case study found many deficiencies in the fire safety program and lack of adherence to and enforcement of existing fire regulations. Conclusion: Findings are discussed in the context of fire safety regulations and enforcement in low- and middle-income countries such as Pakistan. Read less

      Journal Article  |  Full Text Online

    2. Analysis of Hazard Sources in External Escape Stairs within the Context of International Principles 2020

      Erkan Avlar; Hüsniye Sueda Yıldırım

      Megaron (Istanbul, Turkey), Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 285 - 297.

      The external escape stairs with limited and risky usage conditions, designed outside of the buildings cause life-safety dangers. It is well-known that the safety hazards of these stairs lead to los... Read more

      The external escape stairs with limited and risky usage conditions, designed outside of the buildings cause life-safety dangers. It is well-known that the safety hazards of these stairs lead to loss of lives in the past. In this context, within the scope of the study, physical conditions of external escape stairs of existing buildings were examined in terms of providing an easy and fast escape from the buildings during a fire, and reducing the risk on someone's life safety. Based on the results, suggestions for solutions were made to eliminate or reduce the potential risks of external escape stairs. It is assumed that these suggestions will be beneficial for preventing possible health problems and loss of lives occurred at the external escape stairs and minimizing the potential damages faced by the users. In this study, automated building code compliance checking system is used. First of all, the potential sources of hazard in the external escape stairs are identified. It is thought that identifying the sources that could pose a hazard for people during the evacuation from the building in case of a fire can be beneficial to ensure taking necessary fire safety measures. Within the scope of the study, safety hazards related to different sources that could affect the life safety of users were also determined These sources were subsumed under two categories: access and usage. Besides, the physical conditions of external escape stairs were analyzed in the context of fire-related codes, standards and regulations valid in Turkey, United States of America, England and Russia. Read less

      Journal Article  |  Full Text Online

    3. Analysis of Hazard Sources in External Escape Stairs within the Context of International... 2020

      Avlar, Erkan; Hüsniye Sueda Yıldırım

      Megaron (Istanbul, Turkey), Vol. 15, Issue 2, p. 285.

      The external escape stairs with limited and risky usage conditions, designed outside of the buildings cause life-safety dangers. It is well-known that the safety hazards of these stairs lead to los... Read more

      The external escape stairs with limited and risky usage conditions, designed outside of the buildings cause life-safety dangers. It is well-known that the safety hazards of these stairs lead to loss of lives in the past. In this context, within the scope of the study, physical conditions of external escape stairs of existing buildings were examined in terms of providing an easy and fast escape from the buildings during a fire, and reducing the risk on someone’s life safety. Based on the results, suggestions for solutions were made to eliminate or reduce the potential risks of external escape stairs. It is assumed that these suggestions will be beneficial for preventing possible health problems and loss of lives occurred at the external escape stairs and minimizing the potential damages faced by the users. In this study, automated building code compliance checking system is used. First of all, the potential sources of hazard in the external escape stairs are identified. It is thought that identifying the sources that could pose a hazard for people during the evacuation from the building in case of a fire can be beneficial to ensure taking necessary fire safety measures. Within the scope of the study, safety hazards related to different sources that could affect the life safety of users were also determined These sources were subsumed under two categories: access and usage. Besides, the physical conditions of external escape stairs were analyzed in the context of fire-related codes, standards and regulations valid in Turkey, United States of America, England and Russia. Bina dışında düzenlenen ve kullanım koşulları sınırlı, zor ve riskli olan dış kaçış merdivenleri, can güvenliği açısından tehlikeli ortamlar oluşturmaktadır. Bu merdivenlerdeki tehlikeler nedeniyle can kayıpları yaşandığı bilinmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, yangın anında binalardan kaçışın hem kolay ve hızlı hem de can güvenliğini tehlikeye atmayacak bir biçimde sağlanabilmesi için, dış kaçış merdivenlerinin fiziki koşulları gözden geçirilmektedir. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre dış kaçış merdivenlerindeki olası güvenlik tehlikeleri nedeniyle oluşabilecek risklerin ortadan kaldırılması ya da azaltılması için çözüm önerileri geliştirilmektedir. Geliştirilen önerilerin dış kaçış merdivenlerinde meydana gelebilecek can kayıpları ve sağlık sorunlarının önlenmesinde yararlı olabileceği, kullanıcıların karşılaşabileceği olası zararları en aza indirilebileceği varsayılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bina yönetmelik uygunluk kontrolü yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Öncelikle dış kaçış merdivenlerindeki güvenliğe yönelik olası tehlike kaynakları belirlenmektedir. Yangın anında, insanların binadan tahliye edilirken güvenlik tehlikesi oluşturabilecek kaynakların belirlenmesi, yangın güvenlik önlemlerinin eksiksiz bir biçimde alınmasına yardımcı olabilir. Araştırma kapsamında, kullanıcılar açısından can güvenliğini etkileyecek farklı kaynaklara bağlı güvenlik tehlikeleri de belirlenmiştir. Bu kaynaklar, çalışma kapsamında yapılan araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre, erişim ve kullanım olmak üzere iki grup altında sınıflandırılmakta ve dış kaçış merdivenlerinin fiziki koşulları Türkiye ile birlikte Amerika, İngiltere ve Rusya’da geçerli olan yangınla ilgili kod, standart ve yönetmeliklerdeki kurallar bağlamında analiz edilmektedir. Read less

      Journal Article  |  Full Text Online

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    Books & Media

    1. NFPA 101 life safety code

      National Fire Protection Association.

      Design TH9182 .N37 2011 | Book

    2. NFPA 101, life safety code

      National Fire Protection Association.

      Design TH9182 .N37 2009 | Book

    3. Fire behavior of upholstered furniture and mattresses

      by John F. Krasny, William J. Parker, Vytenis Babrauskas.

      Hunt TH9446 .U63 2001 | Book

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    1. Lieutenant General Reynold Hoover (Thirty Minute Mentors)

      Learn how to excel in high-pressure work roles with lessons on humility and kindness from United States Lieutenant General Reynold Hoover.

      Learn how to excel in high-pressure work roles with lessons on humility and kindness from United States Lieutenant General Reynold Hoover. Read less

    2. Understanding US Patents: A Deeper Dive

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      Get practical advice and tips on how to turn around a business and manage relationships, in conversation with Lids CEO, Tom Ripley.

      Get practical advice and tips on how to turn around a business and manage relationships, in conversation with Lids CEO, Tom Ripley. Read less

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    1. NC State University Campus-Specific Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, August 2017

      of fire or flood? Secure the area, call university police or fire protection services, and keep everyone out until fire or other safety professionals allow entr... Read more

      of fire or flood? Secure the area, call university police or fire protection services, and keep everyone out until fire or other safety professionals allow entry. DO Read less

    2. Council Tool Company Records, 1735-1999 (bulk 1930-1970)

      World War II, the company provided tools to the United States Army Corps of Engineers. In the 1950s the company began to focus more on hardware and drop forging markets due

      World War II, the company provided tools to the United States Army Corps of Engineers. In the 1950s the company began to focus more on hardware and drop forging markets due Read less

    3. University Archives Audiovisual Collection, 1930s-2010

      Safety Council Presentation undated (AV2.FS.39) 35mm Carton 31 National Safety Council Inc. in collaboration with The United States Department of Labor presents... Read more

      Safety Council Presentation undated (AV2.FS.39) 35mm Carton 31 National Safety Council Inc. in collaboration with The United States Department of Labor presents "Cause Read less

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