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book jacket
The Congo Free State and the new imperialism : a brief history with documents / Kevin Grant.
Grant, Kevin,
xvii, 151 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 1457650894

book jacket
L'hécatombe congolaise 1885-1960 : le temps des réparations / Sébastien Kayembe N'Kokesha.
Kayembe-N'Kokesha, Sébastien,
360 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9782343215754
La rencontre de deux mondes -- Titre I L'histoire court-circuitée -- A l'ombre du baobab, la palabre -- Au hasard d'un détour, la découverte -- Nzadi, le fleuve majestueux -- Bienvenue au pays de Nzinga Nkuwu -- Les secrets du roi forgeron -- La mission portugaise et la christianisation du royaume Kongo -- Sur la voie de Mbanza Kongo -- La conversion de Nzinga Nkuwu -- Echec de la christianisation du royaume Kongo -- Chrétiens d'un temps, Bakongo pour toujours -- Les causes de l'échec -- Le cri de coeur du Mani Kongo -- L'essor de la traite négrière -- La commission de visite du roi Ndo Funsu -- Les seigneurs de la savane -- Au pays des Balopwe et du seigneur de la vipère -- De Ilunga Mbidi à Kongolo -- Le rayonnement de l'Empire Lunda -- La longue marche des Pombeiros -- Les axes de la mort -- De l'Atlantique à Zanzibar -- Les alliances bâtardes La montée en puissance des Ngwana -- Les assauts de Tippo-Tip et Ngongo Leteta -- L'éphémère alliance entre Léopold II et Tippo Tip -- L'alliance entre Dhanis, Ngongo et Lumpungu -- L'impact de la traite négrière -- L'esclavage ancien et la traite négrière : deux réalités différentes -- Sepulveda contre Las Casas ou le choix entre la morale et l'intérêt -- La traite, un service rendu aux Nègres ? -- Effets socio-économiques de la traite -- Effets de la traite sur les captifs -- Les effets démographiques -- Titre II La stratégie de conquête et de domination -- La conquête du Congo -- Le temps des abolitionnistes -- Les temps des explorateurs -- Le missionnaire qui ne baptisa aucun Africain -- La rencontre du sage et de l'imposteur -- Cameron, le pionnier oublié -- La grande expédition anglo-américaine -- La grande escroquerie d'un roi marchandiances bâtardes Peuple anticolonial, roi capitaliste-colonialiste -- La stratégie de l'enfumage -- La conférence géographique de Bruxelles -- Le débauchage de Stanley -- De l'association internationale pour le Congo à l'état indépendant du Congo -- L'invitée invisible de la Conférence de Berlin -- L'ordre du jour de la Conférence -- Expansionnistes versus libre-échangistes -- La controverse autour de la souveraineté de l'AIL -- La consécration de la "dame de nos pensées" -- La reconnaissance de la "gardienne de l'oeuvre" -- L'autorisation accordée par les Chambres à Léopold II pour devenir chef d'un autre État -- EIC, un état confondu avec son créateur -- L'absolutisme inédit du régime léopoldien -- Un curieux testament ! -- La mise en place du système léopoldien -- La machine politique -- La machine militaire -- Le rétablissement de la traite négrièreâtardes La machine d'exploitation économique -- Les sociétés concessionnaires -- Crimes et exactions commis par les sociétés concessionnaires -- Quand le Congo finançait le développement de la belgique -- La manne financière de Léopold II -- L'embellissement de Bruxelles et d'Ostende -- Les révoltes écrasées -- Fétichisme et messianisme -- Kimbangu : sur les pas de Dona Beatriz -- Vive les Aluma

book jacket
Reading the American past : selected historical documents / [edited by] Michael P. Johnson.

2 v. ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780312564131 (pbk. : v. 1)

King Leopold's Ghost / Journeyman Pictures (Firm).

1 online resource (1 video file (1 hr. 42 min., 59 sec.)) :
The Lion is that Fierce Intensity which Recognizes No Authority Except the Highest Truth Belgium "Small Country, Small People" King Leopold II 1862 Congo: "That Magnificent African Cake" King Leopold II 1877 "Ivory, They Sighed... You'd Think They Were Praying to It" Joseph Conrad Independent State of the Congo "Crimes Against Humanity" George Washington Williams "Beasts of Burden with Monkey Legs" Edmond Picard "The Vilest Scramble for Loot that Ever Disfigured the History of Human Conscience" Joseph Conrad: Part One "The Vilest Scramble for Loot that Ever Disfigured the History of Human Conscience" Joseph Conrad: Part Two "The Horror! The Horror!" Joseph Conrad "A Secret Society of Murderers" Edmund Dene Morel "Infamous. Infamous. Shameful System" Roger Casement: Part One "Infamous. Infamous. Shameful System" Roger Casement: Part Two "A Cry for Justice and Mercy Rises from the Congo" Edmund Dene Morel: Part One "That Magnificent African Cake" King Leopold II: Part One "That Magnificent African Cake" King Leopold II: Part Two "That Magnificent African Cake" King Leopold II: Part Three "That Magnificent African Cake" King Leopold II: Part Four "A Secret Society of Murderers" Edmund Dene Morel: Part One "A Secret Society of Murderers" Edmund Dene Morel: Part Two "A Secret Society of Murderers" Edmund Dene Morel: Part Three "The Vilest Scramble for Loot that Ever Disfigured the History of Human Conscience" Joseph Conrad: Part One "The Vilest Scramble for Loot that Ever Disfigured the History of Human Conscience" Joseph Conrad: Part Two "The Vilest Scramble for Loot that Ever Disfigured the History of Human Conscience" Joseph Conrad: Part Three "The Vilest Scramble for Loot that Ever Disfigured the History of Human Conscience" Joseph Conrad: Part Three "The Vilest Scramble for Loot that Ever Disfigured the History of Human Conscience" Joseph Conrad: Part Four "The Vilest Scramble for Loot that Ever Disfigured the History of Human Conscience" Joseph Conrad: Part Five "The Vilest Scramble for Loot that Ever Disfigured the History of Human Conscience" Joseph Conrad: Part Six Credits: King Leopold's Ghost Area1

This record is not available


book jacket
Léopold II : le plus grand chef d'État de l'histoire du Congo / Jean-Pierre Nzeza Kabu Zex-Kongo ; p
Nzeza Kabu Zex-Kongo, Jean-Pierre,
199 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9782343149912
Préface : une vision constructive de l'histoire -- Introduction : Rendre à César ce qui est à César -- Le legs politique léopoldien : un immense territoire de la taille d'un sous-continent -- Le Roi-Souverain Léopold II, qui est-il ? -- Un mélange de sang allemand et de sang français -- Un grand esprit à l'étroit qui rêve de grandeur -- Des colonies, pourquoi faire ? -- Le Roi Léopold II et la colonisation -- Le président du Conseil français Jules Ferry et la colonisation -- Le Député français Georges Clemenceau et la colonisation -- Comment le Congo est-il né ? -- 1ère bataille : Le Roi Léopold II se documente -- 2ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II élargit le cercle de ses relations personnelles -- 3ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II tente de faire évoluer l'idée coloniale en Belgique -- 4ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II s'offre l'instrument nécessaire pour la réalisation de son grand dessein : l'Association Internationale Africaine (A.I.A) -- 5ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II s'attache les services de Henry Morton Stanley -- 6ème bataille :'Stanley contre Brazza ou le Roi Léopold II contre la France par explorateurs interposés sur le terrain en Afrique -- 7e bataille : Le Roi Léopold II est pris de vitesse sur le Stanley Pool (actuel Pool Malebo) -- 8e bataille : Le Roi Léopold II gagne l'épreuve de l'encerclement des positions françaises et portugaises -- 9e bataille : Le Roi Léopold II engage le combat juridique contre la France et le Portugal -- 10e bataille : Le Roi Léopold II engage le combat diplomatique contre la France et le Portugal -- 11ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II engage le combat diplomatique pour faire reconnaître l'A.I.A. comme Etat Indépendant par les Etats-Unis d'Amérique -- 12ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II engage le combat diplomatique pour faire reconnaîtreTA.LC-comme Etat Indépendant par la France -- 13ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II engage le combat diplomatique pour faire reconnaitre l'A.I.C. comme Etat Indépendant par l'Allemagne -- 14ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II engage le combat diplomatique pour faire reconnaitre l'A.I.C. comme Etat Indépendant par les autres puissances de l'époque -- 15ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II engage le combat pour la participation de la Belgique à la Conférence de Berlin -- 16ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II engage le combat contre la France et le Portugal pour des questions territoriales durant la Conférence de Berlin -- 17ème bataille : Le Roi Léopold II engage le combat pour obtenir l'autorisation d'être le chef d'un autre Etat -- 18ème bataille : Le Roi Souverain Léopold II engage le combat pour mettre en place une administration, organiser les forces armées et trouver l'argent nécessaire pour le fonctionnement du nouvel Etat -- 19ème bataille : Le Roi Souverain Léopold II engage le combat contre la France pour le rassemblement des terres congolaises au Nord et au Nord-Ouest -- 20ème bataille : Le Roi Souverain Léopold II se lance dans le rassemblement des terres congolaises au Nord-Est -- 21ème bataille : Le Roi Souverain Léopold II engage une course contre la montre avec la Grande Bretagne pour le rassemblement des terres congolaises au Sud -- 22ème bataille : Le Roi Souverain Léopold II engage le combat contre le Portugal pour le rassemblement des terres congolaises au Sud-Ouest

book jacket
Art since 1900 : modernism, antimodernism, postmodernism / Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-alain Bo

2 volumes :
ISBN/ISSN: 0500289522

Congo [electronic resource] : White King, Red Rubber, Black Death / ArtMattan Productions.

1 online resource (1 video file (1 hr. 30 min. 8 sec.)) :
Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death: Introduction Evidence of Leopold's Wealth Royal Museum for Central Africa Leopold's Superiority Saxe-Coburg Dynasty Leopold's New Colony Congo Association Creating a Vast Labor Camp Leopold's Reign of Terror Recording Activities of Terror Sjoblom Goes Public Exploitation of Rubber Brutality in Équateur Province Pushing for a Continuous Rubber Supply Charles Stokes Hostage System Leopold II's Rule in Africa Leopold II under Fire Roger Casement Key Witnesses to State Atrocities War of Words and Personal Profit Congo Reform Association Reports against Leopold II Leopold II's International Commission International Tribunal Congo Annexation Epitaph: the Resurrection Casement, Morel, and Leopold Credits: Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death

Translation of Ellen G. White books for the world field

To be remembered when dealing with translators / Letter from Guilherme Stein Filho to dear Brethren, Jun 1913, about the translation of "Patriarchs and Prophets" -- Letter from the Trusteees of the Ellen G. White Estate to Societatea Cooperative "Cuvantul Evangheliei," Sep 1924, about publishing in the Rumanian language -- Spirit of Prophecy basic library fund notes -- Brief report of work done on the Ellen G. White books to prepare them for publication in the Chinese language, from the close of the Pacific War to April 1954 / Memorandum from Arthur L. White, Oct 1967, about the translations of the E. G. White books -- Seventh-day Adventist publications in Portuguese: a selected bibliography (G. Eric Jones Library, Atlantic Union College) -- Seventh-day Adventist publications in French: a selected bibliography (G. Eric Jones Library, Atlantic Union College) -- Seventh-day Adventist publications in Spanish: a selected bibliography (G. Eric Jones Library, Atlantic Union College) -- Letter from Katie Farney to Elder Sievert Gustavsson, Dec 1967, about Spirit of Prophecy literature and promotion -- Sources of Seventh-day Adventist foreign language material (report) -- Letter from Arthur L. White to Sievert Gustavsson, Jan 1968, about the publication of the Spirit of Prophecy writings overseas -- Subsidy plan for Ellen G. White books overseas as revised at the Annual Council, Oct 9-17, 1974 -- Memorandum from Bruce M. Wickwire to General Conference workers, Division staff Colleges, NAD and Publishing Houses staff, Feb 1978, about the catalog of Seventh-day Adventist world publications -- Chinese books printed by: Signs of the Times Publishing Association (Taiwan) -- E. G. White books by language (Jul 1988) -- Pacific Press Publishing Association - Spanish trade checklist (1988) -- Ellen White and the translation of her books / Ellen G. White book translation policy (report) English editions of the E. G. White books published overseas (report) -- See also referral notes -- The objectives (regarding the introductory Spirit of Prophecy library) Transfer sheet

book jacket
The Congo and the founding of its free state : a story of work and exploration / by Henry M. Stanley
Stanley, Henry M.
2 volumes, [44] leaves of plates :
ISBN/ISSN: 0403002885

The age of reform, 1815-1870, by E.L. Woodward.
Woodward, E. L.
xviii pages, 1 leaf, 656 pages

book jacket
Foreign relations of the United States, 1964-1968. Volume XXIII, Congo, 1960-1968 / editors, Nina D.

xxxi, 887 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780160820021

book jacket
E.D. Morel contre Léopold II : l'histoire du Congo, 1900-1910 / Jules Marchal.
Marchal, Jules,
2 v. :
ISBN/ISSN: 2738428541

book jacket
Postcards from Congo : a graphic history / Edmund Trueman ; foreword by Didier Gondola.
Trueman, Edmund,
182 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781551528953

White, James, letters, 1845-1881

Shut door and close of probation in James and Ellen White letters 1846-1855 -- Releases from James White letters for Gerard Damsteegt -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Jacobs (article, Day Star, 1845) -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Jacobs (article, Day Star, 1845) -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Jacobs (article, Day Star, 1845) Letter from James White to dear Brother Jacobs (article, Day Star, 1845) -- Letter from James White to my dear Brother Collins, Aug 1846, about the death of Mary Ann Lawrence -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Howland, Mar 1847, about Ellen G. White and what has occurred since they left Topsham -- Letter from James White to dear Sister Hastings, May 1847, about the copies of the visions -- Letter from James White to dear Sister Hastings, Aug 1847, about the letter from Brother Bates -- Letter from James White to dear Brother and Sister Hastings, Apr 1848, about Brother Matthias, Ellen G. White and her vision on the Sabbath -- Letter from James White to my dear Brother, Jul 1848, about Ellen White and Henry not being so well -- Letter from James White to my dear Brother and Sister Hastings, Aug 1848, about his trip with Ellen G. White to New York City -- Letter from James White to dear Brother and Sister, Aug 1848, about the invitation to visit with them -- Letter from James White to my dear Brother and Sister Hastings, Oct 1848, about the general meeting of the "Outcasts" in Maine -- Letter from James White to my dear Brother and Sister Hastings, Jan 1849, about general matters -- Letter from James White to my dear Brother and Sister Hastings, Feb 1849, about the offer of a home -- Letter from James White to beloved Bro. and Sister Collins, Sep 1849, about general matters in Maine -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Bowles, Oct 1849, about their visit to Connecticut and Western New York -- Letter from James White to beloved Brother Bowles, Nov 1849, about general matters and Western New York -- Letter from James White to dear Brother and Sister Hastings, Jan 1850, about the letter from Brother Bates -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Hastings, Jan 1850, about the baby being sick and the time at Brother B. C. Stoors -- Letter to dear Brother and Sister Collins, Jan 1850, about his intent to be at Fairhaven -- Letter from James White to dear Bro. and Sr. Collins and Gilbert and Deborah, Feb 1850, about Jesus and general matters -- Letter from my dear afflicted Brother Hastings, Mar 1850, about the death of the wife of Brother Hastings -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Hastings, Jul 1850, about publishing the Testimonies (handwritten) -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Hastings, Jul 1850, about publishing the Testimonies (typed) -- Letter from James White to my dear Bro. Hastings and all your dear children, Nov 1850, about the printing -- Note by James White at end of Ellen G. White letter dated April 1, 1851, Davis, Maine -- Letter from James White to dear brethren in Jackson, Aug 1851, about the publishing at Saratoga Springs -- Letter from James White to dear Brethren in Christ, Nov 1851, about our conferences at Medford, Washington, Bethel and Johnson -- Letter from James White to dear Brother, Sep 1852, about Ellen G. White's vision -- Letter from James White to brethren in Jackson, Michigan, Dec 1852, about being free of debt -- Letter from James White to beloved Brother Dodge, Jul 1853, about the tracts -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Abraham, Jul 1853, about general matters -- Letter from James White to Brother Abram, Dec 1853, about Brother Rhodes -- Letter from James White to dear Brother and Sister Smith, Aug 1854, about the box of books -- Letter from James White to brethren Cornell and Dodge, Nov 1854, about general matters -- Letter from James White to dear Brother, Feb 1855, about the present situation of Brother J. N. Andrews -- Letter from James White to Bro. Abram, Mar 1855, about the article with Sister Knight's letter -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Lyon, Jul 1855, about the ill health of Brother Lyon and general matters -- Letter from James White to dear Brother, Aug 1855, about letters received from Michigan -- Private letter from James White, 1855, about a vision of Ellen G. White -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Dodge, Aug 1855, about locating the Review West (handwritten) -- Letter from James White to dear Brother Dodge, Aug 1855, about locating the Review West (typed) -- Letter from James White to Sister Below, Nov 1856, about her moving from New York -- Letter from James White to dear Sister, Nov 1856, about her coming to Battle Creek -- Letter from James White to my dear Sister, or shall I say Mother, Mar 1857, about her moving circumstances -- Letter from James White to my dear Edson, Jan 1860, about personal matters -- Letter from James White to my dear Edson, Mar 1860, about personal matters -- Letter from James White to dear Brother, Oct 1860, about personal matters -- Letter from James White to dear Ellen, Oct 1860, about the meeting -- Letter from James White to my dear Ellen, Oct 1860, about his time in Knoxville and his health -- Letter from James White to my dear Ellen, Oct 1860, about the meeting at Marion -- Letter from James White to dear Ellen, Oct 1860, about going to Wisconsin -- Letter from James White to my dear Ellen, Nov 1860, about Brother Frisbie and general matters and the Mississippi River Boat, "War Eagle" -- Letter from James White to dear Ellen, Nov 1860, about praying with Brother Ingraham and Sanborn -- Letter from James White to dear Ellen, Nov 1860, about his health -- Letter from James White to dear Ellen, Nov 1860, about general matters -- Letter from James White to Brother E. P. Butler, Dec 1861, about the Andrews' difficulty -- Letter from James White to the gentlemen, Oct 1862, about William Hall -- Letter from James White to Brother and Sister Abbey, Dec 1863, about the death of Henry White -- Letter from James White to Sister Steward, Sep 1864, about the Cure and the philosophy of health taught there -- Letter from James White to Brother Abbey, May 1865, about finding a place to live in Michigan -- Letter from James White to my dear niece, (Mary Clough), Jun 1865, about personal matters -- Letter from James White to Brethren - directors of the Health Institute, Aug 1867, about building and property considerations -- Letter from James and Ellen G. White, Sep 1867, about the Health Institute -- Letter from James White to dear Willie, Sep 1867, about general matters -- Letter from James White to my dear Willie, Oct 1867, about Battle Creek -- Letter from James White to my dear Willie, Oct 1867, about going from Michigan to Maine -- Letter from James White to O. H. Pratt, Mar 1869, about the Monroe Church -- Letter from James White to Sister Hall, Jul 1869, about general matters -- Letter from James White to dear son, May 1870, about Mrs. Kittle and her place -- Letter from James White to Willie, Lucinda, May (Mary?) and Anna, Jun 1870, about the importance of having oversight over the entire work and about being in the field more -- Letter from James White to dear Edson, Apr 1871, about the deed from McDearmon and his indefiniteness relative to the peas and the plants -- Letter from James White to Brother Andrews, May 1871, about the tract "The Sabbath on the Round World" still being in type -- Letter from James White to Lucinda and Willie, Jun 1871, about future plans to go to Wisconsin and Minnesota -- The Saviour of sinners / Letter from James White to Sister Lucinda, Oct 1871, about coming with them to Boston -- Letter from James White to my dear son Willie, Nov 1871, about Sister White's dream concerning Edson, Henry, Byron Sperry and Willie himself -- Letter from James White to dear Willie, Nov 1871, about their appointments from Maine to Michigan -- Letter from James White to dear children, Edson and Emma, Dec 1871, about Edson and prosperity only in the Lord

The Jew in the modern world : a documentary history / compiled and edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr, Jehu

xxvii, 912 pages :

"Shut Door"

Miller's letters no. 8 (article, Signs of the Times of the Second Coming of Christ, 1840) -- Miller's predictions! / Letter from Bro. Miller / Letter from Bro. Miller / Our true position / Has not the Savior come as the bridegroom? / Letter from Mr. Miller (article, The Advent Herald, 1845) -- Has the bridegroom come? Is the door shut? - Both sides of the question. Brother Hale's article (concluded) (article, The Advent Herald, 1845) -- Letter from Bro. Miller / A word to the Advent brethren / Canadian tour / Mutual conference of Adventists at Albany / The ten virgins / Greatly mistaken (article, The Voice of Truth and Glad Tidings, 1847) -- The door of the first apartment is shut (article, The Present Truth, 1849) -- "The shut door explained" / Our present position (article, The Review and Herald, 1850) -- Midnight cry in the past (article, The Review and Herald, 1850) -- Remarks on this work / The design of the chart (article, The Review and Herald, 1851) -- Letter to William Miller, April 20, 1846 (Otis Nichol's letter typed off) -- Letter from Marshall M. Truesdell to James White, Mar 1851, about the views of James White as seen in a question answered in Second Advent Review, vol. 1. p. 64, Apr 1851 Letters to the editor (The Review and Herald, Apr 1851) -- Regarding the "1851" movement (article, Review and Herald, 1851) Our present work (article, The Review and Herald, 1851) -- Seventh Day Sabbath / Mr. Joseph Bates' misrepresentations (article, Harbinger and Advocate, 1852) -- Copy of the vision the Lord gave Ellen G. White Jun 21, 1851 -- The shut door / Conference address (article, The Review and Herald, 1861) -- Response / Shut door by J. N. Loughborough in MSS. p. 16 -- Quotations from 1844-1846 -- The "shut door" defined (excerpt of Selected Messages-I) -- On the shut door question / Life incidents / White's recapitulation of shut door (article, The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 1868) -- "Suppression" and "the shut door"/ Advent experience no. 11 (article, Review and Herald, 1885) -- Moments with old-time volumes and our pioneers - no. 1. The spirit of the pioneers / Moments with old-time volumes and our pioneers - no. 2. The "shut door" and the "open door" / Moments with old-time volumes and our pioneers - no. 3. The dawning vision of a world-wide work / Moments with old-time volumes and our pioneers - no. 4. The Spirit of Prophecy and the world work / Moments with old-time volumes and our pioneers - no. 5. Spreading light amid conflict / Moments with old-time volumes and our pioneers - no. 6. A word about opposition literature / The shut door and the close of probation: An important statement from Mrs. E. G. White / Letter from Ellen G. White publications to Elder Henry F. Brown, Feb 1941, about the Camden vision -- Letter from Arthur L. White to Mrs. H. S. Qualls, Aug 1943, about the "shut door" -- Shut door and close of probation / Shut door in "Present Truth" -- No. 26 Main body of Adventists deny shut door position after 1844 -- A five-fold impossibility / The shut door teaching after 1844 / To the Jew first / Summary on shut door evidence (two ways of coming out of original and general shut door position) / Statements bearing upon the shut door and close of probation gleaned from our early denominational literature between 1847 and 1851 (report) -- Shut door: first mentioned by pioneers (articles on the subject in Review and Herald) Suppression (article) -- Suppression and the shut door / Letter from D. A. Delafield to Pastor K. F. Mueller, Apr 1968, about the "shut door" -- The shut door and Sabbatarian Adventism (as presented by Dr. Ingemar Linden in his dissertation p. 71-84) -- Letter from Arthur L. White to Mr. Robert B. Tower, Nov 1970, about "an open and a shut door" -- Concerning the Linden dissertation (A letter from Arthur L. White of the Ellen G. White Estate to Dr. Ingemar Linden, Oct 1971) -- Advent experience / The "shut door" controversy / The "shut door" documents / The Camden vision reconsidered / R. W. Olson report on his impression visiting Linden (excerpts of a letter to A. L. White and White Estate staff, Stockholm, Sweden, Oct 31, 1975) -- Ellen White and the shut door, 1844-45 / The "Camden Vision" (excerpt) -- Letter from Rolf Pohler to Calvin Edwards, Jan 1980, about the "shut door" -- Ellen G. White and the shut door question. A review of the experience of early Seventh-day Adventist believers in its historical context / The "shut door" - a providential opening? / Letter from Ellen G. White to J. N. Loughborough (August 24, 1874) Letter from C. Mervyn Maxwell to Herbert Douglass, Jun 1996, about the "shut door" -- Chapter 15. The shut and the open door / Quotations and notes on the shut door -- See also referral notes -- Transfer sheet

This record is not available


book jacket
Les originaires et non-originaires en République démocratique du Congo / sous la direction de Noël O

239 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9782343117614
A la source de conflits entre "originaires" et "non originaires" -- L'état congolais et les conflits originaires-non originaires / Mobutu et le MPR, parti-État -- La CNS et la mobilisation identitaire -- Justificatifs du comportement et des actes des autorités politico-administratives -- Les vrais mobiles du découpage territorial sous le Congo indépendant (1960-2006) : les objectifs électoralistes et le clientélisme politique / Le découpage territorial ou la délimitation des circonscriptions administratives sous la colonisation (1888-1960) -- Les objectifs électoralistes sous la Première République (1960-1965) -- L'arbitraire et le clientélisme politique -- Déficit de délivrance des services publics et conflits des originaires et non originaires : cas de la province de l'équateur / Présentation du Secteur de Dongo -- Situation géographique -- Situation administrative -- Aspect humain de Dongo -- Les causes du conflit -- La revendication du droit de sol par les Lobala -- Le déficit de délivrance des services publics à Dongo -- Les rivalités politiques et économiques -- Le rôle négatif des élites et des autorités politiques -- Évolution du conflit -- Pistes de solutions à envisager pour faire régner la paix à Dongo -- Investir et entreprendre les affaires au Nord-Kivu, un défi / Les idéologies de l'autochtonie au Nord-Kivu : conditions et cadre de production -- Sociogenèse d'une idéologie -- Une configuration en quatre processus -- Défier l'autre, une dynamique socio-économique -- Investir et entreprendre : une autre face de la conflictualité -- Un entreprenariat violent -- Deux espaces territoriaux d'épanouissement ethno- professionnel -- Originaires et non originaires. A l'épreuve de La Gestion des espaces -- Le territoire, la problématique des originaires et non originaires au sud-kivu / La notion de territoire -- Le conflit entre Babembe et Babuyu dans le territoire de Fizi -- L'origine et l'évolution du conflit de territoire et des terres -- Les facteurs d'escalade du conflit entre Babembe et Babuyu -- La transformation du conflit entre Babembeet Babuyu -- Le conflit entre originaires et non originaires dans le territoire de Kalehe -- L'origine et l'évolution du conflit de territoire et des terres -- Les facteurs d'escalade des conflits interethniques en territoire de Kalehe -- La transformation des conflits dans le territoire de Kalahe -- Les conflits entre originaires dans le territoire d'Uvira -- L'origine et l'évolution des conflits dans le territoire d'Uvira -- Les facteurs d'escalade des conflits interethniques en territoire d'Uvira -- La transformation des conflits dans le territoire d'Uvira -- Le problème identitaire et la gestion des espaces politiques et économiques dans la province du Katanga / Origine de la présence nombreuse des Kasaïens dans les villes minières du Katanga -- Problème identitaire -- La période coloniale -- La période post coloniale -- Des chiffres qui font réfléchir --

book jacket
The Lumumba plot : the secret history of the CIA and a Cold War assassination / Stuart A. Reid.
Reid, Stuart A.,
xvi, 618 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781524748814

The church in history / by B.K. Kuiper.
Kuiper, B. K.
499 pages :

Encyclopedia of constitutional amendments, proposed amendments, and amending issues, 1789-2010 / Joh
Vile, John R.,
2 volumes (xxxiv, 628, xv, [28] pages) ;
A-M -- N-W.

book jacket
Genocide : a reader / edited by Jens Meierhenrich.

xix, 508 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780195377705 (paperback, alk. paper)

Flesh Foods

A statement regarding the use of swine's flesh from Review and Herald vol. 31, no. 4, Jan 7, 1868, in a report of the Battle Creek Bible class -- Swine raising / Horrible conditions seen in stockyards (article, The Chicago Record-Herald, 1906) Portion of a letter from Dr. A. W. Truman to W. C. White, March 10, 1931 -- Jesus ate meat (portion of a letter from L. E. Froom to W. C. White, 1931) -- Many New Yorkers have trichnosis, but don't know it (article, The Columbus Citizen, 1952) -- Swine disease breaks out anew (article, The Columbus Citizen, 1952) -- A scientific appreciation of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 / Are ducks and geese clean or unclean birds / From his tail to his snout (poem, author unknown) -- What about meat? - the question is frequently asked of Seventh-day Adventists (pamphlet photocopy) Unclean foods / The use of swine's flesh (article, Ellen G. White publications, 1960) The Spirit of prophecy and medical science (Ellen G. White publication, 1961) -- Diet and health at Hialeah Hospital / A veterinarian speaks on meat inspection / Death lurks in the kitchen (article, Time, 1964) -- Dialogue with youth / An open letter on health reform / Adventist "meat" ad draws 20,000 inquiries in two weeks (article, Gleaner, 1971) -- That dirty pig! / Do we eat too much meat? (article, Reader's Digest, 1975) The development of Adventist thinking on clean and unclean meats / A meat cutter turns vegetarian / Letter from Alice G. Marsh to Dr. Charles E. Wittschiebe, Jan 1980, about the food and drug laws -- The development of Adventist thinking on clean and unclean meats / The development of Adventist thinking on clean and unclean meats by Ron Graybill (Manuscript Release #852) Guidance on diet (lesson study on Christianity and health, 1981) -- Disease-carrying chicken infesting grocery shelves (article, News-Sentinel, 1987) -- Flesh of swine: scientific evidence supports the biblical prohibition / Ellen White and the eating of pork / Castelli speaks from the heart / The weight of evidence / Fit for food? / O is for outbreak - when a drug-resistant salmonella struck a Vermont farm, health officials knew it might be just the beginning / Clean and unclean meat / Tumor-laden carcasses are OK for food, U. S. says / Power steer - to learn how the meat industry really works, the author bought himself a calf, then watched him become a fat-marbled monster / The development of Adventist thinking on clean and unclean meats / Review and Herald research regarding meat eating or flesh food Material gathered for Ron Graybill - references -- See also referral note -- Transfer sheet

book jacket
A patriot's handbook : songs, poems, stories, and speeches celebrating the land we love / selected a

xxiii, 663 p. :
ISBN/ISSN: 0786869186

book jacket
Des Italiens au Congo aux Italiens du Congo : aspects d'une glocalité / sous la direction de Daniele

363 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9782343190723
L'Italie, les Italiens et l'état Indépendant du Congo -- Au service de l'État Italien dans le "royaume du caoutchouc et de la blague" : les officiers de l'armée italienne et la mission d'Eduardo Baccari dans l'État Indépendant du Congo (BIC) -- "En attendant le nouveau Bula Matari" : Gennaro Bosco et Roger Casernent dans l'Abir (État Indépendant du Congo 1902-1904) -- Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, le "Grand Chef Blanc" : Le portrait contemporain d'un homme légendaire -- L'occupation du Congo dans le Journal de Virgilio Grossule (1901-1904) -- Marco Levi Bianchini au Congo : la "psychopathologie du Blanc" en Afrique -- L'Italie, les Italiens et le Congo belge -- L'Afrique et le Congo dans l'Enciclopedia Italiana (Treccani) -- "My search in the Great Darkness" : Attilio Gatti ou les grandes ambitions d'un professionnel de l'Aventure -- Voyage au Congo de Guido Piacenza : un document retrouvé -- Mémoires d'Italiens d'Afrique : les roasiani entre Congo, Ghana et Nigeria -- Don Bosco au Congo : l'installation de la mission salésienne au Katanga (1911-1930) -- L'Italie, les Italiens et le Congo post-colonial -- Une présence coloniale en mutation : le cas des Italiens au Congo Belge. La fin des Connazionali et le début des ambitions d'Enrico Mattei (1957-1961) -- Le Kivu raconté par les missionnaires : témoignages et notations ethnographiques dans les écrits des Saveriani (période post-coloniale) -- L'Italie républicaine, la crise du Congo et l'héritage du colonialisme -- De la Jungle à l'Italie et retour : la diffusion de la bande dessinée populaire d'origine italienne au Congo -- Gian Gaspare Napolitano, Tam Tam Mayumbe (1955) et la mémoire du père -- Le film Faccia di Spia / CIA : Cruauté Impitoyable Autorisée de l'italien Giuseppe Ferrara : Retour sur la violence politique durant la seconde République au Congo -- Italianité rhodiote et métissage africain dans Sang mêlé d'Albert Russo -- Aperçu de la présence italienne dans la vie socio-économique de Lubumbashi -- Le Congo de Moravia et de Pasolini -- Carnets de note pour une Orestie africaine : lire l'Afrique à travers le mythe grec. Réalité ou utopie pasolinienne ? -- Les parcours africains de Pier Paolo Pasolini : Profezia : l'Africa di Pasolini, un film de G. Borgna et E. Menduni -- Entre journalisme et littérature : l'Afrique d'Alberto Moravia -- Trames de mémoires documentaires et filmiques autour du Congo RDC : du Père sauvage (1967) à La Rage de Pasolini (2008) -- Congolais "migrants" en Italie aujourd'hui -- La fabrique d'un "roman de la migration" : les références intertextuelles et culturelles dans Rometta e Giulieo de Jadelin Mabiala Gangbo -- Entretien avec Paul Bakolo Ngoi -- Entretien avec Cécile Kyenge.

This record is not available


book jacket
The dark continent? : images of Africa in European narratives about the Congo / Frits Andersen ; [ t
Andersen, Frits
690 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9788771248531

book jacket
In the forest of no joy : the Congo-Océan railroad and the tragedy of French colonialism / J.P. Daug
Daughton, J. P.
368 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9780393541014

Military Service

Excerpt of letter to Dear Sister Steward, Aug 1862, about the matter of taking up arms -- Excerpt of Review and Herald article, Oct 14, 1862, "The Present War" by D. T. Bourdeau -- Excerpt of Review and Herald article, Oct 21, 1862, "The War" by Henry E. Carver -- Excerpt of Review and Herald article, Oct 28, 1862, "Obligation to human governments" by Stephen Pierce -- Report to His Excellency Ric Yates regarding law and collection of ? by Col. Turner, Aug 1864 -- Report to His Excellency Ric Yates, Governor of Illinois, Aug 1864, about the Seventh-day Adventist Church and their policy regarding war -- Compilation of extracts from the publications of Seventh-day Adventists, setting forth their views of the sinfulness of war, referred to in the annexed affidavits (book, 1865) The views of Seventh-day Adventists relative to bearing arms, as brought before the governors of several states, and the Provost Marshal General, with a portion of the enrollment law (book, 1865) Civil war experiences from Review 1861-1865 (report) -- Excerpt of Review and Herald article, Mar 7, 1865, "Why Seventh-day Adventists cannot engage in war" by G. W. Amadon -- State document sworn by Uriah Smith regarding the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald and its operation under the Seventh-day Adventist Church since 1852 -- Excerpt of Review and Herald, May 9, 23, 30, 1865 "Should Christians fight?" by R. F. Cottrell -- Excerpt of Review and Herald article, Jul 11, 1865 "Draft Documents" -- Letter from Geo. I. Butler to J. N. Andrews, Nov 1868, about the question of bearing arms (incomplete) -- Statement of Elder S. N. Haskell to Elder C. S. Longacre / What would you think of my joining the medical division of the army? / Excerpt of a letter written by Ellen G. White, dated Sep 1886, handwritten from Switzerland -- Translation of a letter from Guy Dail to W. C. White, Aug 1914, about military service references in the writings of Ellen G. White and what is going on in the war -- The Civil War crisis / "An appeal in war time," / Letter to the evangelical Christians abroad (Sep 1914) Letter to my dear brother, Oct 1914, about the mission stations -- W. C. White statement to Guy Dail, May 25, 1915 -- Excerpt of a letter written by Elder Guy Dail from Holland to Elder W. C. White, dated Jun 1915, about the reform movement in Europe -- Religious liberty in Australasia - the attitude of Seventh Day Adventists to religious legislation and to military service / Limitation of armanents (Autumn Council, 1921) -- Extracts from minutes of Mid-Winter Council of the European Division of the General Conference (Dec 1922 to Jan 1923) -- Our European brethren and noncombatancy / Our historical record on noncombatancy / The problem of military service (report) -- Spirit of Prophecy guidance -- The Civil War and the draft, substitutes, bounties, etc. excerpts taken from B. C. Journal, Nov 7, 8, 1935 -- War Time activities / The civil war crisis / Report of committee on problems connected with war-time service (1939) -- Our youth and military service / Memorandum concerning the E. G. White statement relating to the attitude of Seventh-day Adventists enlisting in the civil war / Ellen G. White and World War I: a statement made by Arthur L. White (report) -- Misuse of private letters taken from In Defense of Truth (pages 90-93) -- Brief review of the work of the religious liberty department of the Australasian Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (part 1 of excerpt of Religious Liberty in Australasia) -- The bearing of arms - the record of Seventh-day Adventists (publication) Action of the Autumn Council of the Gen Conf Committee, Oct. 21-28, 1954 (report) -- U. S. A. Seventh-day Adventists in national service (report) -- Letter from Arthur L. White to Jack M. Patt, Jul 1955, about military service Statement concerning the draft (Manuscript Release no. 76) -- A query on the bearing of arms / The Spirit of Prophecy and military service / Seventh-day Adventists and the bearing of arms (publication) Recommendations regarding the methodology as to how the obligations for military service may be met (report) -- Military service and you (article) -- World War I military crisis in SDA Church -- Did God reject or unite his people? / Thoughts on Seventh-day Adventists and the American Civil War (report of the study committee on military service, Ron Graybill/Roger Davis material) -- Statement on Romans 13 and the necessity of obedience to the law of God first -- Draft and military service information for Seventh-day Adventists - Reservists' problems (article, Southwestern Record, 1965) -- W. C. White statement to Guy Dail, May 25, 1915 Questionnaire on the views of seminarians on war and how closely they followed denominational guidelines of non-combatancy -- A critical look at draft board procedures / Adventist medics in America volunteer to serve humanity by assisting in disease research in project whitecoat / Autumn Council action concerning military service / Letter from Arthur L. White to Mrs. Hedy Jemison, Oct 1970, about the pamphlet on the bearing of arms -- Further thoughts on Seventh-day Adventists and the American Civil War / Pacifism is the most Christian stance / Tom Dybdahl (article, 1971) -- GC group postpones decision on draft stance until September (article, Student Movement, 1971) -- The new military draft law (report, Gleaner, 1971) -- Adventists in military service in Germany (report) -- The military chaplaincy and Seventh-day Adventists / The pros and cons of selective conscientious objection: choose your war? / When He's all alone / Memorandum from Clark Smith to Members Military Service Study Committee, Jul 1972, about the minutes of the meeting on 17, 18 July, 1972 -- Annual Council, Oct 14-20, 1972, Mexico City, Mexico (report) GC study committee looks at draft policy (article, Forum, 1972) -- The problem of the Civil War - when Seventh-day Adventists first faced war / Adventist draftees and the Marine Corps / An even greater thrill / Was there a letter from Ellen White written to Guy Dail in 1915? / This perplexing war: why Adventists avoided military service in the Civil War / World church news - Draft returning? / What if a draft is renewed? / Eighteen-year-old men to register (article, The Atlantic Union Gleaner, 1980) -- A nugget of Adventist history / Raising Cain: the killer in all of us / Chronology of establishment of noncombatancy by Seventh-day Adventists - 1860-1865 (report) -- Non-combatancy (listing of references) -- How to proceed if drafted (report) -- Instruction on non-combatancy (vote) -- International Mission Society of the S. D. A. III - A message of mercy to the Advent people - Ephraim, Judah and the third part-The remnants of Jacob (excerpt page 24-25) -- Change of address (card) -- Review and Herald research notes on the draft -- See also referral notes -- Transfer sheet -- Transfer sheet

Up from the pedestal : selected writings in the history of American feminism / edited with an introd

372 pages ;
The prologue / Journal / On the equality of the sexes / Observations on the real rights of women / Dissertation on the characteristic differences between the sexes / Discourse on female influence / Pastoral letter of the Massachusetts Congregationalist clergy Two essays / Letters to Catherine E. Beecher / The great lawsuit / Speech / Address to the public / Suggestions respecting improvements in education / Intellect of woman / Woman as inventor / Present tendencies in women's college and university education / Woman's share in social culture / Debate at Woman's Rights Convention / The woman's Bible / Letter to the editor, The critic / The Bible on women voting / Dress of women / Elizabeth Smith Miller on the bloomer costume.

book jacket
Congo stories : battling five centuries of exploitation and greed / text by John Prendergast and Fid
Prendergast, John,
334 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781455584642 (HRD)

book jacket
Europe's role in nation-building : from the Balkans to the Congo / James Dobbins [and others]

1 online resource (xliii, 298 pages) :
ISBN/ISSN: 9780833045300

book jacket
Europe's role in nation-building : from the Balkans to the Congo / James Dobbins [and others]

1 online resource (xliii, 298 pages) :
ISBN/ISSN: 9780833045300

book jacket
Deportation of the Jews to the east : Stettin 1940 to Hungary 1944 / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donal

254 p. ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9781616190088 (hardcover : alk. paper)

book jacket
African women writing resistance : an anthology of contemporary voices / edited by Jennifer Browdy d

337 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780299236649
African women writing resistance : an introduction / The day when God changed his mind / The old woman / Interview with Kaya a Mbaya (Congo), a Babongo woman / Interview with Elisabeth Bouanga (Congo-Brazzaville) : remembrance of things past / Woman weep no more / Letters to my cousin / Story of faith / Lovesung for a father, with poet's note / It's not rape if ... / To be or not to be a lesbian : the dilemma of Cameroon's women soccer players / My name is Kasha / Cosmo Africa and other poems / Child / Hailstones on Zamfara / The good woman / Ngomwa / They came in the morning / The battle of the words : oratory as women's tool of resistance to the challenges of polygamy in contemporary Wolof society / Tell me why : two poems / Surviving me / The struggle to end the practice of female genital mutilation / Slow poison / Just keep talking : two poems / Tell me a lie / Prayers and meditation heal despair / A poem written in the ink of the blood shed in Rwanda, with poet's note / Biography of ash / Women's responses to state violence in the Niger Delta / Child soldier : fighting for my life / Don't get mad, get elected! A conversation with activist Wangari Maathai (Kenya) / Musings of an African woman : excerpts from a memoir in progress / A Moroccan woman in the Glocal village : reflections on Islam, identity, and cultural legacies / Knowing your place / Letter to Clara / "We are our grandmothers' dreams" : African women envision the future / Liberation /


The nation (article, Review and Herald, 1862) -- Our duty to the colored people (MS 6, 1881) -- W. C. White report of the council meeting held at Armadale (Nov 20, 1895) -- Letter from Mrs. H. S. Curtiss to Sister Steinel, Apr 1898, about the work for negroes -- The Southern Work (mob violence) (1899) -- The work at Yazoo City (article, Gospel Herald, 1898-1900) -- The South (book, May 1901) -- Proceedings of the Southern Union Conference executive committee (Apr 12-22, 1902) -- Letter from J. E. White to E. P. Boggs, Jun 1902, about the stock of the Chicago Motor Vehicle Co. -- Articles of agreement between J. E. White and the General Conference Association and the General Conference -- Letter from The Southern Training School and The Graysville Sanitarium to dear friend, Jun 1906, about the Southern work -- Letter to members of the S. U. C. Committee, Apr 1907, about the Southern work -- Letter from J. S. Washburn to J. E. White, May 1907, about the special work outlined in the Testimonies -- Little tales of the Cumberlands / Letter from Clarence C. C. to dear Elder White, Dec 1908, about matters at the Nashville center -- Letter from W. C. White to dear friend, Feb 1909, about the annual meetings in Nashville -- Letter from W. C. White to dear brother, Feb 1909, about the progress and present needs of the colored people in Nashville and Huntsville -- Memorandum from M. E. Kern to dear missionary volunteer secretaries, Mar 1909, about the colored race in America -- Letter from W. C. White to dear secretary, Apr 1909, about the work in the Southern States -- A visit to Hillcrest school / An appeal in behalf of a nearby mission field / Agreement in duplicate made this day 1915 about Nashville Agricultural and Normal Institute -- Letter from Smith Sharp to W. C. White, May 1916, about the Graysville Sanitarium and the Southern Training School -- A problem and a solution (book) -- The rural schools of the south - a symposium (publication) -- Southern Union Worker vol x, no. 7 -- Testimonies regarding the closing of the work in the South / Slavery at the end (#18 Slavery at the Second Advent, 1948) -- Is this nation yet to be humbled? (E. G. White publications, 1951) -- Slavery / Training teachers for rural industrial schools of the Southern States / A new type of community school for the South Atlantic Highlands / Nursery department - Hillcrest School Farm (price-list) -- The future and slavery - a review of certain Ellen G. White statements (Ellen G. White publications, 1963) -- The E. G. White statements relative to slavery (Ellen G. White publications, 1963) -- Comments on the Ellen G. White statements relative to the revival of slavery (statement, 1963) The centennial of an unanswered question / Brown and yellow, black and white / In the beginning / Mrs. White and the color question (compiled by E. E. Cleveland (article) -- Ellen G. White's use of the term "race war," and related insights / The "race war" question: its relevance today / Race war predictions reach fulfillment (second of two parts) / Thy kingdom come - Christian reconstructionists want to take dominion over America / The Battle Creek of the South / Breakpoint / Ellen G. White statement concerning slavery (Manuscript Release #153) -- A statement on Ellen G. White's use of the term "Race War" and other related insights / Review and Herald research, 1977 Letter from Arthur L. White to whom it may concern, undated, about statements Ellen White may have made relative to conflicts which may arise over the racial situation and the possibility of a revival of slavery Schools for the colored people (letter from J. E. White) -- See also referral notes -- Transfer sheet

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